South Ural State University
Office 320, University Building 2
85, Lenina Prospekt
Tel: +7 351 272 31 82
Assistant Director Zlata AlmetovaPh.D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor at-dek[at]susu[dot]ru, +7 351 267-94-51 |
Automotive Engineering is the oldest faculty of the university, founded in 1943. Skills obtained in the process of training allow our graduates to realize their potential to the full not only in the autotractor industry, road consruction, defense engineering, and car industry but in other areas. Quality education is the most valuable resource that a human being gets in his life. If you pay much effort to get knowledge at Automotive Engineering they will become a solid foundation for your future life.
Fields of Study
- 23.05.01 Surface Vehicles;
- 23.05.02 Special Purpose Vehicles.
- 13.03.02 Power and Electrical Engineering;
- 13.03.03 Power Engineering;
- 23.03.01 Technology of Transport Processes;
- 23.03.03 Operation of Trasport and Technological Machines and Systems;
- 23.03.02 Surface Transport and Technological Complexes.
- 13.04.02 Power and Electrical Engineering;
- 13.04.03 Power Engineering;
- 23.04.01 Technology of Transport Processes;
- 23.04.03 Operation of Transport and Technological Machines and Systems;
- 23.04.02 Surface Transport and Technological Complexes.
Research Areas
- Vehicle IT systems, where the information technology application in transportation systems is studied. It covers not only the “internal” IT systems, but also those enhancing the functioning of the transport system.
- Engineering systems, including diesel fuel systems, tribological behavior modelling, sealing interfaces for diesel injectors, friction wear modelling, vibration wear modelling, resource efficient lubricant technologies, energy efficient hydrodynamic bearing systems, vehicle diagnostic and adaptive suspension technologies.
- Prevention of air polution by vehicle and engineering machines, including filter design, air decontamination and efficient ventilation design.
Completed & Running projects:
- “Modeling of tribological behavior of “steel-steel” precision tribocontacts with boundary friction for estimation of service life by means of analysis of friction energy” with Institute of Mechanic, Technical University Berlin (2007)
- “Modelling the loading parameters for nozzles of the diesel injectors by means of computational fluid dynamics calculations to enhance the design of the fuel equipment and to increase the engine's efficiency” with Internal Combustion Engines Department, Technical University Munich (2013)
- “Enhancing the ICE hydrodynamic friction type bearings capacity”
Principal Researchers:
Dr. Vladislav Lazarev (gas dynamics)
e-mail: lazarevve[at]susu[dot]ru
Dr. Yuriy Rozhdestvenskiy (sliding support dynamics)
e-mail: rozhdestvenskiiyv[at]susu[dot]ru
Dr. Anatoliy Dubrovsky (mechanical variable-speed gear)
e-mail: dubrovskiiaf[at]susu[dot]ru
Nikolay Goryaev (transport and logistics)
email: goriaevnk[at]susu[dot]ru