SUSU Invites to the Open House Day

On March 14th, South Ural State University will hold the Open House Day in an online format. It will be devoted to student life at the university. Applicants will be told about the possibilities a student has when enrolling in SUSU.

“Student life starts with the very moment of signing a document on admission to the university. We will be speaking on how the process of adaptation is organised and who will be helping them with that,” says Deputy Vice-Rector for Research Yulia Bolotina. “There will be many interesting speakers, who will thoroughly discuss all the opportunities for the SUSU students: participation in sports life, creative teams and development of their social activity. We will also inform on our volunteer centres, student teams, and social support that is provided for students”.

Today, SUSU consists of nine institutes and three schools, including 31 faculties and 145 departments in Chelyabinsk. At the university, about 24,000 students, as well as 2,300 international students from 58 countries of the world, are studying.


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