Olympus: KVN Day

Humor is an integral part of human life, and many of us like to have fun. And if the whole day is filled with jokes and laughter? In early July, a thematic day of the SUSU Club of the Сheerful and Sharp-witted League was held at the Olympus student sports and recreation camp.

The program began with a lecture on scenario thinking: it was conducted by members of the Club of the Сheerful and Sharp-witted team of the Chelyabinsk region "Eurasia" Alexander Shutov and Alibek Baymukhambetov. The speakers – participants of such famous humorous projects as Comedy Battle, once upon a Time in Russia and The Russian Road – talked about some interesting moments of their creative path, and then answered questions from the audience. Experienced artists, in particular, suggested to the students how to deal with the problem of a blank sheet, explained how the genres of scripts and the diverse approaches of the creative group differ, what is the technical task in humor.

"I am a person who is not at all fond of Club of the Сheerful and Sharp-witted, but I found the event very interesting, especially the stories from the speakers' lives and stories about what they do, in addition to writing jokes," Nadezhda Titenkova, a spectator, shared her opinion.

Next, the participants of the SUSU Club of the Сheerful and Sharp-witted League held a lecture on creative thinking. In the theoretical part, they considered the definition, the reasons for the need and the problems that hinder the development of such an important feature of human consciousness as creativity.

To back up the theory with practice, we arranged several games to test and improve the imagination. From fairly simple tasks – to remember ten words starting with one letter, to come up with an association – we moved on to more complex ones: creatively exchange invisible gifts or be interviewed by an employer so that the answers to all questions begin with one consonant letter.

"I really liked it: the speakers gave really useful tips that I will use in the future. We had a very good laugh, it was great to stretch our brains and force ourselves to wake up!" said Nika Vastrova, an active participant in the event.

The KVN day ended with the regional school "Battle of Miniatures". It was attended by students who are members of the SUSU KVN League: three duets and a trio each. They did their best to cheer up the audience, the jokes touched on many topics – from family to the city market. The main prize for the best performance is a watermelon!

The Club of the Сheerful and Sharp-witted Day at Olympus was a great opportunity to remind yourself how important laughter and joy are in life.

Валерия Столяренко
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