The goal of the federal academic leadership program Priority 2030 is to form a large group of universities that will become the leaders in creating new scientific knowledge, technology, and developments for introduction into the economy and social sphere in Russia.
The main goal for the University within the framework of the Priority 2030 program is to develop research strategies, improve international reputation and enhance international scientific collaboration experience.
Within the framework of the program, SUSU implements five strategic projects that are essential to the development of the region and the country.
№ |
Strategic project |
Supervisor |
1 |
Intelligent Production |
Vladimir Sinitsyn |
2 |
New Advanced Materials |
Denis Vinnik |
3 |
Eco-Environment of Post-Industrial Agglomeration |
Alena Zamyshlyaeva |
4 |
Human Health in the Era of Digital Transformation of Society |
Leonid Shipulin |
5 |
Digital Literacy during the Transition to Industry 4.0 |
Marina Potapova |
Strategic project №1 «Intelligent Production»
Project Director
Vladimir Sinitsyn
Facilitate digital transformation and advancement of the competitiveness factor of metallurgical and machine-building enterprises of the Urals region and in Russia as a whole, through introduction of systems controlling the state of technological processes, products and equipment, based on artificial intelligence methods and algorithms.
1. Introduction of intelligent manufacturing technologies into the industry of the Urals region and in Russia as a whole, through fundamental and applied research in key areas: methods, algorithms and technologies of wireless self-diagnostic sensor systems that meet all cybersecurity requirements; methods of processing, transmission, storage and protection of information based on artificial intelligence and quantum computing technologies; multiscale-multiphysical modeling of technological processes and products using supercomputer technologies.
2. Training of scientific and engineering personnel for the development and implementation of cross-industry technologies.
Strategic project №2 «New Advanced Materials»
Project Director
Denis Vinnik
Significantly reduce the time needed for innovative materials to enter the market and material costs for their development; expand the variety of functional and operational properties of these materials by reducing the proportion of field tests and replacing them with computer model studies; develop physico-chemical fundamentals of technologies that will allow for rational utilization of modern multicomponent materials with a complex structure.
1. Fundamental and applied research related to the creation of new materials and their rational safe disposal.
2. Expansion of the volume of R&D by creating innovations in the field of synthesis and application of new materials for structural and functional purposes.
3. Training of high-paid specialists capable of solving global problems in the field of materials science and related fields of science and technology .
Strategic project №3 «Eco-Environment of Post-Industrial Agglomeration»
Project Director
Alena Zamyshlyaeva
Improve the environmental condition of post-industrial agglomerations in the Russian Federation by 2030 through fundamental research and development of technological solutions aimed at reducing the amount of greenhouse gases, as well as other pollutants dangerous to ecosystems.
1. Fundamental research, including synthesis of results in the field of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics, required for the development and commercialization of post-carbon technologies; methods for wastewater and soil treatment; recycling of secondary resources; methods of using hydrogen technologies for processing complex ores and waste from metallurgical industries; methods for monitoring air, water and soil pollution.
2. Commercialization of software and hardware complexes for dynamic environmental monitoring of the atmosphere (Ecomonitor) and environmental monitoring of the traffic flow (AIMS Eco); development of new generations of sensors for measuring air and water pollution; research into technologies for the production of biodegradable tableware and packaging materials.
3. Training and advanced training of more than 1,000 specialists capable of solving global environmental problems.
Strategic project №4 «Human Health in the Era of Digital Transformation of Society»
Project Director
Leonid Shipulin
Increase the expected active life duration by introducing the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of development of personalized physical health correction systems, stress-protective technologies, digital modeling of pharmaceutical products and the study of the biosocial nature of a human being.
1. Fundamental research in the field of development of personalized physical health correction systems, stress-protective technologies, digital modeling of pharmaceutical products and the study of the biosocial nature of man.
2. Commercialization of the results of intellectual activity from the introduction and sale of "smart" clothes and "smart" simulators for diagnostics and personalized correction of the physical condition of the body; functional nutrition as a stress-protective technology; software and hardware complexes for the intelligent analysis of medical data.
3. Training and advanced training of more than 500 specialists in the field of human health.
Strategic project №5 «Digital Literacy during the Transition to Industry 4.0»
Project Director
Marina Vladimirovna Potapova
Overcome the shortage of personnel needed for the digital economy by training up to 100 thousand people in digital skills by 2030, including schoolchildren, teachers, graduates of universities and colleges, employees of industrial enterprises, residents of single-industry towns and hard-to-reach regions.
1. Development and implementation of advanced intellectual educational technologies.
2. Development and launch of a platform for distance learning of schoolchildren.
3. Development and launch of an automated platform for improving the level of digital literacy of teachers.
4. Development of digital simulators with elements of augmented and virtual reality for retraining of personnel of industrial enterprises.
5. Improvement of the digital literacy of schoolchildren, teachers, graduates of universities and colleges, employees of industrial enterprises, residents of hard-to-reach regions of the Greater Urals and the Arctic.