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SUSU Takes Part in the Russian Educational Exhibition in Mongolia

For the first time the staff members of South Ural State University are taking part in the Russian Educational Exhibition, which will be held in an online format in Mongolia until December 10th.

Research Developments of Scientists from the Chelyabinsk Region Will Be Presented in the Ural REC

Here we are talking about the developments in the field of the rocket and space complex, design and production of high-speed railway rolling stock, technologies for the nuclear industry, as well as for reconstructive surgery.

SUSU Vice-Rector Took Part in the World Women University Presidents Forum for the First Time

The 9th World Women University Presidents Forum (WWUP) was held in November. Reports were presented by the participants online on ZOOM and in person in Xi'an, China. The sections of the 2020 Forum were devoted to global mutual assistance, education in an intercultural context, and innovations in higher education. For the first time, Vice-Rector for International Relations of South Ural State University Olga Yaroshenko delivered a speech at such kind of forum with a report on the "Modern Universities: Global Challenges" in the University Governance and Sustainable Development section.

Samsung Announces the Winners of the Samsung IT Academy Interuniversity Student Project Competition

Samsung Electronics held the final round of the third annual interuniversity project competition for graduates of the Samsung IT Academy academic programmes. Third place in the category "Internet of Things" was taken by Maksim Barannikov, a graduate of South Ural State University, with the project "Diagnostics of Automated Electric Drive".

SUSU Students Took Part in "1C Day: Careers" Event

Students of the School of Economics and Management (SEM), and the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of South Ural State University participated in the international event "1C Day: Careers", held by the 1C company jointly with the company Mikos,

SUSU Student Taught School Kids in Satka How to Draw

Student of South Ural State University Alena Gladilina has conducted a master class on gouache painting for school pupils in the Art-Satka creative space in the city of Satka.

Alena is a SUSU student and a commissioner of the Granit student construction team. Also, she is studying at the Faculty of Painting at the Tchaikovsky South Ural State Institute of Arts.

Scholarships by the Chelyabinsk Region Legislative Assembly Were Awarded at SUSU

The ceremony of awarding the scholarships by the Chelyabinsk Region Legislative Assembly to postgraduates and students of organisations of professional education and educational institutions of higher education was held at South Ural State University. The event was conducted by the deputy of the Legislative Assembly, SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov.

“Gentle Hand of Viktor Skobelev. In Memory of the Artist” Exhibition Opened at SUSU

A grand opening of the exhibition “Gentle Hand of Viktor Skobelev. In Memory of the Artist” took place at the SUSU Art Gallery.

The instalments include 42 works in oils and acrylics. Most of the works in the exhibition are landscapes. The works of this genre demonstrate all the main styles that the artist was a master of, from the subtlest types of nature in drawing and colour nuances to the chaos of strokes, in the movement of which familiar images appear.

Student Self-Government Activists Will Take Online Training

From November 30th through December 4th, a course will be held for young activists of the Chelyabinsk Region to develop professional competencies of the student self-government representatives. Registration is open until November 28th.

Institute of Media, Social Sciences, and Humanities Takes Part in Big International Scientific Conference

The Twelfth International Scientific Readings Mass Media and Communications 2020, organized by the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the National Association of Mass Media Researchers (NAMMI), with the participation of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), was held online in Moscow.

SUSU Staff Member Nominated for the Good News of Russia Award

Editor of the Office of External Communications of the SUSU Mediacommunications and Monitoring Office Daria Tsymbaliuk may receive the Good News of Russia award.

Lecture by Philologist of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Was Held at the Chelyabinsk Museum of Visual Arts

Early in November, a lecture on “What Is Truth? What Is Our Reason for Being?: A Dialogue between Artists Known as the Itinerants and Realist Writers of the Second Half of the 19th Century” by Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Natalia Shlemova was held within the framework of the Night of Arts campaign at the Chelyabinsk Museum of Visual Arts. The event was organised to coincide with the exhibition of paintings of the Tretyakov Gallery on the “Russian Life.

International Student Urban Greenhouse Challenge

The Urban Greenhouse Challenge is a competition of design projects for innovative multi-storey greenhouse complexes in an urban environment among interdisciplinary teams from the fields of engineering, lighting technology, agriculture, biology, architecture, design, economics, marketing, and others.

For the first time in the history of the project, the competition will be held at a Russian university, that is in Tomsk Polytechnic University, and will be dedicated to innovation technologies for reforestation after fires and felling.

Additive Technologies: Human Resources for the Industry of the Future

Additive technology, or additive manufacturing, is one of the most dynamically developing fields of "digital" manufacturing. SUSU scientists collaborate with world leaders, and the new programme for training specialists in this field is recognized to be among the best ones in Russia.

Student Conference on Asteroid Safety to Be Held at SUSU

December 7th through December 11th, a 2nd Student Science and Technology Conference on Asteroid Safety will be held at South Ural State University.

The conference aims at evaluating the results of the project-based learning of students of the Institute of Engineering and Technology and the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, who have been working within the projects of the Asteroid Youth Design Bureau in the first semester of the 2020-2021 academic year.

“Young’s Modulus” Student Team Wins the Open League of the International Natural Sciences Tournament

An online International Natural Sciences Tournament ("TEN") was held November 13th through November 15th. It is a team competition between students of universities of the CIS countries solving the beforehand-published scientific problems in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology, medicine, and engineering.

South Ural Volunteer Centres Will Take Part in Online Hackathon

On November 20th, a hackathon will be held for volunteer centres of universities and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Chelyabinsk Region. Within the framework of the "Chelyabinsk Is a City of Kind Hearts!" project more than 130 volunteers of our region will try to find solutions to the problems they faced in their work in 2020.

Mannequin Theatre Studio Invites to Storytelling Festival

The Association of Student Theatres of Russia supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region is holding a STFest Festival-Laboratory of Storytelling Performances at the SUSU Mannequin Theatre Studio.

Representative of Rostelecom and Director of SUSU-TV Told What the Residents of South Ural Region Watch

On the occasion of the World Television Day, which is celebrated annually on November 21, Rostelecom company, the leading national provider in our country, shared on what kind of video content residents of the Chelyabinsk Region prefer, how many films are bought per month, and how the Internet has influenced the development of television and television viewing. The data was announced at a press conference, which was held in the safest format, that is online.

Ministry of Economic Development of the Chelyabinsk Region Held an Open Lecture for the South Urals University Students

An open, online lesson for students of economic and mixed faculties of higher education institutions in our region was dedicated to Economists Day, which is traditionally celebrated in November. The main goal of this event is to establish constructive interaction between the authorities and the young generation, and increase the level of economic literacy of the population of the Chelyabinsk Region.

SUSU Participates in a Meeting with the Russian Science Foundation

On November 17th, South Ural State University hosted an online meeting on the fulfilment of projects supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) in the current epidemiological situation.

The meeting was organized at two venues: Ural Federal University and South Ural State University.

Members of the SUSU Supervisory Council Approve the Final Variant of the University Development Strategy

On November 10th, a scheduled meeting of the Supervisory Council of South Ural State University was held in an online format. SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov presented an improved variant of the university development strategy till the year of 2030 before the Council members, which had been elaborated with consideration to the comments and proposals from the meetings held in September and October.

“Gentle Hand of Viktor Skobelev. In Memory of the Artist” Exhibition to Open at SUSU

The exhibition “Gentle Hand of Viktor Skobelev. In Memory of the Artist” will open at SUSU Art Gallery on November 20th.

The instalment includes 42 works in oils and acrylics. The curator of the exhibition is an art critic, Head of the SUSU Fine Art Museum, senior lecturer of the Department of Theology, Culture and Arts Anatoly Razuev.

Cold and Sunny, 2016. Oil on canvas.

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