South Ural State University
Basement Floor, East Wing, Main University Building
76, Prospect Lenina
Tel.: +7 351 272 31 69
E-mail: maksimovna[at]susu[dot]ru
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Head of the SUSU Marksmanship Center Nikolay Maksimov
Fields of Activity of the SUSU Marksmanship Center
The Marksmanship Center of South Ural State University has been functioning since 2017. Not only students and employees of the university can train at the center, but also all those willing who is interested in shooting sport.
Marksmanship training includes pistol shooting from small-caliber weapons (rifles and pistols), practical shooting the purpose of which is to learn and master skills which to the fullest extent meet modern requirements of marksmanship, as well as Airsoft using the so called “softair guns”. Airsoft is available both for adults and children at the Center.
Moreover, the Center features an interactive shooting range, a possibility to calibrate personal weapons, and to hold individual training as per a specially developed program.
Staff of the SUSU Marksmanship Center
Instructor IPSC, pistol shooting coach, teacher of the highest qualification category, pistol shooting and practical shooting judge Andrey Zinchenko |
Instructor IPSC, armourer, practical shooting judge Dmitry Puzanov |
Instructor IPSC, practical shooting judge Vladimir Kuzmenko |
Person in charge of the weapons storage facility Tatiana Pirogova |