The goal of SUSU in terms of regional leadership is to create a positive intellectual, creative and business environment in the region, to promote attracting new investment into the region and to create jobs in the new economy.
Chelyabinsk is the 8th largest agglomeration in Russia with a population of 1.5 million. The industry of the Chelyabinsk region forms one of the largest industrial clusters in the country, taking the 6th place in per capita industrial output. The University is the heart of the economic and social infrastructure of the region; it ensures development of diversified economy and the growth of life quality of the population.
An example of the regional leadership for SUSU is University of Michigan. Located in the "rusty belt" of the United States of America, the university has become the state growth driver at the time of the regional economy crisis. University of Michigan attracts talented people from all over the world, promotes the development of fast-growing industries such as information technology and medicine, creates thousands of high-quality jobs, together with local and regional authorities implements numerous programs to support entrepreneurship and supplementary education, and realizes social initiatives. Thanks in large part to the university, the provincial state in the heart of the continent found a place in the global intellectual agenda.
Based on the experience of University of Michigan, SUSU sets the task to maximize the following effects for the regional economy:
- Attracting investment to the region from large international companies. The best example is development of an instrument engineering cluster around the University. Emerson Company is a partner of the University, it places large research centers in the region, invests in industrial capacities. A new industrial complex "Metran" was opened on June 15, 2015. A strong University is a competitive advantage for traditional residents of the region - the leading Russian machine builders and metallurgical enterprises that actively invest in the Chelyabinsk region.
- Setting up of new high-tech manufacturing by graduates. The engineering companies created by the graduates of the University fulfill orders in many regions of Russia and abroad, cooperate with the leading international companies of the industry, such as FUCHS, LINCOLN, Siemens VАI, SMS-Group, BoschRexroth, FORTUM.
- Creation of an innovative environment and development of small business. Nowadays SUSU has innovative infrastructure thanks to which 68 small innovative enterprises were created at the University to commercialize the results of the university intellectual activity over the last five years. In order to expand this direction, an innovative accelerator will be created. Now the total annual income of the SUSU innovation belt is more than 700 million rubles. One of the areas of the SUSU innovation belt is production of educational equipment for universities and schools in Russia, and the cumulative share of the University at the national market reaches 80%.
- Solution of the environmental problems in the region. SUSU inventions contribute to sustainable development of the region. For example, in recent years at the University sorbents have been created which irreversibly bind heavy metals ions and radionuclides. These sorbents ensure protection against technological pollution at minimum expense. Another example of inventions for sustainable development is heat consumption sensors, which enable to keep records of individual heat consumption at minimum expense. Pilot introduction of this technology in a residential complex in Chelyabinsk allowed to reduce the cost of heat energy by 20%.
- Formation of a regional expert community. At SUSU premises there are discussions of socially relevant issues of regional development. SUSU scientists are the members of regional expert councils, under the government of the Chelyabinsk region, they participate in the preparation of a regional development strategy and legal framework.