The Health Week has been announced at South Ural State University. The first day of the week was celebrated today at the SUSU Main University Building. In the hall on the third floor, several thematic venues were organized.
“Such health days are traditional for our university; we systematically monitor the health of our students, and the university administrative and academic staff. Today, the Centre of Psychological Counselling is working here, and all those willing can sign up for an individual consultation with a psychologist; medical workers measure blood pressure; and students can also buy a ticket to the Olimp Sports and Recreation Camp from the representatives of the SUSU Trade Union Committee. Jointly with City Clinical Hospital No.2, we are conducting vaccination against the coronavirus,” says the SUSU Vice-Rector for Student Affairs Vyacheslav Burmatov.
The members of the Poisk Student Scouting Forces, who are going on a new expedition to the Leningrad Region tomorrow, were instructed on how to administer first aid by specialists of the Centre for Public Health and Medical Prevention of the City of Chelyabinsk.
“Students will be working outside residential areas, so it is important for them to know how to administer first aid,” says Head of the Centre Ekaterina Kudryavtseva. “We discussed how to administer first aid to people with fractures, or wounds, and how to act in case of epilepsy. We also touched on the most difficult topic: administering first aid in case of respiratory paralysis and stagnation of circulation. Everyone tried to perform closed-chest cardiac massage on the mannequin. This skill is also important in the context of a megalopolis, since an ambulance cannot always arrive at a place within the prescribed 12 minutes.”
Within the frameworks of the first Health Day, about 50 people took the first aid courses. The venue with psychologists was also popular among students. More than 20 people signed up for psychological consultations.
“Today we conduct operational diagnostics of the emotional state by means of metaphorical maps, and we also register for consultations. All consultations for the university staff members and students are free of charge,” says the specialist of the SUSU TOP 500 Advisory Centre Ekaterina Shadrina. “In addition to consulting work throughout the year, we organize training for students and staff members on the development of supra-professional competencies, personal development, and various diagnostics.”
Another venue was a mobile treatment room. Students and university administrative and academic staff were being vaccinated against the coronavirus. All the necessary conditions were created for medical workers to ensure that the procedure is safe. On the first day, 40 people were vaccinated. Among them was a 3rd-year student of the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction Andrey Seibert.
“My whole family was vaccinated, I myself get vaccinated against flu every season, and today I got my first vaccination against the coronavirus,” says Andrey Seibert. “Medical workers told me that the temperature could rise, and that I must not take a shower, go to the sauna or bathhouse in the near future. In 21 days I will get the second vaccine shot at the student clinic.”
Also, within the frameworks of the Health Day, representatives of the Trade Union Committee spoke on the possibilities of summer recreation for students and staff members. The participants of the event showed great interest in the Olimp Sports and Recreation Camp.
The Health Day venue will be organized in the hall on the 2nd floor of the SUSU building No.2 on Thursday, April 22nd. The event will take place from 12 to 14 o’clock.