Address: Chelyabinsk, Rozhdestvenskogo st., 5
Room 400 of the faculty building
Phone: (351) 233-35-89
E-mail: s-dek[at][dot]ru
The Center of Additional Education of the Faculty of Service and Tourism invites specialists and students of SUSU to broaden their professional knowledge and skills.
In modern complicated world one has a unique chance to improve his/her competitiveness at the labor market by means of additional education. People having more than one specialization are much more likely to find the job, not only because of wider search range, but due to the ability to apply their knowledge obtained during additional educational courses in their primary profession. It is remarkable when a person with engineering specialization skilled in logical thinking brought up by exact sciences undergo additional courses to develop visual, associative way of thinking.
The Center of Additional Education of the Faculty of Service and Tourism offers persons with high and secondary vocational education the opportunity to improve their skills by attending the following retraining programmes:
1. Enterprise Economics and Management
During two years, our students obtain knowledge and skills in management; economics of branch and enterprise; accounting; financial and credit sector; marketing; organization, rating and compensation of labor of enterprises; analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activity of enterprises; economic evaluation of investments; financial management; planning at an enterprise. Our Teachers are highly qualified specialists of SUSU; the classes are equipped with modern computers and all the necessary software.
The programme finishes with passing state exam and term papers presentation. The graduates are given the CERTIFICATE OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT of the state sample which allows conducting professional activity in management of economics, industry and social development of enterprises of all forms of ownership.
2. Production of Art Objects from Textile Materials
During 2 years of learning, the students obtain knowledge in the fields of surface anatomy, drawing and painting, art and graphic composition, history of fashion and clothing, fashion and textile design, clothing composition and graphics, decoration, draping method of clothes modeling.
Our Teachers are highly qualified specialists: dress designer, graphic artist and member of the Union of Designers I.V. Sokolova; one of the prominent clothes designers of individual figure T.P. Golubeva and others.
The programmes are finished with passing state exam and term papers presentation. The graduates are given the CERTIFICATE OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT of the state sample, which allows conducting professional activity in the field of design and manufacture of clothes.
If you wish to broaden your knowledge in the field of clothes design, the Center offers you the following programmes of additional professional education (advanced training):
- «Clothes design at home» (3 months);
- «Clothes design» (7 months);
- «Design of sophisticated clothes» (3 months);
- «”Clothes graphics”, Studio of I.V. Sokolova, Member of Russian Union of Designers» (3 months);
- «Human figure» (3 months).
Graduates of the programme are given the CERTIFICATE OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT of the state sample.
What if you are not interested in clothes design? We invite you to develop your potential and skills in arts at the following programmes of additional professional education (advanced training):
- «”Graphic Design Basics”, Studio of I.V. Sokolova, Member of Russian Union of Designers»
- «Interior design» (3 months).
- «Interior modeling in graphics software» (3 months).
- «Fundamentals of composition and color science» (3 months).
- «Modern finishing materials» (3 months).
- «Pargeting» (3 months).
- «Textile and Decorative Elements of interior» (3 months).
- «Ceramics» (3 months).
- «Fabrics dying (batik)» (3 months).
The knowledge obtained during the programme is applied in adds development, design of books, brochures and posters, project development and interior design. What is more important, you acquire visual, creative and associative way of thinking which helps you greatly in solving application tasks of any kind.
1. Physical Therapy
Course goal – obtaining the fundamentals of physical therapy and acquiring private methods of application of physical therapy means and procedures in treating different diseases and traumas.
Target audience – persons with higher and secondary vocational education.
Period - 144 hours.
Study mode – full-time.
Schedule – full-time lessons during one month: 6 hours a day, 6 days a week, 36 hours a week.
Areas of professional activity:
- practicing instructor or teaching instructor of physical therapy in different preventive treatment institutions;
- practicing specialist in the field of recreational technologies;
- teaching and coaching different groups of people with health deviations (children, elderly, disabled people, sportsmen);
- physical therapy for yourself and your family/relative people.
Start – October-December and February-May (as long as groups are being formed).
2. Massage
Course goal – advanced training in the field of massage.
Target audience – persons with secondary and higher physical or Medical education.
Period – 144 hours.
Study mode – full-time.
Schedule – full-time lessons during one month: 6 hours a day, 6 days a week, 36 hours a week.
Areas of professional activity:
- practicing massage therapist in different preventive treatment institutions;
- practicing specialist in the field of health improving technologies;
- practicing massage therapist working with different groups of people with health deviations (children, elderly, disabled people, sportsmen);
- self-massage and massage for your family/relative people
Start – October-December and February-May (as long as groups are being formed).
3. Traditional and Modern Health Improving Technologies
Course goal – advanced training in the field of traditional and modern health improving technologies.
Target audience – persons with higher and secondary vocational education.
Period – 512 hours.
Study mode – full-time.
Schedule – full-time lessons during one academic year (September-June), 5 sessions for 2 weeks, 6 hours a day 6 days a week, 36 hours a week.
Areas of professional activity:
- practicing instructor or teaching instructor of health improving physical culture in various sports recreational institutions;
- practicing specialist in the field of health improving technologies;
- teaching and coaching different groups of people with health deviations (children, elderly, disabled people, sportsmen);
- health improving technologies for yourself and your family/relative people.
Start – September-October (as long as groups are being formed).