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Dean Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor |
Our faculty offers educational programs for the future research physicists who fits for any professional activity practically in any scientific and technical field. It is provided by the combination of all-around fundamental education and the most advanced research institutes and enterprises where our students gain practical skills and learn about the latest scientific and technical developments. Our graduates work not only in Russian universities and large enterprises but also in Germany, USA, Austria. Our faculty provides the opportunities for traineeship in the leading scientific research centers in Russia and abroad.
Fields of Study
- 03.03.01 – «Applied Mathematics and Physics»;
- 11.03.04 – «Electronics and Nanoelectronics»;
- 15.03.03 – «Applied Mechanics».
- 03.04.01 – «Applied Mathematics and Physics»;
- 11.04.04 – «Electronics and Nanoelectronics»;
- 15.04.03 – «Applied Mechanics».
Research Areas
- General and theoretical physics (atomistic computer simulation of materials, optics and physics).
Running Project:
- Computer simulation of electronic and magnetic structure, thermodynamics, kinetics of phase changes to forecast characteristics and achieve float high tensile conditions. The aims are to pursue research in the areas of mathematical models development that allow to calculate kinetics of diffusion and martensitic transformations under both isothermal conditions and continuing refrigeration and build on its ground isothermal and thermokinetical diagrams of structional steel decay. Research in this cluster includes atomistic computer simulation of materials, optics and physics. Kinetic transformations mathematical models in structional steel and methods of forecasting phase composition, structure and characteristics of such floats due to its chemical content served as general results of conducted research. The Magnetic behavior of liquid metals project, headed by the same Prof. A.A. Mirzoev, deals with modelling of structure of atomic and electronic properties of liquid metals (Cs, Rb, Fe, Hg) by first principal molecular dynamics method from melting point to nearcritical region using SIEST A set. Principal researcher: A.A. Mirsoev, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor.
Contact Us
Deans Office:
Аddress: 454081 Chlyabinsk, Lenin Avenue, 76 (main building), Room 243.
Теl/Fax: + 7 (351) 267-90-41
E -mail: dec[at]physicon.susu.ac[dot]ru
Рrincipal Researchers:
Dr. Alexander Mirzoev (dynamical modelling)
E-mail: mirzoevaa[at]susu.ac[dot]ru
Dr. Dmitry Kleschev (new energy sources)
E-mail: kleshchevdg[at]susu.ac[dot]ru
Dr. Yury Miklyaev (photonic crystals)
E-mail: mikliaevyv[at]susu.ac[dot]ru
Dr. Natalia Kundikova (optical fibers)
E-mail: kundikovand[at]susu.ac[dot]ru