SUSU Institute of Supplementary Education Actively Participates in the Undertakings of UIREC

Last year, South Ural State University became a partner university of the World-class Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre (UIREC) for Advanced Industrial Technologies and Materials.

One of the main activities of the UIREC is the development of the competencies of heads of scientific, scientific and technical projects and laboratories, who are engaged in applied scientific research and developments of the world level.

In this particular activity, the SUSU Institute of Supplementary Education has been participating since 2021, using an extensive database of designed programmes for professional retraining and advanced training of specialists, as well as significant experience in organizing and conducting additional professional programmes of various levels.

In February this year, the SUSU Institute of Supplementary Education team took part in the project session of the Centre for Competence Development of the UIREC. The purpose of the meeting was the elaboration of common standards and approaches to the work for all the project participants: SUSU, Ural Federal University, and Kurgan State University. The members of the project session discussed working plans for 2021, developed joint approaches to the creation and implementation of additional professional programmes for heads of scientific, scientific and technical projects and laboratories, and offered an approximate thematic plan for additional professional programmes.

“The opportunity of the SUSU Institute of Supplementary Education to take part in the activities of the UIREC Centre for Competence Development is a recognition of the Institute's significant contribution to the development of the competencies of heads and specialists of industrial enterprises and organisations of the city and region. At the same time, new prospects for the development of supplementary professional education in the Ural region are opening up, thanks to the opportunity of collaboration between leading universities and research laboratories,” says Irina Voloshina, Director of the Institute of Supplementary Education.

Research studies in the field of power engineering, new materials, new technologies and ecology are among the priorities of the World-class Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre for Advanced Industrial Technologies and Materials (UIREC), which is currently being established by the joint efforts of UrFU, SUSU, KSU, other regional higher educational institutions, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, industrial enterprises, and the government of the Chelyabinsk Region.


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