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PREMIA-2020 Competition in Professional Excellence of PR Specialists Named After Olga Davidenko Announced in Chelyabinsk

From November 10, applications for participation in the PREMIA-2020 Competition in Professional Excellence of PR Specialists of the Chelyabinsk Region named after Olga Davidenko will be accepted. This year, a number of significant changes related to the increase in the number of award categories, the composition of the expert council and the procedure for submitting conference proceedings have been made in the competition project.

International Team of Scientists Creates Materials for New Generation Sensors and Lasers

Russian and Indian scientists from South Ural State University are conducting research in understudied areas of chemistry in order to create new high-tech materials and study their properties. These substances can be widely used in many areas, for example, in the production of solar cells, new generation lasers or medical equipment. Scientists have recently managed to synthesize an unusual combination of antimony with iodine. The research results have been published in the highly rated scientific journal called New Journal of Chemistry (Q2).

Association of Science Editors and Publishers to Conduct Online Research and Practice Seminar for Authors

Association of Science Editors and Publishers together with Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University conducts online research and practice seminar for the authors "Development of the competencies of authors in the preparation of publications in scientific journals indexed in scientometric databases."

Associate Professor of the SUSU Department of Financial Technology Awarded an Academic Degree of the Doctor of Sciences (Economics)

Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Technology of the School of Economics and Management of South Ural State University Maria Podshivalova was awarded an academic degree of the Doctor of Sciences (Economics) on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Chair of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Charushin States: “Ural Research and Education Centre Attracted Huge Scientific Potential”

The Ural interregional Research and Education Centre "Advanced Industrial Technologies and Materials" has a huge scientific potential and can make a significant contribution to the development of industry in the region. This was stated by Valery Charushin, the Chairman of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Supervisory Board of the Ural Federal University, on the World Science Day for Peace and Development.

SUSU International Students Visited Exhibition "Russian Life. Painting of Second Half of Nineteenth to Early Twentieth Century"

A group of SUSU international students from China, Syria, Tajikistan and Afghanistan visited the Chelyabinsk Museum of Fine Arts and painted Dymkovo toys (moulded painted clay figures of people and animals).

SUSU International Students Take Care of Environment

SUSU is one of the most famous and important universities in the South Ural. SUSU can give future scientists lots of opportunities to carry out research in different fields of science. It has 3 strategic research directions and one of them is ecology.

Dean of the SUSU Faculty of Chemistry Explained the Importance of Coronavirus Prevention

Everyone knows the coronavirus preventive measures and yet tend to regularly forget about their importance. Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry Vyacheslav Avdin explained, in terms of chemistry, what the coronavirus is and why a mask and an antiseptic can really help to protect oneself from it.

SUSU Students Invited to Russian-German Scientific and Educational Virtual Exhibition

Students of South Ural State University are invited to the 2nd Russian-German Scientific and Educational Virtual Exhibition in the framework of the Russian-German Year of Cooperation in Science and Education 2018-2020.

The event will be held with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, under the patronage of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Students of Institute of Linguistics and International Communications Participate in RFBR Project

Today much has been said about the young generation of Russian science and its future, but convincing examples to illustrate it are hardly found. Meanwhile, this future lives among us.

Applications for the 3d All-Russian Student Olympiad on Economic Security to Be Submitted

In November 2020, the 3d All-Russian Student Olympiad on Economic Security is being held on the basis of SUSU. The Olympiad will be held both ON-SITE and ON-LINE. All stages of the Olympiad will be held on-line with the same procedures.

Coordination, control, organizational and methodological support is carried out by the Department of Economic Security of the SUSU School of Economics and Management.

Best Developers Were Awarded at SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Within the framework of the competition “Designer and Developer of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science” on the technical creativity of students, the finalists were awarded at South Ural State University on November 6.

International Applicants Choose SUSU

More and more international students choose SUSU to pursue their higher education. In the 2019-2020 academic year, SUSU is home for over 2300 international students from 56 countries. Most of them are from China, Egypt, Iraq, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. Every year SUSU expands its geography and recruits international students from new countries. For example, this year we expect new coming students from Canada, Haiti, Mali, and Burkino Faso.

Virtual Reality to Help Solve Crimes

A student of South Ural State University became the winner of the UMNIK competition and received a grant from the Innovation Promotion Fund to develop her project on creation of a program for investigating crime scene using virtual reality. This will increase the level of detail, clarity and reliability of the results.

Schrödinger's Cat Will Help Physicists Create a Quantum Computer

A team of young scientists from the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of South Ural State University, under the guidance of Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor Sergei Podoshvedov, have proposed an algorithm of a generator of nonclassical state of light, which is called a "Schrödinger-cat state", of a very large amplitude. This algorithm plays an important role in quantum coupling and quantum computations in the optical field with the use of laser sources.

Russian Scientists Have Proposed New Rules to Design Frames of Modern Buildings

Российские ученые предложили новые правила для проектирования каркасов современных зданий

SUSU scientists continue to study the characteristics of thermal profiled structures. In the new research, they have analyzed the bending behaviour of those. Researchers have developed a formula that they propose to introduce into the rules to design the frames of modern buildings. An article with the results of the study was published in the first quartile journal, Thin-Walled Structures.

Russian Scientists Developed Sensor for Detecting Toxic Substances in Water Bodies

SUSU scientists jointly with their colleagues from Belgium and Egypt have developed and tested a sensor for environmental monitoring. The invention reveals insecticides in water - substances that help fight insects. They are mildly toxic, but their accumulation is undesirable and should be noticed in time. The research results have been published in the Q1 Scientific Reports Journal.

"SUSU Gave Me Knowledge and Invaluable Experience!": Student from Turkmenistan Tells a Story of Her Success

Gulnara Khodzhieva is a second-year Master's degree student of the Department of Linguistics and Translation Studies at the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications of South Ural State University. According to the girl, the university has been giving her unlimited opportunities for self-fulfilment for five years now. That is why she is an exemplary student and actively takes part in the extracurricular life of the university.

SUSU Teacher of Philosophy Develops an Ecology Game

Artur Dydrov, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the SUSU Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), has come up with an original way to make the topic of ecology closer to people of all ages.

Association of International Students Presented Interesting Events to Students from Different Countries for the Entire Academic Year


The Association of International Students of South Ural State University in cooperation with the International Office has developed a plan of cultural and leisure events for the 2020-2021 academic year for the international students, where everyone will be able to find something to his/her liking.

South Ural State University celebrates Halloween

Students of South Ural State University always take part in celebrating Halloween. Our international students from different schools and institutes make decorations and prepare bright costumes of witches, ghosts, pirates, monsters, skeletons, vampires, and many other creepy characters. Their makeup is very colorful and convincing.

SUSU Listed in the Times Higher Education Ranking by Subject in Three Categories

Times Higher Education international rankings agency has published the results of the THE World University Rankings by subject 2021.

SUSU Helps to Study Online

South Ural State University is one of the leading Russian multidisciplinary universities with the fundamental scientific basis and high standards of specialist training. The university is multinational and nowadays is a home for more than 2,300 international students from 58 countries.

South Ural State University Welcomes International Students

South Ural State University is one of the biggest Russian multidisciplinary universities with fundamental scientific basis and high standards of specialists training. The university is multinational and nowadays is a home for more than 2,300 international students from 56 countries.

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