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Data Protection Day is a Holiday for Everybody

We cannot imagine our life without computers nowadays. Everyday activity demands using the Internet – sending mails, ordering food and clothes, paying bills, and many other things. And not many people really know how their personal information is collected, shared, and used (or misused) on the internet? While there’s a growing awareness that we need to keep our data private still some people underestimate how valuable their personal data is.

Scientists Improve Traffic Management by Calculating Vehicle Speed

The SUSU team of scientists continues to work on road transport monitoring within the Smart Transport project. Experts improve the program they created using neural networks. In the latest study, they paid attention to measuring the speed of vehicles. The accuracy of the method proposed by scientists exceeded 90%. They published the research in the highly-rated Journal of Big Data (Q1).

Closing of the Technological Contest to Be Held at the Boiling Point on the Occasion of the Day of Science

The closing ceremony of the Technological Contest will be held on February 8th at SUSU. The results of project teams in 2020 will be presented. The closing ceremony will include presentations of the best student projects fulfilled in cooperation with various SUSU institutes, the university Boiling Point, and Fab Lab.

Open House Day at SUSU to Be Held Online

On January 31, at 12:00, SUSU will host the second online Open House Day this academic year.

High schoolchildren and their parents will be informed about:

  • rules of admission in 2021;
  • main fields of training programmes;
  • possibilities of individual education;
  • system of additional professional education.

After the general Open House Day, a marathon of online meetings with the directors of the SUSU schools and institutes will begin.

Accomplished SUSU Alumnus, Alexander Fedorov, Passed Away

The Rector's Office of South Ural State University regrets to inform that on January 24th, a distinguished alumnus of our university, Alexander Fedorov, passed away at the age of 69 after a long illness.

SUSU Invites International Applicants to Study in Mechatronics and Robotics Master’s Programmes

South Ural State University is once again offering openings for the English-language Master’s programme on Mechatronics and Robotics. This programme is being fulfilled since 2016 and is becoming more and more popular among international students.

48 Hours to Design Video Games: SUSU Hosts the Global Game Jam Once Again

January 29th through January 31st, at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science of South Ural State University, the Global Game Jam, a major worldwide contest on designing computer games, will be traditionally held, for the 8th time. In accordance with new rules of the contest, in 2021 it will be organized in an online format.

Mass Vaccination against Coronavirus Infection: What You Should Know

The development of a Covid-19 vaccine began in the early months of the pandemic, after which it underwent trials and a long registration process. As a result, Russia presented a Sputnik V vaccine, which our foreign partners have already purchased. Now residents of Chelyabinsk and the region have the opportunity to protect themselves and their loved ones from the dangerous virus. According to scientists, it is enough just to get vaccinated, and you will become immune to Covid-19 for two whole years.

SUSU Took Part in Russian-British Online Forum on Academic Mobility

The International Research Collaboration Office of South Ural State University took part in the Russian-British online forum on academic mobility in 2021. The event was organized by the British Embassy Moscow and ITMO University.

ITMO University, MISIS National University of Science and Technology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Yugra State University, University of Birmingham, University of Bradford, Lancaster University, and Coventry University were among the participants.

Russian Scientists Create Nitrogen-doped Glassy Carbon

Scientists from South Ural State University, together with colleagues from Moscow State University, studied the effect of nitrogen content on the structure and conductivity of glassy carbon. The study aimed to create new carbon materials with high chemical resistance and electrical conductivity. The study was published in the highly-rated scientific journal Diamond and Related Materials (Q2).

SUSU to Celebrate Tatiana Day

Student festivities will begin on the square in front of the SUSU Main Building on January 25th at 14:00


South Ural State University will be traditionally celebrating Tatiana Day on January 25th. “Students Are a Special Brotherhood” is the motto of the event. The program includes: popular fun activities and attractions, sleigh rides, mulled wine, tea, and various delicacies.

SUSU Team Wins BRICS Contest

South Ural State University has become the winner in the Education Nomination of the contest of business initiatives, which is held to stimulate developments aimed at improving the quality of life in BRICS countries.

SUSU Postgraduate from Tajikistan Achieved Friction Reduction in Reciprocating Engine Units

A method to improve the efficiency of reciprocating engines was proposed by a SUSU postgraduate. The results of the many-years’ research were presented in his dissertation for the Candidate of Science degree, which he successfully defended in the end of 2020. The developments will help engine corporations to improve their products.

Residents of Chelyabinsk Offered to Choose the Name of the Transport Card of Chelyabinsk Agglomeration

The Ministry of Roads and Transport of our region has begun its transport reform in the Chelyabinsk agglomeration. The year of 2021 will be a transitional period, during which the infrastructure will be actively prepared for a comprehensive change in the route network. One of the key directions in this change is the improvement of the ticket menu and the creation of a new transport card with favourable conditions.

Applications Open to Study in the Czech Republic

Applications have been opened to study in the Czech Republic for one semester in the 2021-2022 academic year.

Atyrau University and SUSU Invite Students to Academic Mobility Programs

Khalel Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University, Kazakhstan, and South Ural State University are inviting students to participate in virtual academic mobility programs in the spring semester of the 2021 academic year in the following fields:

  • Management;
  • Economics;
  • Ecology;
  • Mathematics;
  • Pedagogy and Psychology;
  • Foreign Languages.

Within this program, students can study for one semester at Atyrau University free of charge. At the end of their studies, they receive a certificate.

SUSU Linguistics Centre Announced Winter Admission

SUSU Linguistics Centre announces winter admission for the professional retraining programme “Theory and Practice of a Foreign Language. Advanced Course”, upon completion of which, a diploma from South Ural State University is awarded, which gives the right to conduct professional activities in the field of translation from and to a foreign language: English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, or French.

Media Communications in English: Admissions to a Master’s Programme in Journalism Starts at SUSU

The Master’s degree programme on Media Communications (in English) has been elaborated by the SUSU Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations in cooperation with International Office and the European Journalism Training Association and includes such special subjects as:

  • Media Communications in the Modern Society;

  • Media Research;

  • Intercultural Communication;

  • Management in Media Companies;

Scientists have increased the solubility of drugs using supercritical technologies

Modern solid-formed drugs can be more efficient if their solubility increases. The international team of researches verified supercritical technology that are applied in pharmaceutic for solubility enhancement of poorly soluble drugs and revealed ways which can be used for design of preparation of nanomedicines at industrial scale. The research was published in the highly ranked journal “Nature Scientific Reports”(Q1).

SUSU Consulting and Occupational Guidance Centre Launches a Series of Saturday Consultations

During the meetings, applicants and their parents will be able to receive all the necessary information on the choice of field of study and preparation for the Unified State Examination.

The Psyche Academy Invites to Thematic Meetings

The Psyche Academy, an educational and developmental project by the Faculty of Psychology of South Ural State University, invites school pupils and senior-years’ students from other educational programmes to thematic meetings. The program includes not only lecture materials, but also practical tasks aimed at studying mental phenomena, developing professional competencies, and forming a psychological approach to understanding a person, interpersonal relationships, and social phenomena.

SUSU Scientists Received Grants from the President of the Russian Federation for Young Doctors and Candidates of Sciences

At once two projects by SUSU scientists have received support in the form of grants from the President of the Russian Federation for young Doctors and Candidates of Sciences. The research team will continue to work on the development of new ferrite-based materials, and on the regulation of the encapsulation properties of phenols.

International Postgraduate of the Department of Financial Technology Successfully Defended His Dissertation

At the end of December, two defences for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (Economics) were held at the Dissertation Council of South Ural State University.

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