On October 18th, the South Ural State University's Creativity Centre celebrated its 25th anniversary. The festive concert brought together the heads of the creative groups, students and alumni of the university who had taken their first creative steps within the walls of our university.
SUSU does everything to teach students admire beautiful things, to cultivate their love for art, and the ability to appreciate the beauty of the world around them. On October 16th, the exhibition “City as a Theatre: Architectural Heritage of the Creator” opened in the university’s Art Gallery. It is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of the Honoured Architect of the Russian Federation, Professor of the SUSU Department of Architecture Boris Baranov (1939–2021).
In Chelyabinsk, the 9th City Occupation Guidance Forum and Exhibition “New Generation Chooses!” is wrapping up. South Ural State University is among its participants.
School pupils of the 8th–11th forms have visited several interactive venues and learned about the professions, for which they can obtain education at the School of Economics and Management, Institute of Law, Institute of Linguistics and International Communications, Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service, and Multidiscipline College of the Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service.
On October 10th, the Communication Leader of the 21st Century All-Russia Youth Mediaforum started at the SUSU Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities. Among its participants are young specialists defining the future on the media sphere in our country. Director of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor Lidiya Lobodenko opened the mediaforum.
The Minister of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region Vitaly Litke welcomed the event's participants:
On October 8th, an exhibition of unique archive photos “Liberation. Path towards the Victory. The Rear” opened in the hall of the third floor in the main building of South Ural State University. Among the authors of the photos are legendary photojournalists of the Soviet Information Bureau: Ivan Shagin, Aleksandr Ustinov, and Yakov Khalip. The exhibition is organized by Rossiya Segodnya international media group, with the support from the Presidential Grants Fund.
This year, as part of the “In the Tamerlane’s Valley” project (application number 24-2-002168, being implemented with the support from the Presidential Grants Fund and RSF grant No. 24-18-20055), a research study of two mounds has been conducted in the territory of “The Kesene Burial Complex” cultural heritage site of federal importance in the Varnensky District of the Chelyabinsk Region.
Philologists from the SUSU Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities listened to Nadezhda Matsenko, lecturer of the Znanie (Knowledge) Russian Society.
Nadezhda Matsenko is an art lecturer, artist, researcher of the viewer's experience, and author of the course on the "Living Artists". The topic of her lecture, which took place on October 3rd, was "Pushkin as an Artist".
This year, Rossotrudnichestvo agency jointly with South Ural State University launch the implementation of a big-scale program on advanced training for Chinese teachers of the Russian Language as part of the grant on the “Innovative Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in China”.
The first-year students' festival "SUSU Talent − 2024" has started. The first day of the selection round was held in the "Maneken" studio-theatre.
On October 1st, SUSU began the traditional first-year students’ festival “SUSU Talent – 2024”, which will last until October 9th.
In the Maneken studio-theatre, Deputy Director of the Creativity Centre Svetlana Vostrikova greeted the jury members and all participants of day one of the selection round of the SUSU Talent Festival 2024 and wished everyone good luck.
Very soon, our South Ural State University will welcome young people from all across Russia – those who will be creating and promoting media in the future! So, October 10th through October 11th, the Communication Leader of the 21st Century All-Russia Youth Mediaforum will be held at our university.
International Translation Day, a holiday dedicated to important specialists, whose usefulness cannot be overestimated, is celebrated annually on September 30th. Senior lecturer of the Department of Linguistics and Translation Studies, translator of the Academic Writing Office Ekaterina Shefer tells us about the profession and its specifics.
– Let us first get to know each other a little. Please, tell us what your path in obtaining the profession of a translator was like?
As part of the SUSU Accelerator, a three-day “SkLab. SUSU” laboratory for generation of ideas of technological projects was organized. Its participants gathered a team, created ideas and developed their project. Experts from Skolkovo were invited to act as experienced speakers and mentors.
International Literacy Day, a holiday aimed at proving the importance and relevance of this phenomenon, is celebrated worldwide on September 8th. On this occasion, we spoke to Associate Professor of the SUSU Department of the Russian Language and Literature, Candidate of Sciences (Philology), linguist Larisa Kornilova and discussed the understanding of literacy in the modern world, trends associated with it, criteria for a literate person, and much more.
– Could you please define literacy? Does this concept have a specific interpretation?
Today is an anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, one of the well-known and bloodshed battles during the Patriotic War of 1812. The Russian army lead by General Mikhail Kutuzov entered the decisive battle with the French in the vicinity of Borodino village near Moscow 212 years ago.
Our university supports family values among young people. One such example is a couple of graduates from the School of Economics and Management. We share their love story in this article.
The 2024 matriculation ceremony for freshmen took place on the main square of South Ural State University on August 31st.
At the beginning of the day, the SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner held a meeting with the university staff, during which he set tasks for the teaching staff for the new academic year and wished everyone professional success. Read more on our website.
Young scientists from SUSU developed a computer game inspired by the literary works of Nikolai Gogol. It is based on the text of the Christmas Eve novel. This type of digital entertainment belongs to the genre of "virtual novels". Players can follow the unfolding events, and can even change how the story ends.
The closing ceremony of the anniversary Tenth Peaceful Atom All-Russian Student Construction Works has been held in Ozyorsk. This summer, the labour project united 550 team members of Russian student teams including 48 teams from 23 regions. At the end of the season, the team of South Ural State University was named among the best ones.
Every year our country celebrates the National Flag Day on August 22nd. Though the holiday itself has appeared relatively recently, the flag’s history dates back to a distant past.
One of the first mentions of this flag is the chronicle of the 12th century "The Tale of Bygone Years", which says that Prince Vladimir Monomakh brought with him a golden silk flag from Byzantium, which became a symbol of Christianity and statehood.
Learn all about a city within 24 hours? It is possible! Thus, on the final day of the “University Sessions” program a number of excursions for children was organized, including history games, walks and examining a variety of exhibits.
Tours around two major Chelyabinsk museums were held for the children: Russia – My History historical multimedia park and the State Historical Museum of the South Urals, where the focus was surely made on the meteorite.
We enjoy travelling and discovering new places for us. But what are professional geographers engaged in? Sergey Belov, Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Associate Professor of the Department of Town Planning, Engineering Networks and Systems, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Chemical Engineering, speaks on this topic.
– How is this holiday celebrated at our university?
– This holiday is a novelty for SUSU: posters are appearing, but, in my opinion, no specific events are being held yet.
The Art Museum of the SUSU Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, the collection of which includes almost a thousand works of fine art of the 20th–21st centuries, received a donation from the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Citizen of the city of Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk Region German Vyatkin ‑ a portrait of an outstanding choreographer Gerardo Viana Gomez de Fonseca (1925-2013) by the chief artist of the Chelyabinsk Opera and Ballet Theatre named after M.I. Glinka Yakov Korsunsky (1932-1986).
"University Sessions" are open! 82 children from new regions of Russia will have an entertaining and educational summer vacation at the SUSU Berezka Camp for two weeks.
SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner came to open the session. At the beginning of the acquaintance, he told the guys about the Chelyabinsk Region, its rich nature and, of course, our university:
In their free time students can implement their ideas by presenting projects in various contests and festivals. Catch up and read our review here: perhaps, it is your application that we are still missing!
Student tourism
The Youth and Student Tourism Program is an excellent opportunity for students, postgraduates and young professionals to travel around our country, staying at university dormitories.
Staff members of the Sociocultural Adaptation Centre of the International Office organized a tour to the Taganay National Park and Lake Turgoyak for SUSU international students on July 9th.
The tour started with visiting one of the most beautiful places in the South Ural region: Taganay National Park. International students walked along the Journey through Europe and Asia eco-trail and climbed to the Semibratka observation deck, from where they could admire beautiful views of the mountains. The students enjoyed the walk since everyone managed to cope with the 4-km route.