When summer is near, students begin preparing for their exams and tests with more zeal, so that after that they were free to go travelling to other cities or countries, tan and swim, walk with their friends, and just relax. South Ural State University’s international students shared their grand plans for the summer.
The students’ preferences vary: some are planning on travelling across Europe, some are going home, but some students are happy to remain in Chelyabinsk to spend an unforgettable summer at Olimp Sports and Recreation Camp.
On May 24th the Day of Slavic Writing System and Culture is celebrated. On this occasion South Ural State University will hold a “Be Happy, My Land!” concert by Primavera mixed academic choir headed by choir master Aleksey Prosekov. Also the SUSU Studio of the Art of Declamation under guidance by Elena Vasiltseva will take part in the event.
Museum Day is celebrated around the world on May 18th. This date was officially made a holiday in 1977 and was becoming more and more popular ever since. SUSU features more than 10 exhibition venues and museums, so traditionally special events for students are held here on this day.
On May 18th an experimental archaeology master class will be held at Museum of Peoples and Technologies of the Ural Region. It will be delivered by a research fellow of the SUSU Research and Education Center for Eurasian Studies and Head of the Archeos Project Ivan Semyan.
National Academic Male-voice Choir of the SUSU Automobile and Tractor Engineering Faculty performed at Paparats-kvetka BGU International Forum of Youth and Student Choirs, at which the best artistic achievements of university and youth choirs from Belarus and Russia are demonstrated every year.
The contest program comprised two rounds: performing of secular music, and of church music. In the Cathedral of the Holy Name of Mary the groups performed the best classical compositions: music by V. Kalinnikov, P. Chesnokov, J. des Prez, S. Prokofiev, and others.
On May 14th at 15:00 the opening ceremony for the Ecology&Arts Exhibition will be held at the SUSU’s Arts Hall. Works by the artists presented at the university exhibition hall are united into exhibit blocks “Pristine Earth”, “Industrialization and Its Consequences”, and “The Earth of the Future”.
This year over 330 students have taken part in Student Spring Festival. Individual performers and groups of the SUSU Creativity Center won 60 prizes with almost half thereof being the 1st prizes.
Deep Vision Dance Theater headed by Ekaterina Galanova and Maria Rokhlis presented 18 performances for the jury, and 17 of them were awarded prizes. Primavera Choir headed by Aleksei Prosekov participated under two nominations and took two first prizes.
As part of the celebration of the International Women’s Day a concert was held at the SUSU Activity Hall where children and grandchildren of the university lecturers and employees took part.
This format of event of suggested by the SUSU Creativity Center headed by Svetlana Filipchuk. The Center’s groups together with children of the employees performed for the audience under various genres: songs, dances and instrumental musical numbers.
March 8 is the International Women’s Day which also celebrates women’s achievements in political, economic and social spheres; it celebrates the past, present and the future of women from around the planet. On the occasion of the holiday, the SUSU group in VKontakte organizes a contest, the first participant in which was Vanya the Robot who congratulated all women.
On February 25, SUSU’s Jazz Orchestra conducted by a well-known musician and composer, Georgy Anokhin, won Grand Prix of the Live Sound – 2018 2nd All-Russian Festival Contest of Pop and Jazz Ensembles in Yekaterinburg.
The Orchestra performed famous jazz compositions in a composer’s original arrangement of Georgy Anokhin, and his own compositions.
The year 2018 has been declared the year of the volunteers. A plan for promoting volunteer work has been approved. These decisions will enable the development of volunteer work and help strengthen the dialog between bodies of power and activists. This kind of dialog exists between the city’s social organizations and the SUSU student volunteers.
On September 24, SUSU students from Sri-Lanka, China, Iraq, Venezuela, Columbia and Indonesia along with volunteers of the Center for Sociocultural Adaptation visited the premiere of Paquita ballet in the Opera and Ballet Theatre named after M.I. Glinka.
The Olimp student sport and health center is broadening its borders. This summer, not only did Russian students from SUSU come to visit, but also visitors from abroad.
In 2017, Olimp was a place uniting people from various countries: Zimbabwe, Syria, Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia, and Iraq. Over a few days, the thirteen international students will live in the territory of the famous SUSU camp and speak Russian. According to the organizers, this format will allow folks from different countries more quickly adapt to the new conditions.
On July 6th in the foresight session introductory lessons were held for applicants. They got to know the program Production Technology and Catering Organization of the Institute of Sport, Tourism, and Service. The future students were shown the department, and had an excursion and master class.
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin, a great Russian poet, who is often called a founder of the modern Russian literary language, was born 218 years ago. Today this language is studied not only by residents of Russia, but also by schoolchildren and students around the world. At SUSU the robot Vanya, which serves as a teaching assistant, helps to teach foreign students Russian.
The 5th of June is the World Environment Day, and also the Day of the Ecologist. The problem of global pollution of the environment is not novel, each year scientists and companies develop new and more effective methods for its solution. One of such companies is Coca-Cola HBC Russia, which cooperates with SUSU. We asked the Coca-Cola Hellenic regional director for external and internal communications Marina Mokina, what Coca-Cola does for improving ecological situation, and how students of our university participate in the activity.
The Department of Philosophy of the SUSU Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities presents a new project Philosophy+Theatre within the strategic scientific area Philosophy in Education together with the municipal autonomic institution New Artistic Theatre.
On June 2nd at 17:00 in the SUSU Pushkin Hall there will be a round table, Philosophy+Theatre, the central topic of which will be discussion of philosophical ideas for the NAT show for the F.M. Dostoyevsky novel Demons (Besy).
Sport is one of the most important aspects of our life. Staying fit is the right way to health and development.
South Ural State University provides an opportunity to plunge into the world of sports for all who wants to: annually at the parking lot in front of the main building the Sports Festival is held. This year, in the framework of the sport’s week the event was held on May 26.
For the participants, five sport grounds were organized: for streetball, flatball, archery tag, slacklining and even for checkers tournament.
On May 24th the students and teachers of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communication celebrated the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture with a bang.
Per tradition, the student linguists were joined by students from the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities and the School of Economics and Management.
On May 24, the opening of the exhibition of art works of the School of Architectural and Artistic Endeavor took place in the SUSU Hall of Arts. The school was founded in 2010 by the Department of Design and Arts. The Head of the Department is Associate Professor, a member of the Union of Russian Artists Larisa Surina.
In the beginning of May, the CHEAP festival of street poster art was held for the fifth time in the Italian city of Bologna. For this year’s theme, the organizers of the festival chose "Disorder, please!", suggesting artists and designers to create posters that would go beyond the artistic language, breaking the usual aesthetic order that fits in the dichotomy of “good / bad” , “decency / vandalism”, “legal / illegal”, and would bring up acute issues, reinforcing contradictions.
The international day of museums isn’t just for those who store valuable exhibits, but also for those who find these exhibits.
Archaeologist Aleksandr Tairov, doctor of historical sciences, director of the Eurasian Studies Research Center of the SUSU Institute of Socio-Humanitarian Sciences, has been completing digs in the South Ural region for many years. Among his “spoils” are some completely unique and surprising finds. Aleksandr Dmitriyevich told us about what a museum is in his understanding, how people find their roots and what a gorit is.
On the18th of May the whole world celebrates the International Museum Day. This holiday officially exists since 1978, when during one of the International Council of Museums’ meeting it was decided to establish a new memorable date in the international calendar. Nowadays this holiday is celebrated in more than 150 countries, expressing appreciation and respect to museum workers and visitors.