SUSU Startup Club Summed Up the Results of the First Season

The first season of the SUSU Startup Club wrapped up on May 22nd. From January through May, the Startup Club had organized more than 20 events, such as trainings of entrepreneurial competencies, master classes by experts, consultations on filling out applications for participation in grant contests, participation in conferences and project pitches jointly with the My Business Centre and the Skolkovo IT-Park 74 Regional Operator.

“In addition to activities in the form of an accelerator, trainings and more, that are held at the university, we should create a community of students interested in startups, where they will be able to communicate informally after classes, collaborate with each other and learn from each other,” noted Adviser to the Rector for Information Education and Technological Entrepreneurship at SUSU Dmitriy Kozlenkov.

Participants of the event presented their projects, and each of them showed significant results over the past year.

“Any student can join the Startup Club not only to develop their startups, but also to become a member of a team that is already working on their project. You can join without any idea or team at all. We will help you find a team and develop your idea. The most important thing is being motivated,” said organizer of the Startup Club Aleksey Baskov.

We welcome you to join the new season with new ideas and projects!

Official website of the SUSU Startup Club:

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