Humor is an integral part of human life, and many of us like to have fun. And if the whole day is filled with jokes and laughter? In early July, a thematic day of the SUSU Club of the Сheerful and Sharp-witted League was held at the Olympus student sports and recreation camp.
We continue to tell the stories of outstanding graduates of our university. In 2015, she was awarded the TEFI-Region award for the project "Remember Me", in 2016 – the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree – for her contribution to the development of Russian television.
The Day of Emotions was held at the Olimp Sports and Recreation Camp. The student vacationers were able to express everything at heart and learn to understand themselves.
The first event of the day was a lecture on emotional burnout, given by the Director of the Centre for Training and Psychological Education Iuliia Belkova.
On the last days of June student scientific communities’ supervisors took part in educational event in the Knowledge center «Mashuk» in city Pyatigorsk. During four days 160 supervisors from all over the country came together to share with their experience and knowledge in the format of interactive lectures and panel discussion.
An international student construction brigade "Duna" ("Dune") was created at the construction site of El Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant in Cairo. Among the participants of this labour project are 64 students from 15 regions of our country. They have set off for TITAN-2 Holding for the construction of El Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant.
In this project, the Chelyabinsk Region is represented by four members of the "Atrium" SUSU specialized student team, a first one created at the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction.
IMSSH Department of Philology is founded by the order of the rector №43 by 23.06.1999 from 01.07.1999 in purpose of providing specialized department of qualitative preparation of students of humanitarian specialties.
South Ural State University has awarded the best international students who have proven themselves in academic and extracurricular activities. In total, about 400 people have become them this year.
Last week held a competition of projects among the students of the Architecture Department of the South Ural State University. The learners was making projects of single-storey residential house made of ceramic blocks with Furbau brick cladding.
Furbau is a group of brick factories of Ural and Siberia, which was created from two plants (Kopeysky Brick Plant LLC and Korkinsky Brick Plant LLC). The group also included several more brick factories.
Members of 56 countries are studying at South Ural State University. Each year number of international students is increasing and for some of them adapting to other country turns out to be difficult. That is why for them the system of mentoring (tutoring) exists for.
On June 29, South Ural State University hosted a solemn congratulation ceremony for graduate students on the university square in front of the main academic building. About 4000 people graduated this year including about 400 international students. The innovation of this year was the awarding of graduates of the ISTaS Multidisciplinary College.
On the twelfth of June, the country celebrates Russia’s national day – a holiday for all who love their Homeland and are proud of it. Since its foundation, the Military Training Center at South Ural State University has been tirelessly educating patriots and preparing young people to defend the Fatherland. There are many officers with combat experience among the teachers and staff. One of them is the Deputy head of the SUSU Military-political department, Colonel Alexander Shkrebtiy.
The Head of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Activities of SUSU wanted to become an engineer as a child. But the craving for research, inherent at the genetic level, won out. He knows the value of ups and downs. He knows hot to explain complex thing in simple words. At his alma mater, Leonid Shipulin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, survived the “meat grinder”, met his love, became a “smart guy” and found his vocation. We talk about criticism and perseverance, about “magic impulses” and praise. And also about the beautiful and terrible in science.
On June 18th, a delegation from Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics visited South Ural State University. The purpose of this visit was to communicate with Chinese students and discuss plans for cooperation.
Students of the SUSU Department of Linguistics and Translation conducted a research on the image of the city of Chelyabinsk at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries using a corpus of local historical texts.
The research was conducted within the framework of a state order from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the topic of “Examining the Region in the Context of Global Historical Connections Using Methods of Digital Humanities”.
On June 8, 2024 representatives of the School of Economics and Management took part in the Youth Day within the frameworks the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) at the Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Centre in St. Petersburg.
On May 30th, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin conferred honorary awards and titles, as well as badges of merit to more than 30 distinguished citizens of Russia. The Hero of Russia Medal and the Honorary Title Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation were awarded to five people, including to the alumnus of South Ural State University, cosmonaut Dmitry Petelin.
On May 25th, the South Ural State University team took part in the "Accounting Reference System Plants an Alley" campaign with the support of the Glavbukh System company.
The event was organized by the Give a Tree as a Gift project, the goal of which is to restore forests damaged by fires and increase the number of green spaces in Russia.
The Department of Economics and Finance of the SUSU School of Economics and Management has been training students in the Financial Literacy for International Students supplementary educational programme for the third year now.
The programme helps students better understand how to manage their finances in a new country to avoid financial difficulties.
The Chelyabinsk Arts Centre presents the “We Have Defended the Peace — We Will Preserve the Peace”, an exhibition for all those interested in history, culture and art. This is a unique event dedicated to celebration of the Victory Day, which comprises works of art by the participants of the Great Patriotic War and by representatives of the post-war generation.
Students from groups СТ-221 and СТ-241 were hugely fascinated to attend the lecture by the leading art historian Iuliia Leonycheva, who unveiled the secrets and subtleties of the exhibited works for them.
Grand opening of the exhibition of paintings and graphics "I Sing My Fatherland" took place in the Art Gallery at South Ural State University.
The "I Sing My Fatherland" exhibition is the result of plein-air seasons held in the Chelyabinsk Region over the past few years. The organization and holding of most creative events took place in collaboration with the public foundation for promoting the preservation of cultural heritage "South Ural Region". These had been outdoor plein-airs in different localities of the region.
For the first time, Chelyabinsk Institute of Culture has hosted an Art-dvizhenie (Art Movement) International Festival, where students from the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and the Pre-University Division have successfully presented their performances.
As part of the visit of representatives of South Ural State University to China, a working meeting on issues of cooperation with Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics was held.
SUSU and Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics (ZUA) have been partners for a long period of time. South Ural Institute, where about 1000 Chinese students study Engineering and IT specialties, was created jointly with SUSU at the premises of the Chinese university. In addition, Chinese students are increasingly choosing to study at the venue of our university under the 2+2 programme.
The Chinese-Russian Forum of Small and Medium-sized Business Enterprises in Russia, organized by the all-Russian public organization "Opora Rossii" (“Pillar of Support for Russia”), took place in China. The event was attended by Deputy Vice-Rector for Education of South Ural State University Iliana Dovgaliuk.
During the forum, Iliana Dovgaliuk delivered a presentation on the key advantages of SUSU, shared her experience in implementing joint educational projects with other universities, and outlined the main vectors of collaboration with Chinese educational institutions.
For 12 years in a row, the Immortal Regiment campaign has been held annually not only in Russia, but around the world as well. This year it takes place May 1st through May 12th.
In 2024, the event will again be held in an online format in Russia. The organizers have experience in holding events online. This format was used during the pandemic.