Nowadays, the department offers two directions of Bachelor Degree programmes:
43.03.01 (100100) «Service» и 29.03.04 (261400) «Technology of material art processingв», and offers the following courses: 100101 «Service» (specializations «Household equipment service», « Service at hairdressing and cosmetic enterprises »), 261001 «Technology of material art processing», 260901 «Technology of sewing products », 260902 «Sewing products design ».
The head of the department is Viktor Abramovich Livshits, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), honored worker of higher professional education of Russia, member of the Presidium of the Educational and Methodical Association of Higher Educational Institutions of Russia in the field of Service and Tourism at the Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow); member of Council of Educational and Methodical Association of Higher Educational Institutions of Russia in the field of Material Art Processing Technology and Metrology at Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Sciences. Viktor Abramovich is the author of more than 100 scientific and educational works and 17 inventions.
Department’s teaching staff includes 1 Doctor and 5 Candidates of Sciences, 2 Members of Russian Union of Designers, and members of Russian and international academies and associations (Ural Society of Aesthetic Medicine Specialists, Aesthetic Medicine Society, Russian Society of Dermatovenerologists and Cosmetologists, European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology, ATypl).
Our students and teachers take part in the leading Russian and international competitions, exhibitions and events. The year 2013 was very exciting and eventful: Biennial of Poster, La-Paz, Bolivia; international student poster competition in Skopje (Macedonia); 5th competition Poster for Tomorrow, France; competition Adobe Design Achievement Awards (USA); typography video festival Typomania’13; poster exhibition Mayakovsky’120; student design competition Post It Awards 2013; arts and crafts competition in Aktobe (Kazakhstan); dress designer competition Fashion Designer of the Year, 2013; competition The Dress of the City, 2013 and others.
Department’s students and teachers present their works at the regional exhibitions held by Chelyabinsk regional branch of the Russian Union of Artists, Chelyabinsk State Museum of Local History; and abroad: in Moulins (France), Berlin (Germany), Sofia (Bulgaria), Podgorica (Montenegro), Brno (Czech Republic).
The department collaborates with other organizations and realizes various joint projects, for example: Transregional Olympiad of Secondary School Students Prelestnitsa is set together with the Palace of Pioneers and Pupils named after Krupskaya; coaching programme in the framework of Adobe Design Achievements Awards by invitation of international council Icograda.