Areas of study and training:
- Track and Field;
- Orienteering;
- Volleyball, men;
- Volleyball, women;
- Kickboxing;
- Boxing;
- Ice hockey;
- Skiing;
- Aeromodelling;
- Strength sports;
- Basketball, men;
- Basketball, women;
- Fighting;
- Chess.
The department of sports improvement was established on 1 January, 2005 (order #124 of 27.12.2004) by decision of Board of Studies of SUSU (proceedings #4 of 27.12.2004). It prepares high achieving sportsmen, members of SUSU teams of popular kinds of sport. All the university students are trained by the department. It offers the following disciplines: physical education and pedagogical physical education and sports improvement.
The department trains more than 700 students of SUSU in 21 kinds of sport. The classes are held in 9 specialized gyms, in the swimming pool, athletic arena of SUSU training complex, hockey stadium and in the neighboring park.
Our teaching staff joins 29 people and includes 3 employees, 1 Professor, 3 Associate Professors, Teachers and Head Teachers, 5 Candidates of Sciences, 2 Merited Coaches of Russia, A level students, honored workers of physical culture of Russia, and Masters of Sports.
The department cooperates actively with the SUSU Physical Education and Sports Club whose priority task is to provide students of higher education institutions with all the necessary sports equipment and facilities. SUSU Sports Club together with the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports is best place for student practical training where they serve as teaching assistants in various sports specializations.
Main areas of work:
- equipment and organization of training process according to the chosen kind of sports;
- participation of university teams in the competitions of different levels (regional, all Russian);
- SUSU Spartakiad (33 kinds of sports);
- Faculties Spartakiad;
- Campus Spartakiad.
Results of our work:
- prizes and winners of competitions of different levels (regional, Russian, international, Olympic games)
- involving thousands of students into university sport life
- an opportunity to continue sport career by studying at “non-sport” faculties
- students’ sports victories as the university PR
Since the foundation, the Department of Sports Improvement has prepared more than 10 Masters of Sports of International Class, more than 30 Master of Sports and about 100 Candidate Masters of Sports.
Department’s educational process goes in the following directions:
- pedagogical conversations, lectures and individual approach to each student in the groups of sports improvement;
- work with sports students living on campus;
- work with students who chose the specialization “Coaching”;
- participation in volunteer clean up;
- holding competitions promoting healthy life style.
All our Teachers and Coaches are responsible for all the work mentioned above to the head of the Department and report the results at department meetings. Sports activities are the best platform for character building and health improvement. Great attention is paid to promoting the movement called Fair Play.
I addition, our coaching teachers pay great attention to promoting healthy way of living which is the fundamental of high achievements in sports.
The best sportsmen are awarded sports scholarships. Members of SUSU teams participating in different competitions and training programs study according to their individual schedule and pass their midterm exams later. Our students are given certificates and letters of appreciation for high achievements in university sports life.
Our teachers cooperate with sports schools, Federations and Centers of Olympic Training.