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Open Public Presentations by Postgraduates Are Being Held at SUSU

In the second half of March, public reporting presentations by postgraduate students are being held at South Ural State University.

SUSU Organized Large-scale Collection of Humanitarian Aid for Soldiers of the Special Military Operation

SUSU employees are going on a humanitarian mission to new regions of Russia. This time, our entire city has joined in collecting the necessary things on behalf of our university.

SUSU Students Became Prize Winners of Pitch Session among Youth Startups

Students from the SUSU team became prize winners of the United Pitch Session among Youth Startups of the Ural Region organized by Sber and took the second place.

The United Pitch Session among Youth Startups of the Ural Region was held in Sber's Technohub in Yekaterinburg, in which graduates of the SUSU Accelerator took part.

That day, 75 participants presented their projects to the expert jury. 3 projects out of 12 belonged to SUSU students.

Snow Volleyball: SUSU Staff Members Delivered Reports at the All-Russian Conference

Assistant of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture Elena Prokopchik and assistant of the Department of Sports Perfection Natalia Pavula presented their report on “Development of Student Snow Volleyball in the Chelyabinsk Region” at the 3rd All-Russian Science-to-practice Conference with International Participation “Student Sports in the Modern World”.

SUSU Professor Gives Lecture to Guests of the “In the Valley of Tamerlane” Exhibition

On March 13th, Director of the Research and Education Centre of Eurasian Studies at South Ural State University Aleksandr Tairov gave a lecture on the “Types of Economy of Early Nomads” at the Centre for Historical and Cultural Legacy of Chelyabinsk.

Mathematics Day Celebrated at SUSU

Students and teaching staff of the SUSU Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics celebrated the International Day of Mathematics, or the Pi (π) Day, on March 14th.

Chelyabinsk Media about Literary Game by Philologist of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities

Journalists from the Ural 1 TV channel filmed a story about a literary game “Following the Trail of Crime and Punishment”, recently released by AST Publishing House. The author of the game is Denis Pelikhov, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature at the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities. The game is a literary quiz consisting of 80 cards. The game cards contain questions that allow you to test your knowledge of the details of the great novel by F.M. Dostoevsky. The game is already on sale in the Chitai-Gorod chain stores.

Spring Is Coming: Famous Chelyabinsk Monuments “Came to Life” and Gained Half a Million Views!

With the arrival of spring, famous monuments went for a walk along the streets of Chelyabinsk: for example, the monument to the Lifelong Student located near the SUSU main building, the monument to Igor Kurchatov, and a copy of the sculpture "RUSSIA".

SUSU Team Presented Updated Priority 2030 Development Program at Its Defence in Moscow

On March 12th in Moscow, the SUSU team presented an updated university development program within the frameworks of the Priority 2030 program with a planning horizon until 2036.

March 10th through 15th, the results of the work and development plans of Russian universities are being reviewed in Moscow within the frameworks of the Priority program. 142 universities, including Priority participants, as well as candidates for participation, creative universities and universities of the Far Eastern track, are presenting their programs with a planning horizon up to 2036.

SUSU Students Participated in a Run with Vice-Rector

South Ural State University hosted a unique run, "PRObezhka s PROrektorom" (Run with Vice-Rector), in which Vice-Rector for Student and Social Affairs Anton Manuylov took part. This event brought together students who strive for an active lifestyle and positive communication with management in informal surroundings.

The students gathered to run 4 kilometres together with the Vice-Rector for Student and Social Affairs Anton Manuylov, who actively promotes healthy lifestyle.

SUSU Scientific Regiment: Vera P. Emelyanova (Masaylova)

Vera P. Emelyanova (Masaylova) was born on August 23, 1921. She was enlisted in the Red Army in 1941: 90th airdrome battalion, signal troop, junior sergeant, leading radio communications operator. Operational record: Moscow region, the Baltic states, Poland, and Germany. She greeted the Victory Day in Germany. She was not injured during the war and was discharged from the army in October of 1945. Her favourite war-time song is the Blue Handkerchief.

SBER Top Manager Reveals Risk Management Secrets to SUSU Students

On March 5th, Senior Managing Director, Head of the Risks Block of PAO Sberbank Dzhangir Dzhangirov spoke to students and teachers at South Ural State University. The topic of the lecture was Risk Management.

SUSU Student Wins Urban Improvement Competition

Valentin Silantyev, a fifth-year student at South Ural State University, has won the Urban Improvement Competition in the Central Squares category.

The Urban Improvement Competition is held in support of the Infrastructure for Life national project and was created to involve students of architectural faculties of Russian universities in the development of projects for the improvement of public spaces.

Research by SUSU Chemists Will Help Reduce Air Pollution in Industrial Cities

According to laymen beliefs, ozone is something pleasant and something even healthier than oxygen: two О atoms are good, and three are even better. But in fact this gas may be hazardous for human health. Indeed, there is a "beneficial" type of ozone. It can be found far up in the stratosphere at the altitude of 25 kilometres above the ground. There, the ozone layer of the Earth fulfils an important function: it ensures that life exists on the planet and protects all inhabitants of the Earth from the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun.

SUSU Will Act as a Platform for the Bank of Russia Youth Program

The FINOPOLIS.365 Youth Program is a series of events on financial technologies held as part of the FINOPOLIS Forum of Innovative Financial Technologies.

In 2025, this includes training under the Bank of Russia Fintech Hub program, 7 regional qualifying case championships, a semi-final and final at the FINOPOLIS Fintech Forum.

Festive Concert Dedicated to International Women’s Day Held at SUSU

On the occasion of March 8th, an eventful festive performance, the main idea of which was kind songs on a military theme and love, was held at South Ural State University.

Traditionally, on the eve of the International Women’s Day, SUSU Recreation Centre presents an unusual creative project. This year, the concert is dedicated to love in times of war.

Which SUSU Group Is the Best?

Registration for the Best Group of South Ural State University and the Best Mentor (KLG) 2025 contest is officially open!

You can read the contest regulations by following this link.

Attention! Students and staff of the university are to send applications for participation in KLG in electronic form to the e-mail klg2025susu[at]mail[dot]ru

SUSU Students Helped Combat the Impacts of Ecological Disaster

Volunteers from the SUSU Dobro.Tsentr have completed their work on mitigation of consequences of the ecological disaster in Anapa and are now returning to Chelyabinsk.

As part of the "Helping the Sea Together" national project, a group of student volunteers from the SUSU Dobro.Tsentr went to the Krasnodar Territory to help in the mitigation of the emergency consequences of the fuel-oil residue spill in the Black Sea. Volunteers Sergey Yarin, Anna Kutikova, Aleksandr Tsimerman and Ivan Borovkov joined the big-scale coast cleaning operation.

Beauty, Strength, Intelligence: SUSU Student Conquers New Heights

On the occasion of March 8, we would like to tell you about a girl who is a striking example of how beauty and strength can be harmoniously combined in one fragile girl. Amina Akhmadulina is a student of the SUSU Institute of Law, preparing to defend her diploma with honours and is a two-time world champion in an unusual sport, chessboxing.

SUSU Master's Student Creates "Smart" Backlight-Router for UAVs

A smart LED strip controller that allows you to create complex and multi-level effects for light shows has been developed at South Ural State University. The controller can also be used at training grounds where unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operators are trained.

The author of the Smart Controller project is Artem Golenishchev, a second-year Master's degree student in the Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technologies programme at the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science.

School Pupils from Snezhinsk Visited SUSU Sport Science Research Centre

As part of learning more about the scientific activities conducted at SUSU, school pupils of a chemistry and biology class of the “Secondary General Education School No.125 with Advanced Study of Mathematics” of the city of Snezhinsk visited the Sport Science Research Centre of the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service.

Meeting with Translator and Diplomat Nikolai Duplensky Was Organised for Students of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications

As part of the activities of the Youth Centre for Intercultural Integration of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications, a webinar with famous translator and diplomat Nikolai Duplensky was organised at SUSU. The event was held in a mixed format.

Eight-volume History of the South Urals Awarded Prestigious National Prize

The eight-volume edition of the History of the South Urals, published several years ago by the Publishing Centre of South Ural State University, has been awarded the 2024 National Prize "Cultural Imperium. Books and Projects" in the "Encyclopaedias" category. The awarding ceremony took place at the Novy teatr (New Theatre) in Moscow on February 26th. The prize has existed for a quarter of a century now. Its founders are the Russian State Library (RSL) and the Literaturnaya Gazeta newspaper.

Conference Dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Historical Education of SUSU Opened at University

The scientific conference on "Russia's Paths in the 20th - Early 21st Centuries: Historical Track or Political Determination?" brought together the founders of the university's historical educational program, its first graduates, and current students. The program of the event held on February 27th and 28th includes reports and master classes by invited historians.

Programmed for Success: SUSU Welcomes Young IT Specialists

The Sigma Conference Hall of South Ural State University hosted the “Enter IT” (“Voyti v IT”) student conference, where representatives of 18 IT companies, ready to share their experience with future programmers, gathered.

The future professionals were greeted by Deputy Minister of Information Technologies, Communications and Digital Development of the Chelyabinsk Region Elena Lukashina:

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