Human Resources

The University HR strategy aims to enhance its staff members’ professional skills and boost their productivity, as well as recruit young, world-class academics and administrators. 

The University focuses on three areas in developing its human resources:

International recruiting of faculty and administrators

Developing the professional skills of its staff

Improving organisational structure


To recruit world-class academics and administrators, the University is building an international recruitment system. The main recruitment tools will include:

  • keeping the target audience informed about job opportunities at the University
  • stepping up activities within the partnership network of leading global universities
  • offering flexible forms of cooperation, both in timing and level of engagement
  • putting together a competitive remuneration system that features world-level salaries and social bonuses
  • setting challenging research tasks and providing unique scientific equipment

As part of these measures, it will be extremely important to recruit a top-class foreign administrator with a wide network of contacts and to establish an International Scientific Advisory Council. Such measures are vital to success in attracting world-class academics according to the experience of higher educational institutions participating in the 5-100 program. The University seeks to form a critical mass of international researchers that will provide a wide range of contacts with global research centers and ensure its integration with the international academic community.

SUSU intends to organise its international recruitment efforts based on the experience of the selected benchmark universities. For example, Tsinghua University has had notable success in recruiting professionals to a leading emerging market. Research teams within priority research areas may issue grants that are earmarked exclusively for recruiting foreign professionals. As a rule, cooperation starts with short-term, one-year contracts that can be extended to longer periods.

Below is a list of world-class specialists who are partners of SUSU and whom the University intends to offer engagements in joint research projects or positions as leading researchers. 

List of leading specialists to be engaged in joint research activities


Place of employment


Natural Sciences

Wolfgang Haase

TU Darmstadt


Oleg D. Lavrentovich

Kent State University


Maria Yzuel

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


Lyudmila I. Isaenko

Novosibirsk State University


Viktor V. Atuchin

Novosibirsk State University


R. Niewa

University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 55, Stuttgart, Germany


Vladimir G. Tsirelson

D. Mendeleev University of Chemical  Technology of Russia


S. Ordóñez

Universidad de Oviedo, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Oviedo, Spain


J. García

Universidad de  Oviedo, Departamento de Química Orgánica e Inorgánica, Oviedo, Spain


V.A. Zibarev

Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Prof Derek Woollins

St Andrews University


Hugo Bronstein

Imperial College London


Bo Iversen

Aarhus Universitet, Department of Chemistry and INANO, Aarhus, Denmark


G. Desiraju Indian Institute of Science, Solid Body and Structural Chemistry 66


D. Abadi

Yale University


A. Andreyak

Heidelberg University


M. Gertz

Heidelberg University


V. Voevodin

Moscow State University


T. Ludwig Technische Universität München 31

Human Sciences

Mohammed R. Milad

Harvard Medical School


H. Fred Downey

University of North Texas


Eiji Matsuura

Okayama University


Ron de Kloet

Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences


Farid Chemat

Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse


Sergey Nikitenko

Laboratoire de Sonochimie dans les Fluides Complexes (LSFC)



University of Melbourne


Timothy J. Mason

Coventry University 



G. R. Desiraju

Indian Institute of Science, Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Bangalore, India


V.M. Fomin

Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS


A.V. Fedorov


Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS


Manus Henry

Oxford University


D.A. Novikov

Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences


F. Kloke

RWTH Aachen University


E. Brinksmeier

Universitat Bremen


Сr. Brecher

RWTH Aachen University


K. Patra

Indian Institute of Technology Patna


E. Dowell Duke University 44











































 Another key area for developing talent pool is in enhancing the professional skills of staff members. The University will carry out this task by setting up a full-fledged HR function responsible for building individual career progress trajectories as well as developing a coaching system. The University will also intensify academic staff learning by using advanced coaching methods (including with the help of other universities’ employees), overseas short-term trips of staff to foreign university intended to observe the work of colleagues on similar positions (shadowing), staff secondments to different organisations, departments, structures for 6-12 months. The introduction of contracts based on current KPIs will also contribute to strengthening the professional skills of staff members. 

 The restructuring of the University is of no less importance. This process will include the following measures: improving the organisational structure; expanding authority delegation practices and consolidating units while removing boundaries between them. These measures will enable the University to increase the productivity of its staff and create a solid base for conducting cross-disciplinary research.


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