South Ural State University
Room 108, Laboratory Building of Institute of Architecture and Construction
Phone, fax: +7 (351) 267-94-72
141 Kommuny Street , building 1
454080, Chelyabinsk
E-mail: orlovaa[at]susu[dot]ru
Head Aleksandr OrlovD.Sc. Engineering), Associate Professor |
08.03.01 Construction
Degree: Bachelor
Specialization: Materials Science in Construction Engineering and Quality Evaluation
Study mode: Full-time (4 years)
Entrance exams: mathematics (Russian Unified State Exam (USE)), physics (USE), Russian (USE).
The Bachelors of Construction study the modern building materials technology, equipment, heating equipment, automation and other specialization subjects. Due to the knowledge and skills obtained during the programme our graduates are highly demanded by the construction companies and plants.
08.04.01 Construction
Degree: Master
Specialization: Building Materials, Products and Structures Production
Study mode: Full-time (2 years)
Entrance exams: computer testing of the general cultural skills, computer testing of the professional cultural skills (according to the corresponding Bachelor Degree Programme), exam in special professional skills (determined by the Department Competitive Commission)
The Masters of Construction are future researchers of building materials. They study the basic principles of structure formation and properties of materials, products and constructions. Their potential future positions are those of technologists or heads of departments of development and optimization of building materials technology, including the use of industrial by-products in laboratories of research institutes, design companies and plants.
The Department of Building Materials and Products collaborates with a number of construction companies, including BASF (Germany, the branch office in Russia), Knauf (Germany, the branch office in Russia), Normet (Finland, the branch office in Russia), Magnezit Group (Chelyabinsk region, Russia), the Ministry of Construction of the Chelyabinsk Region (Chelyabinsk region, Russia). The department and its undergraduate and graduate students annually participate in construction and reconstruction of a number of objects in Russia and the Chelyabinsk region.