Think, Act, Achieve: Communication Leader of the 21st Century Mediaforum Being Hosted by SUSU

Very soon, our South Ural State University will welcome young people from all across Russia – those who will be creating and promoting media in the future! So, October 10th through October 11th, the Communication Leader of the 21st Century All-Russia Youth Mediaforum will be held at our university.

The forum participants will be greeted at the SUSU’s mediafloor, the headquarters of our university’s leading mass media: SUSU-TV Student Television Company, SUSU Radio Station, Photography Studio, and Multimedia Newsroom. Here is where student news content and information broadcasts are born.

And namely here, on the 10th floor of the main university building, the Regional Student Media Centre of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation is functioning. It was created last year. So, with the support from the Association of Leading Universities of Russia, this venue will host the youth mediaforum under the slogan “Think, Act, Achieve!”.

For the forum’s opening ceremony, it is planned to invite speakers to deliver motivation reports:

– “Media Culture of Modern Young People: Illusions vs Reality” is the topic that will be covered by Sergey Ilchenko, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication of St. Petersburg University;

– “Journalism and Politics: Interaction and Mutual Influence” is the title of the report to be presented by Nataliia Balynskaiia, Doctor of Sciences (Politics), Professor, Vice-Rector for Student and Education Affairs of Tchaikovsky South Ural State Institute of Arts.

Next, start the open dialogues with well-known and prominent media personae: Andrei Trushnikov, Director for Information Development of GranadaPress Mediaholding; Editor-in-Chief of the “Chelyabinsk Segodnya” (Chelyabinsk Today) online media Aleksandr Fairuzov; Deputy Director General for Digital Mediaresources of AO “Obl-TV” Company Dariia Godunova, and others.

Special time in the forum’s program will be given to master classes, which will be offered by high-level mediaprofessionals, including: the Head of the Radiobroadcasting Service Dariia Chirkova and journalist from Yuzhny Ural State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Aleksandr Ermolin; Art Director of Elovoe Nordic-style Anna Morozova; Editor-in-Chief of the “Biznes-FM” Radio Station Ivan Sukhonosov; and marketing expert of RED Engineering company Denis Miasnikov. Among the forum speakers will also be researchers of the modern mediaspace – leading scientists of the SUSU Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities: Director of Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor Lidiya Lobodenko; Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor Igor Sibiriakov, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor Artur Dydrov, and others.

Also various mediacreativity events will be held on the same day: “Philosophy on the Internet” quiz-tournament; online exhibition of student advertising-graphics works; “Tsifro-Art” media exhibition; and Akuly PеRа (News Tribe) Business Game. A trend consulting on the “Media People, Neural Network, Artificial Intelligence: Allies or Rivals” will be held by Ivan Lezhnin, creative producer of the New Media Workshop, a special project of the “Russia Is a Land of Opportunities” Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization.

On October 11th, the round table will provide an opportunity for experience exchange between our region’s student media centres. Results of the Communication Leader of the 21st Century All-Russia Youth Mediaforum will be summed up, and the awards ceremony will be held for the winners of the “Media PROFILE – 2024” International Festival on Advertising and Public Relations and the Media Planet International Contest of School and Student Mass Media.

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