Dear friends!
Here, on the official University Portal, you can find all the relevant and useful information on science, innovation, education, culture, sports, and social life at SUSU.
The University Portal is the right place to start if:
- you are interested in life at SUSU;
- you would like to cooperate with SUSU;
- your goal is to take part in scientific breakthroughs and discoveries;
- you dream of receiving a world-class education.
Whether you are potential academic or business partner, Russian or foreign applicant, parent, student, staff member, employer or media representative – we invite you to visit our Portal!
Today, South Ural State University is one of the leaders in Russian higher education. We honor our history and traditions and move forward, rising to the global challenges.
One of the most important SUSU strategic directions is strengthening and expanding international cooperation. We offer academic mobility programs and joint degree programs and successfully build science partnerships with our academic colleagues from the USA, China, the Middle East, Central Asia, South-East Asia, CIS countries, Finland, Spain, France, Germany, Great Britain, Slovenia, Poland, and Netherlands.
Our University moves in the direction of research development. More than 20 world-class Science Education Centers operate at SUSU. They focus on research in such fields as engineering, natural sciences, supercomputing, and human sciences. Our researchers’ developments are in high demand among Russian and international enterprises.
For more than 10 years, SUSU has been a strategic partner of Emerson, the world leader in the field of industrial automation solutions. During this time, SUSU provided Emerson with high-skilled engineering professionals in Russian. In cooperation with Emerson, SUSU develops science and research, offers grant systems and student scholarships. Cooperation with SUSU has given Emerson the opportunity to open the Global Engineering Center in Chelyabinsk and build a high-tech enterprise engaged in the production of measuring instruments, in construction of which Emerson had invested more than 40 billion dollars.
For many years, SUSU has successfully cooperated with the Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities, Russian largest automobile corporation KAMAZ, and many others.
SUSU is a participant of Project 5-100; its goal is to maximize the competitiveness of Russian universities in the world. That is why SUSU has been reorganized; these days, 10 Institutes and Schools of the University focus on the demands of a modern world when teaching or conducting research. Our education programs, training, retraining and advanced training courses regularly take leading positions in the education market. During the studying process, we help students to form their professional competencies and reach their full potential. Our graduates are in high demand in Russian and international organizations of different kind and in various spheres.
Welcome to the Information Portal of the University that looks into the future with confidence!