
News about culture, music, art etc

“We Should Know the Heroes Who Gave Us Victory”: a Meeting with the Author of the Reportage “Vasiliy Zaitsev. Nowhere to Retreat”

At the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, a viewing of a special reportage of “Vasiliy Zaitsev. Nowhere to Retreat” by the correspondent of Izvestia, 5TV Russian TV Channel and REN TV, graduate of the SUSU Faculty of Journalism Vladislav Chukhrov was organized.

City Stage of Chelyabinsk Student Spring Festival-2021 Wrapped Up

On April 7th and 8th, the city stage of the “Student Spring of the City of Chelyabinsk-2021”, a festival for students of higher educational institutions, took place in the WTC Congress Hall in Chelyabinsk. Freedom, drive, zeal for victory, and most importantly, vivid emotions and unforgettable creative performances were all part of the event. The participants gave the audience their energy, and they, in turn, answered with enthusiastic ovations. The teams from South Ural State University showed the best results among the higher educational institutions of the city of Chelyabinsk.

SUSU Invites to the Exhibition on "Pathway to the Stars. From the Calculations by Tsiolkovsky to the Space Flight of Gagarin"

Man will not always stay on Earth; the pursuit of light and space will lead him to penetrate the bounds of the atmosphere, timidly at first, but in the end to conquer the whole of solar space.

‑K.E. Tsiolkovsky

April 12th is the Day of Cosmonautics and Aviation, a holiday dedicated to the first human flight into space.

The 2nd URAL FEST Ural Forum for International Students and Alumni to Be Held at SUSU

The big-scale URAL FEST Forum will be held at South Ural State University April 25th through April 29th, 2021. The Forum is dedicated to supporting and developing the international student and alumni community within the Ural Federal District and nearby regions. Registration is open until April 10th.

Tretyakovka to Organise Creative Master Classes in a New Art Space

On April 7th, the Tretyakovka creative project is planning to open an art coworking space, in which young people aged 18 to 35 will be able to engage in 6 creative fields for free. Master classes will start in mid-April.

SUSU Teachers Conduct Online Russian Language Courses for Applicants from Mongolia

The International Office of South Ural State University and the Russian Centre for Science and Culture of Mongolia organized and implemented a joint educational project. For two months the citizens of Mongolia, dreaming of studying in Russia, have been learning the Russian language. The training took place at the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications under the additional educational program Russian as a Foreign Language. The course was held in an online format.

SUSU Summed Up the Results of Parnassus Writing Contest

This year, 18 applications have been submitted to the contest. For the first time in the more than 20-year history of the competition, not only poets, but also prose writers could take part in a writing competition. According to Oksana Ralkova, head of the Student Parnassus Literature Association, this year the contest has shown that the new nomination is in demand among students of South Ural State University: five students have sent their prose. Also this year the format of the competition has changed.

Artush Karapetyan: “There Is No Profession Better than That of an Artist”

Artush Karapetyan's exhibition “Creation of Beauty” has opened in the Art Gallery of South Ural State University. The Armenia-born artist now lives in the sunny city of Troitsk. The author of the works arrived in Chelyabinsk at the invitation of the staff of the SUSU Art Museum.

SUSU Ballroom Dance Ensemble Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary

A concert dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Ballroom Dance Ensemble headed by the Honoured Worker of Culture Tatiana Zenina will take place at South Ural State University.

For twenty years now, the ensemble has been a constant participant of the university celebrations, city events and festive programs. The Ballroom Dance Ensemble is a Grand Prix winner and laureate of international, all-Russian, regional and city festivals in choreography in the “dance show” or “show program” categories.

Students of Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Win the Telezachet All-Russian Competition of Television Creativity

As part of the Telezachet competition, 6 categories were presented. In total, 77 teams from 37 universities (members of the Association of Technical Universities) took part in it. The aim of the competition is to develop a single scientific, technological and educational space, popularize Russian education, science and culture, foster pride and respect for the achievements of our country.

Poetry Translations by the IMSSH Philology Students Published in a Swiss Journal

For many years now, a Laboratory of Literary Translation has been functioning at the Department of the Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities (IMSSH). This laboratory is headed by Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor Denis Pelikhov, whose students have been frequently winning prizes in translation contests.

“Gentle Hand of Viktor Skobelev. In Memory of the Artist” Exhibition Opened at SUSU

A grand opening of the exhibition “Gentle Hand of Viktor Skobelev. In Memory of the Artist” took place at the SUSU Art Gallery.

The instalments include 42 works in oils and acrylics. Most of the works in the exhibition are landscapes. The works of this genre demonstrate all the main styles that the artist was a master of, from the subtlest types of nature in drawing and colour nuances to the chaos of strokes, in the movement of which familiar images appear.

Lecture by Philologist of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Was Held at the Chelyabinsk Museum of Visual Arts

Early in November, a lecture on “What Is Truth? What Is Our Reason for Being?: A Dialogue between Artists Known as the Itinerants and Realist Writers of the Second Half of the 19th Century” by Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Natalia Shlemova was held within the framework of the Night of Arts campaign at the Chelyabinsk Museum of Visual Arts. The event was organised to coincide with the exhibition of paintings of the Tretyakov Gallery on the “Russian Life.

Mannequin Theatre Studio Invites to Storytelling Festival

The Association of Student Theatres of Russia supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region is holding a STFest Festival-Laboratory of Storytelling Performances at the SUSU Mannequin Theatre Studio.

“Gentle Hand of Viktor Skobelev. In Memory of the Artist” Exhibition to Open at SUSU

The exhibition “Gentle Hand of Viktor Skobelev. In Memory of the Artist” will open at SUSU Art Gallery on November 20th.

The instalment includes 42 works in oils and acrylics. The curator of the exhibition is an art critic, Head of the SUSU Fine Art Museum, senior lecturer of the Department of Theology, Culture and Arts Anatoly Razuev.

Cold and Sunny, 2016. Oil on canvas.

South Ural State University celebrates Halloween

Students of South Ural State University always take part in celebrating Halloween. Our international students from different schools and institutes make decorations and prepare bright costumes of witches, ghosts, pirates, monsters, skeletons, vampires, and many other creepy characters. Their makeup is very colorful and convincing.

SUSU Taking Part in the Student Spring 2020 Festival

The performance groups of South Ural State University will take part in the Student Spring 2020 Festival, which will be held in the beginning of October.

Due to the unstable epidemiological situation in our region, the festival of student creativity has been postponed from spring to autumn this year.

On October 8th and 9th, at the World Trade Centre (35 Lenin Prospekt), participants from various Chelyabinsk universities will present their creative performances in four sections: theatre, music, dance, and original genre.

SUSU Forum “Tretyakovka by the Sea” Has Wrapped up in the Krasnodar Territory

The Cultural and Educational Forum for Creative Youth "Tretyakovka by the Sea", which has been taking place in the Krasnodar Territory September 12th through 18th, has come to an end. Students of the Chelyabinsk Region have been engaged in creativity and conquering the sea resorts for six days.

Music Gives You Good Vibes: SUSU Recreation Centre Invites Everyone to a Concert

A traditional student philharmonic is opening at South Ural State University. A concert will be held on September 30 in front of the SUSU main building with the participation of the Ural Wind Orchestra headed by Honoured Artist of Russia Igor Ezhov, and soloists of Chelyabinsk Philharmonic Rustam Zaichenko and Svyatoslav Khazov.

SUSU “Pianist” Studio Becomes Laureate of an International Creativity Festival

“Pianist” Studio of South Ural State University took part in the “Talent. Music. Stage” Saint Petersburg International Festival and became one of the laureates.

Meet-the-artist Event Was Held for Students at SUSU with Actress and TV Host Katerina Shpitsa

Yesterday evening, a meet-the-artist event was held for students at SUSU with actress and TV host Katerina Shpitsa within the framework of Predchustvie (Anticipation) Film Festival. The meeting took place in the form of a dialogue. The star of such films as, Iron Ivan, Yolki 1914, Yolki 5, and The Crimean Bridge spoke on how she made it to the cinema industry, on the specific features of working on set, and shared her plans for the future.

Exhibition of a Mobile Museum of War-time Weapons Opens at SUSU

An exhibition of a mobile museum of weapons and memorabilia of the Great Patriotic War has opened at the Military Training Centre of South Ural State University, where the findings by the Chelyabinsk Region's scouting movement on the Sinyavino heights of the Leningrad Region have been exhibited.

The exhibition was opened by Konstantin Krikunov, Deputy Head of the Military Training Centre at SUSU.

Opening of a Reproduction of a Famous Painting by Vasily Neyasov Was Held at SUSU

On September 11th, the reproduction of the painting "Reunification of the Volga Peoples with Russia" by the outstanding national artist Vasily Neyasov (1926 - 1984) was opened in the reading room of the SUSU Library.

75th Anniversary of Victory Day: Great Literature on the Great War

Marking the 75th Anniversary of Victory Day, the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities has prepared the Great Literature on the Great War series of information materials about writers who went through the war and devoted their works to this topic.

Let us Sing, Friends! In Honour of the Great Victory, the SUSU Recreation Centre Performs Songs of the War Years

In this new and difficult period, when the whole world has to stay on self-isolation, the students and team leaders of the SUSU Recreation Centre continue to rehearse and prepare online for our country's greatest holiday, Victory Day! The teams of the Recreation Centre have prepared video performances, where they have demonstrated not only their performing skills, but also put in a piece of their soul.

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