
News about culture, music, art etc

It is Time to Groove: the SUSU School of Sound Engineers and DJs Started its Classes

South Ural State University has a huge number of student associations and projects, where each student can choose the direction for creative self-realization. School of Sound Engineers and DJs is one of the most interesting for the modern young man.

A Holiday of Spring and Beauty: SUSU Holds a Concert in Honour of March, 8

South Ural State University will hold a concert devoted to the International Women’s Day in the Activity Hall.

March… the wakening of spring ... a month of warm sun. It is time that gives us one of the most beautiful holidays. International Women's Day, March 8, the holiday of the beautiful half of humanity!

Intellectual Quiz for Students Held at SUSU

On February 28th an intellectual event in the form of a quiz was held at the Volunteer House of South Ural State University.

A quiz is a trivia game, a team competition to test logic, mental agility and quick wits. In the recent years quizzes have become very popular and are held as part of many events all over the world.

It’s Time for Pancakes: Russian Maslenitsa

A week of festivities, gluttony, and all things pancakes – welcome to Russian Maslenitsa. Otherwise known as Pancake Week, Maslenitsa is a time when Russians make lots of blini or pancakes and burn effigies that represent winter. This year Maslenitsa takes place all across Russia on March 4-10.

Why Maslenitsa?

SUSU Students are Invited to Take Part in the My Country – My Russia Contest of Youth Projects

Students, postgraduates and young academics of SUSU are invited to take part in the 16th All-Russian contest of youth projects in the sphere of education called “My Country – My Russia”. This event is targeted at social and economic development of Russian territories.

The Contest has been held since 2003 in order to attract young people to development and implementation of projects intended for improvement of governing system in regions, cities and settlements of Russia as well as for development of real sector of the economy and of social and educational spheres.

Music Symbols of the Victory: a Concert by Military Orchestra Held at SUSU

On February 28, a concert performed by military orchestra of the affiliated branch of the Air Force Military Education and Scientific Centre of Air Force “Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin” conducted by Yury Minin was held at South Ural State University.

International Students Visited Brand Studio of SUSU

South Ural State University has a Brand Studio – a store of brand items with the university’s logo. SUSU international students got familiar with activity of the Studio and competed for prizes.

South Ural State University has more than 2000 international students from 52 countries around the world. It is often that after their graduation that international students buy souvenirs before returning to their home countries.

Winners of the Russia through the Eyes of Students Photo Contest to Be Named at SUSU

South Ural State University is holding a Russia through the Eyes of Students photo contest. This contest is being organised by the Extracurricular Activities Department and SUSU Photo School for the fifth time already.

This contest aims at promoting patriotic education, involving students into creative activities, and developing their interest in Russia. Both professional photographers and beginners aged under 30 are among the participants.

Chelyabinsk Weekend Guide

Local’s guide on what to see and do

Dear Students!

There are tons of fun things you can do in Chelyabinsk. Below, we’ve picked some exciting events the city has to offer this weekend. It’s time to get some tickets and make those freedom evenings count! Don’t forget to leave your comment about the events on Vk and Facebook.

March 1, 17:00
Pushkin Cinema
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind


February 23 or Men’s Day Across the World

On February 23, Russians celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day honouring Russian soldiers for their bravery and loyalty to their country. This public holiday dates back to 1918 when Russia was on the verge of Civil War and foreign intervention. At the beginning of 1918, the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree on the foundation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to resist the enemy. Throughout its long history, the celebration has changed its name several times, from Red Army Day to Soviet Army and Navy Day to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Regional School for Leaders of Student Unions of Conductors Held in Chelyabinsk

A regional school for the teams of student unions of conductors was held February 8th through February 10th at the Malachite Congress Hotel. Commanders, commissars, and masters participated in training to improve their psychological and leadership qualities.

Chelyabinsk Weekend Guide

Local’s guide on what to see and do

Dear Students!

There are tons of fun things you can do in Chelyabinsk. Below, we’ve picked some exciting events the city has to offer this weekend. It’s time to get some tickets and make those freedom evenings count! Don’t forget to leave your comment about the events on Vk and Facebook.

February, 22: 18:00
New Art Theatre
Sanya, Vanya, and Rimas


Regional School for Heads of Students’ Teams of Train Attendants Took Place in Chelyabinsk

The regional school of the heads of students’ teams of train attendants took place in the congress hotel “Malakhit”. Captains, commissioners, and masters took part in the training classes to improve the psychological and leadership qualities. The SUSU students’ team of train attendants also participated.

Student Wedding Celebrated at SUSU on Valentine’s Day

On February 14th, on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, more than 50 couples “got married” at South Ural State University. The Student Council of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science traditionally acted as the organiser of the festivities.

The Student Wedding is an annual event when all those willing can make their relationships “official” in a mock Civil Registry Office.

Happy Lovers Day or the Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

It is highly likely you have been to both Valentine’s Day camps in various parts of your life: supporting those who find Valentine’s Day romantic and celebrate it every year, and those who believe Valentine’s Day is a cheesy and stupid celebration for losers. But when you love someone dearly, whether you have been together for ages, or for a short time, February 14th is another chance to show your significant other how much they mean to you. Below you will find some examples of how you can artistically express your love.

Defender of the Fatherland Day to Be Celebrated at SUSU

On February 21st a festive show will be held at the Activity Hall of South Ural State University as part of celebrating the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is truly a nation-wide holiday, glorifying valour and courage. This is the holiday for all men, as their main calling is to defend their home land.

Student Teams Will Battle for the Best Dancers Title

On February 17th, student teams of the Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, and Samara regions will gather at South Ural State University for the finals of the 12th Dance Festival. 16 teams will battle for the Best Dancers title under three categories: Contemporary Dance; Street Dance; and Dance Show.

Student Wedding to Be Celebrated at SUSU on Valentine’s Day

On Valentine’s Day, February 14th, a Student Wedding will be held during the midday break at SUSU. The event organisers are inviting all those willing to make their relationships “official” in a mock Civil Registry Office.

Chelyabinsk Weekend Guide

Local’s guide on what to see and do

Dear Students!

There are tons of fun things you can do in Chelyabinsk. Below, we’ve picked some exciting events the city has to offer this weekend. It’s time to get some tickets and make those freedom evenings count! Don’t forget to leave your comment about the events on Vk and Facebook.

February 15, 19:00
World Trade Centre
The ABBA Reunion


Winter Survival Guide

It is no mystery that Russian winters might be harsh. Located on the boundary between Europe and Asia, Chelyabinsk is a Siberian city, and its temperatures fall far below zero in winter. However, it does not mean only the bravest can survive here. In fact, Russian nature is exceptionally beautiful and mysterious in winter, with snow sparkling on the trees like diamonds. Skating, skiing, strolling in snowy parks (weather allowed!), and drinking hot beverages – Russian winter is a must-have experience.

Chinese New Year Got Celebrated at SUSU

A celebratory concert was held at South Ural State University’s Activity Hall on February 4 on the occasion of Chinese New Year. In Chinese culture, the New Year (Chun Jie) is translated as Spring Festival and is the most traditional and important holiday of the Celestial Empire; the holiday has been existing for more than 2 000 years. This holiday is annually celebrated at SUSU: students from China prepare artistic performances as well as perform national songs and dances.

Chelyabinsk Weekend Guide

Local’s guide on what to see and do

Dear Students!

There are tons of fun things you can do in Chelyabinsk. Below, we’ve picked some exciting events the city has to offer this weekend. It’s time to get some tickets and make those freedom evenings count! Don’t forget to leave your comment about the events on Vk and Facebook.

February, 8: 19:10
Pushkin Cinema
Il Tuttofare


Labour Unions Wait for Students!

Students of South Ural State University can join the movement of the Russian student unions. Every year more than 3000 students of the Chelyabinsk Region work in the summer period in various fields.

Today, young people have an opportunity to work in the following fields: construction, service, medical, pedagogical unions, rescue teams, and car attendants. Free training and official employment after successful completion of exams are provided.

Chinese New Year is to be Celebrated at SUSU with Singing and Dancing

Chinese New Year is to be celebrated at South Ural State University on February 4. On the stage of SUSU Activity Hall, students from China will introduce their traditions of celebrating the main day of the year.

Chelyabinsk Weekend Guide

Local’s guide on what to see and do

Dear Students!

There are tons of fun things you can do in Chelyabinsk. Below, we’ve picked some exciting events the city has to offer this weekend. It’s time to get some tickets and make those freedom evenings count! Don’t forget to leave your comment about the events on Vk and Facebook.

February, 1: 18:00
Chelyabinsk Puppet Theatre n.a. Olkhovsky
My Husband Daniil Kharms


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