South Ural State University creates a dynamic environment for researchers. With its 12 international laboratories headed by the world leading researchers, the University offers a wide variety of high-tech facilities for revealing your research potential. If you are thinking of continuing your work in science or research after completing your doctoral degree, then South Ural State University is ready to offer you an attractive postdoctoral position and advance your research career.
South Ural State University is committed to providing the most positive experience of working in Russia. The University currently employs 106 international staff from more than 30 countries and is a culturally diverse place.
In accordance with our main research initiatives, the University is actively looking for candidates to work in the following priority projects:
1. Intelligent production
2. New advanced materials
3. Eco-environment of post-industrial agglomeration
4. Human health in the era of digital transformation of society
5. Digital literacy in the transition to Industry 4.0
All postdoctoral applications are evaluated by the University Council on the basis of the following criteria:
- academic degree obtained at a foreign university;
- H-index at least 5 (according to the Scopus database);
- the correspondence of the field of scientific interests with the strategic projects of the university;
- availability of publications in the highly rated journals Scopus and Web of Science over the past three years;
- experience of participation in international grants;
- age up to 35 years.
The University offers international postdocs full-time employment with the minimum working period of 1 year.
Extension of Employment Contract
Your employment contract with South Ural State University can be extended and you may be offered another academic or research position in case you meet either of the following criteria:
- high quality of research;
- specialist expertise/experience to conduct a specific project (current or future);
- co-publications (current or future);
- mutual interest (yours and of the inviting department);
- participation in research in accordance with priority projects;
- participation in joint grant applications
If you consider applying for a postdoctoral position at South Ural State University, please send your motivation letter, application form, and your CV to irc[at]susu[dot]ru.
International Research Collaboration
South Ural State University
Office 461, Main University Building
Tel.: + 7 351 265 38 04; +7 351 267 97 98
E-mail: irc[at]susu[dot]ru