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South Ural State University Welcomes International Students

South Ural State University is one of the biggest Russian multidisciplinary universities with fundamental scientific basis and high standards of specialists training. The university is multinational and nowadays is a home for more than 2,300 international students from 56 countries.

From Welding to Bioengineering: Interview with SUSU Alumnus

Gennadii Savrasov is mechanical engineer, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor. He developed original methods for studying the biomechanics of blood vessels and surgical processes, created unique ultrasonic surgery instruments and ultrasonic surgery technologies. With his participation, several generations of ultrasonic surgery units, an ultrasound device for the non-surgical treatment of blood vessel diseases were created and introduced into clinical practice, and the designs of operating models of an intravascular microrobot and a robotic arm were developed.

Sergei Vaulin: “Much of What We Can’t See or Hear Now Is Still to Be Discovered”

Are we alone in the Universe? Every person asks him/herself this question sooner or later. That is why it is especially fascinating to hear an answer to it from a rocket engineering specialist, someone who studies the Cosmos professionally, a “top-secret physicist”.

Modern Technologies for Comfortable Studying: SUSU Opens a Multifunctional Classroom

A new multifunctional classroom, a joint project of the Institute of Architecture and Construction and the KNAUF Academy (a partner of our university), has been opened in the SUSU laboratory building. The representatives of the company, academic staff and students have already checked the new modern classroom.

SUSU Students and Postgraduates Can Go on Exchange Study to Slovakia

Within the frameworks of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic applications for scholarships are being accepted for the participation in the exchange study and research in the spring semester of 2021.

Who qualifies to participate?

  • Bachelor’s and Specialist degree students (who have completed two years of studies);
  • Master’s degree students;
  • Postgraduates.

Scholarship includes:

SUSU Researchers Creating a Map of Migration through the South Ural Region in the Bronze Age

Researchers from South Ural State University are investigating how groups moved across the territory of the South Ural region in the Bronze Age, and where individuals came from.

Scientist from Pakistan Studies Multiphase Flows Jointly with SUSU Colleagues

Thanks to Project 5-100, the SUSU university staff has multiplied its intellectual potential. More and more international scientists tend to participate in the university’s research work.

Lawyers Developing Regulations for Collecting and Using of Big Data

The Institute of Law of South Ural State University is engaged in the LegalTech scientific and practical international project at the intersection of digital technologies and jurisprudence. A multinational team of scientists is conducting a big-scale study of the global phenomenon of digitalization of law. Scientists are working on the creation of a draft regulatory legal act on the use of digital technologies, sharing their experience and conducting joint research.

SUSU Students and Postgraduates Can Go on Exchange Study to Slovakia

Within the frameworks of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic applications for scholarships are being accepted for the participation in the exchange study and research in the spring semester of 2021.

Scientist from Pakistan Studies Multiphase Flows Jointly with SUSU Colleagues

Thanks to Project 5-100, the SUSU university staff has multiplied its intellectual potential. More and more international scientists tend to participate in the university’s research work.

SUSU Sums Up The Admission Campaign

South Ural State University is the most famous university in South Ural and no wonder international students choose it to get their education. It offers various programs including International Relations, Philology, Linguistics, Economics, Mechatronics and Robotics, Power Engineering and many others. Also a student can choose a Bachelor’s or Master’s program taught in English.

How to Prevent Vision Deterioration: Tips from the SUSU Medical Centre Specialist

Today is World Sight Day. Our reality is that for many people modern lifestyle leads to vision deterioration. The reasons for that are working in front of the computer monitor, using gadgets, unhealthy diet, and lack of rest…

Eyes is one of the most important sensory organs, with the help of which a person receives up to 90% of information. The quality of life, the ability to work and do everyday activities depend on their proper functioning.

Director of the SUSU Medical Centre Olga Veselova spoke on how to prevent early vision deterioration.

Institute of Linguistics and International Communications Invites Students to Master Classes

A “Such Different Translations” open master class on will be held on October 7th.

The guest speaker is Yaroslav Pisarev, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), translator and interpreter for the major international events.

SUSU Students Invited to Participate in an Online School in Beijing

Beijing University of Technology invites students to participate in their online international winter school in Chinese in two programs: Intercultural Practical Course, and Intensive HSK4 Training.

In the intercultural practical course, you will discuss the etiquette, food, and traditions of China, the science and economics of the Celestial Empire, and international students from all around the world will share on the unique features of their home countries. As a bonus, you will take an online tour of the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City.

ENISE – SUSU: 15 Years of Joint Training of Specialists

For 15 years, the Department of Metal Forming has been cooperating with the National Engineering School of Saint-Étienne (ENISE), France. During this time, the department and the university have developed a good mutually beneficial relationship both in scientific and educational spheres.

World Teachers' Day Is Celebrated Today: SUSU Rector and Directors of Institutes Reminisce about Their First Teachers

Teachers' Day is celebrated in Russia annually, on October 5th. This date coincides with the World Teachers' Day, which is celebrated in most countries of the world. For the first time, Teachers’ Day was celebrated in the Soviet Union in 1965, on September 29th back then. And only 30 years later, the international Teachers’ Day was established. On the occasion of this holiday, we asked the SUSU Rector and directors of institutes to share their memories on their first teachers.

Why Celebrate the International Translation Day?

Each year, translators, interpreters and terminologists celebrate International Translation Day on 30 September. The International Federation of Translators chooses a unifying theme of the holiday. This year it is “Finding the words for a world in crisis”. The theme is used to promote the day and join together in celebrating the professions.

SUSU Taking Part in the Student Spring 2020 Festival

The performance groups of South Ural State University will take part in the Student Spring 2020 Festival, which will be held in the beginning of October.

Due to the unstable epidemiological situation in our region, the festival of student creativity has been postponed from spring to autumn this year.

On October 8th and 9th, at the World Trade Centre (35 Lenin Prospekt), participants from various Chelyabinsk universities will present their creative performances in four sections: theatre, music, dance, and original genre.

SUSU Celebrates the Day of European Languages

Each year since 2001, the Day of European Languages is celebrated on September 26th to support linguistic diversity, the bilingualism of every European, and the development of the teaching and learning of various languages around the world.

SUSU Forum “Tretyakovka by the Sea” Has Wrapped up in the Krasnodar Territory

The Cultural and Educational Forum for Creative Youth "Tretyakovka by the Sea", which has been taking place in the Krasnodar Territory September 12th through 18th, has come to an end. Students of the Chelyabinsk Region have been engaged in creativity and conquering the sea resorts for six days.

Music Gives You Good Vibes: SUSU Recreation Centre Invites Everyone to a Concert

A traditional student philharmonic is opening at South Ural State University. A concert will be held on September 30 in front of the SUSU main building with the participation of the Ural Wind Orchestra headed by Honoured Artist of Russia Igor Ezhov, and soloists of Chelyabinsk Philharmonic Rustam Zaichenko and Svyatoslav Khazov.

SUSU “Pianist” Studio Becomes Laureate of an International Creativity Festival

“Pianist” Studio of South Ural State University took part in the “Talent. Music. Stage” Saint Petersburg International Festival and became one of the laureates.

European Day of Languages

South Ural State University is a university which attracts lots of international students from all over the world. This is the reason to pay great attention to teaching and studying languages. And no wonder that there is a special holiday for celebrating the importance of knowing foreign languages. 

SUSU to Celebrate International Translation Day

International Translation Day is celebrated September 30th. The holiday was officially established by the International Federation of Translators (FIT) in 1991. In 2017, Resolution No. A /RES/71/288, in which the role of professional translation in connecting nations and fostering peace, understanding and development is recognised, was unanimously adopted at the 71st session of the UN General Assembly, and September 30th was declared the International Translation Day, celebrated within the framework of the UN.

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