Project-Based Education


Project-based Learning at SUSU: University Implements Modern Technologies of Personnel Training


SUSU Trains Professionals in Project Management of Business Development


Read more about Project-based Learning at SUSU


Project-Based Learning: SUSU Launches an Educational Model of a New Format










SUSU Startup Club Summed Up the Results of the First Season

The first season of the SUSU Startup Club wrapped up on May 22nd. From January through May, the Startup Club had organized more than 20 events, such as trainings of entrepreneurial competencies, master classes by experts, consultations on filling out applications for participation in grant contests, participation in conferences and project pitches jointly with the My Business Centre and the Skolkovo IT-Park 74 Regional Operator.

Lecturers from the Department of Russian Language and Literature Completed the School of the Project-Based Learning Mentors

Lecturers of the Department of Russian Language and Literature spent three days immersed in the innovative educational technologies of the Skolkovo Foundation for the creation and management of projects.

On November 14-16, the School of Project-Based Learning Mentors was held at "Boiling Point – Chelyabinsk". The purpose of the school is to unite the professionals who are ready to work with school and university teams in the project-based learning format.

Project-based Learning 2019-2020: New Projects and Global Tasks

Project-based learning, which was successfully launched in autumn of 2018, has become one of the main projects of our university in 2019. The new educational approach is rightfully considered as one of the best practices of the university, the experience which can now be translated to other educational institutions in our country. Project-based learning at the university is supervised by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor Andrey Radionov.

Biblio-Globus Has Become a Partner of the “Virtual Museum of South Ural's Writers” Project

The project created by Master’s degree students of the Department of Russian Language and Literature entitled “Virtual Museum of South Ural's Writers” keeps developing and establishing partnership relations with institutions supporting the development of contemporary humanitarian knowledge. In the new academic year, the Virtual Museum of South Ural’s Writers concluded an agreement on cooperation with the main bookstore in Chelyabinsk – the Biblio-Globus store.

SUSU Project on Vital Capacity of Human Beings: From Helping Cadets to Training Psychotherapy Clowns

During the first year of project-based learning at the Faculty of Psychology of the SUSU Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, a new big-scale mega project was initiated, among the participants of which are students of the 3rd to the 5th years of study.

Design Solutions for Frame Construction: SUSU Students Invented Alternative Mason’s Scaffolds

One of the key research-and-education projects of the Institute of Architecture and Construction is the project entitled “Masonry Scaffolds”. Project team is working on development of innovative scaffolds for cast-in-place frame buildings. Nowadays constructors use structures weighing no less than a ton (at that, they are difficult to get transported) or scaffolds made out of materials at hand, which are hazardous for both constructors and people around them.

Official Website of the EJTA’s Conference on Building of a Eurasian Bridge in Journalism Education Starts Its Work

On October 15th-16th of 2020, an International Science-to-practice Conference on Building of a Eurasian Bridge in Journalism Education will be held at South Ural State University. It is being organized by the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA-Belgium). Since 2016 SUSU has been an institutional member of the European Journalism Training Association, which units about 70 educational journalism centres in the leading universities from 30 European countries.

Project-Based Learning – a Prospective Startup: SUSU Students Elaborate Unique Projects while Studying

South Ural State University is a unique higher education institution which has been implementing project-based learning starting from September of 2018. Project-based learning is an educational model of a new format targeted at improvement of the education quality and the level of alumni’s competitiveness on the global labour market.

They Speak All Languages: from the Language of A. Pushkin to Chinese, and JavaScript and Python

A master class on working with chat bots was held for the applied linguistics students at the Department of Linguistics and Translation of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications. This master class was organized as part of the focus on project-based learning and professionally-oriented work with students.

“FactCheck-Ecology”: A New Interdisciplinary Journalism Project is to be Launched at SUSU ISSH

In the new academic year, the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities at South Ural State University is launching a new interdisciplinary inter-department educational journalism project entitled “FactCheck-Ecology”, which is to be implemented within project-based learning while training Master’s degree students majoring in Transmedia Journalism.

VR Journalism – SUSU Faculty of Journalism Entering the New Academic Year with a New Academic Course

The Department of Journalism and Mass Communications of the SUSU Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty of Journalism has developed a new academic course on VR Journalism. The course programme includes theoretical and practical lessons in journalism using virtual reality technology. Today, this technology confidently occupies top positions in the modern media space.

Russian Scientists and Students Announced Development of a “Smart” House

Within the technology of Industry 4.0 (the 4th industrial revolution), South Ural State University implements a number of prospective student projects, one of which is a “smart” house based on efficient energy consumption and an intelligent smart grid system.

“Smart House” is an innovative residential space which is not only efficient from the perspective of resource consumption (electricity, heat and water) but also well-designed regarding the aesthetics and comfort of its interior as well as its landscape design.

A Report Conference on Project-Based Learning to Be Held at SUSU

On May 28, a report conference regarding project-based learning is to be held at South Ural State University in Sigma Academic Complex.

The goal of the report conference is to summarize the results of the first year of project-based activity, as well as exchange with experience and present project teams, which have been working hard over the past year. Objectives of the conference are to highlight problematic issues and discuss the prospects of activity for the next year.

SUSU Master’s Students Present the “Virtual Museum of South Ural’s Writers” Project

Under the guidance of an academic from the SUSU Department of Russian Language and Literature lecturer Evgeniy Smyshlyaev, Master’s students Marina Chernykh, Arina Medvedeva and Artem Shilintsev took part in the First International Science-to-Practice Conference on Slavic Philology and Culture in the Intellectual Context of Time, which was held at Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don.

Project-based Learning in Action: Master’s Students of the IET Improving the Environmental Friendliness of Chroming Parts

As part of project-based learning, the staff of the Department of Automation Engineering and Master’s students of the 15.04.05 Design and Engineering Support of Machinery Production major are working on the energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of the process of chrome plating of cylindrical parts using the development of a new technology of a closed plating cycle.

Fact-Checking and New Media: Research by Master’s Degree Students of ISSH

“Fact-Checking and New Media” was the title of a roundtable discussion that took place within the 4th International Scientific and Educational Forum called “Communication Leader of the 21st Century”, which is being held at SUSU under support of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA).

Preparation to Youth Forum of the SCO Started at SUSU as Part of Project-based Learning

On February 1st, as part of the project-based learning the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications launched an interdisciplinary project, the main goal of which is the development of the concept and technology of organising and holding of Youth Forum of the SCO. The grounds for the fulfilment of this project is the need to discuss the topical issues of the world’s politics, economics and culture at the students’ community level.

Development of the New Generation of Concrete: IAC Master’s Students Practice under Project-based Learning

In the first semester of project-based learning, Master’s students of the Department of Building Materials and Products of the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction studied national standards in construction, got acquainted with manufacturing at OOO Simvol Beton and GK UralNIIstrom enterprises, and prepared papers on their topics of study.

From Red Sauce to Grain Bar: Project-Based Approach for Healthful Nutrition

Nowadays, when people sale artificial eggs and when products packed with substitutes are hard to differ from natural ones, inventions based on natural components are especially valuable.

More than 2,700 State Scholarships: SUSU Trains Leaders in All Fields

Choosing a university is one of the most serious decisions in everyone’s life. For many applicants, the deciding factor in enrolling in a university is the affordability of education. South Ural State University offers around 3,000 state scholarships annually.

This year, according to Order No.346 of the Ministry of Education as of 28.04.2018, a big number of state scholarships will be offered for technical, natural science, and humanitarian fields of higher education.

The Team of SUSU’s Institute of Engineering and Technology Invented Wheel Hub Motor for Electric Race Car

Students and research fellows of South Ural State University’s Institute of Engineering and Technology invented a unique electric transmission for hybrid- and electric transport – a wheel hub motor for electric race car. This work has been executed within project-based learning of students.

Project-Based Learning: European Portal Published Material by a SUSU Master’s Degree Student European website published first material by a Master’s degree student at the SUSU ISSH Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Ekaterina Durasova. The publication called “A ‘fake’ bud in populist ground” narrates about a burst of fake news and the wave of populism and considers interrelation between these two phenomena.

Preserve and Reconstruct the Cultural Heritage Sites: SUSU Students Met with Yurii Latyshev

On January 31, 2019 first-year Master’s students of the project-based learning programme, as well as Bachelor’s students of the Department of Russian and International History of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities attended an exhibition on the Objects of Cultural Heritage of South Ural held at the Unified State Archive of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Project-Based Learning at SMB: Postdoc Researcher from India is to Take Part in a Research on Encapsulation

Project-based learning at School of Medical Biology develops within the project entitled “Development of efficient technologies of grain disinfection”. Starting from January of 2019, a young researcher from India – postdoc Bagale Uday Dasharath – has started his research within implementation of Project 5-100 at SUSU.

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