SUSU Welcomes New Generation!

In Chelyabinsk, the 9th City Occupation Guidance Forum and Exhibition “New Generation Chooses!” is wrapping up. South Ural State University is among its participants.

School pupils of the 8th–11th forms have visited several interactive venues and learned about the professions, for which they can obtain education at the School of Economics and Management, Institute of Law, Institute of Linguistics and International Communications, Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service, and Multidiscipline College of the Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service.

"We are holding various master classes, including one on the "Signs of Banknote Authenticity". We explain how to identify counterfeit money," said Academic Services specialist of the Department of Economics and Finance of the School of Economics and Management Ekaterina Vishniagova. "You can simply sight check banknotes, or use infrared or ultraviolet light – you will need special banking equipment for that. Moreover, you can check the small elements in patterns using a magnifying glass."

Representatives of the Institute of Law noted that the most popular master classes among school pupils are those related to forensics, trace evidence examination, and fingerprinting. Students – the future lawyers – shared with guests on how bullets can differ from one another. Also, kids tried taking their fingerprints and palm prints.

"At this career guidance forum for school pupils, the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications presents all its programmes, including in political sciences and language sciences. Kids come over and take part in mini-games testing their knowledge of geographical objects, or linguistic associative array, and we demonstrate a short presentation of our institute's achievements over the last year and explain in which subjects they should pass unified state exams to enrol in the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications," explained senior lecturer of the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Regional Studies Maksim Dvoinenko.

At the venue of the Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service, school pupils learned to tie knots that could be helpful in sporting outdoor trips, plot a route on a map and not get lost in a forest; while students and staff members of the Multidiscipline College of the Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service offered an interactive game for kids where they could pack a large tourist backpack, or play a Jenga game with sporting tasks.

So that our potential applicants could learn more about SUSU, representatives of the institutes invited them to attend the Open House Day, which will be held on November 10th.

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