Students' Media

SUSU is a unique university as on its ground situated the first student television and radio company, a radio which is broadcasted in the university’s elevators, the oldest student newspaper of the Urals, and even a full-scale convergent editorial office.

Television and Radio Company

South Ural State University
Office 1004, Main University Building
76, Prospect Lenina
Tel.:  +7 351 267 98 22
E-mail: tv[at]susu[dot]ru
Follow us: YouTube

The first and so far the only in Russian television and radio company working via cable networks, on air and in the Internet. SUSU-TV performs the functions of practice television and radio for more efficient training of students from the Faculty of Journalism; it also produces and distributes television and radio programs, construct its own multifunctional television cable network, and broadcast its programs via Internet.

SUSU Radio Station

South Ural State University
Office 1012, Main University Building
76, Prospect Lenina
Tel.: +7 351 267 93 20
E-mail: radio.elevate1[at]gmail[dot]com
The All Russia Federal Media Portal:
Follow us: VK, Instagram

The practice radio studio opened on December 21 of 2005. It was another step in development of the SUSU-TV Television and Radio Company and the Department of Television and Radio Journalism (today it is the Mass Media Department). It was then that organization of the university’s radio broadcasting started.

SMART University Newspaper

South Ural State University
Office 1010, Main University Building
Tel.: +7 351 267 93 72
E-mail: gazeta[at]susu[dot]ru
Website: http://технополис.юургу.рф

Mass-circulation newspaper (Polytechnic Cadres, later Technolopis, SMART University now) has been publishing for more than 50 years. This so-called “chronicle” of the university consists of thousands of materials of the university’s lecturers and students, and the names of a number of past-time correspondents are today well-known not only in the Chelyabinsk region, but even beyond its boundaries.

360-Degree Multimedia Newsroom

South Ural State University
Office 1011a, Main University Building
76, Prospect Lenina
Tel.: +7 351 272 37 40
E-mail: marfitcynaar[at]susu[dot]ru
Follow us: VKInstagramTwitter

Newsroom Digital Youth Internet Portal unites activity of the leading mass media types of the university in a digital space and serves as a venue for convergent work of students from the Faculty of Journalism. 

University Media

University Media


South Ural State University

Office 524а Main University Building

Tel.: +7 351 267 92 86

E-mail: zagoskines[at]susu[dot]ru

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