Economic and Financial Model

The University’s financial and economic model aims to increase revenues from research activities and diversify sources of financing.

Upon achieving the established goal, SUSU intends to use and enhance its strengths ensuring the University's long-term, sustainable financial development. The University is largely self-sufficient with non-government funding share exceeding 40%. Given its high level of non-budgetary revenues, the University can independently invest in priority development areas. The supercomputer that the University created mainly out of its own funds has been such a priority area for investment since 2000. The target model anticipates:

  1. higher revenues from research activities
  2. a gradual increase in the average cost of education due to a focus on the most popular segments of the educational market, a higher share of elite education, and a higher share of master's degree programs
  3. faster development of new sources of financing: sponsorship, international grants, vocational training
  4. a competitive remuneration system for faculty and administrative staff
  5. wider investment resources available at the University through participation in federal and regional development programs, and by bringing in private investors and partners

Financial-economic model


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