25 Years of Achievements and Victories: SUSU Creativity Centre Celebrated Its Anniversary

On October 18th, the South Ural State University's Creativity Centre celebrated its 25th anniversary. The festive concert brought together the heads of the creative groups, students and alumni of the university who had taken their first creative steps within the walls of our university. 

The SUSU Creativity Centre began its work as a student club at the Trade Union Committee of students and postgraduates of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute more than 50 years ago, and in October 1999 it became an independent structural division of the university. Today, the Centre includes more than 30 student groups in instrumental, vocal, dance, theatre and literary areas. More than 100 concerts, theatrical performances, thematic events and holidays are held annually. 

The SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner noted the special contribution of the Creativity Centre to the life of the university and students: 

"I would like to congratulate you all on this significant event. Our university has lived a third of its life with the Creativity Centre, it is an integral part of SUSU. Just imagine: over this time, the Centre's team has organized thousands of events, given millions of smiles, hundreds of young hearts have lit up on stage of our Assembly Hall. Many thanks to those who stood at the origins of the opening and creation of the Creativity Centre, first of all to German Vyatkin, because it was under his guidance that the Centre was organized. I would also like to thank those who are always behind the scenes: these are the mentors and leaders of our creative teams. I congratulate you all on this event, I wish you good health, new creative successes and an ocean of positive emotions." 

The anniversary concert was opened by the SUSU jazz orchestra conducted by Georgy Anokhin. The wonderful instrumental music was complemented by a young student beatboxer. 

The honorary guests of the festivity were the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, Chairman of the Chelyabinsk Regional Branch of the Russian Military Historical Society Andrey Shmidt, as well as the Director of the Fund for Social, Cultural and Educational Initiatives 2020 Veronika Livonchik. 

"The teams of the Creativity Centre are the calling card of SUSU and our entire region. There is no place where our students have not shone yet. All across Russia, the Moscow Kremlin Palace, St. Petersburg, and even in Paris. I think that over these 25 years, the Centre has proven its necessity for the university, because it is great that SUSU students develop not only professionally, but also creatively. My deepest gratitude to the leaders, team members, and long life to the Creativity Centre," shared Andrey Shmidt. 

On this day, creative gifts from students and alumni of the SUSU Creativity Centre were presented on stage. Thus, a university alumnus Nataliia Ilyina hosted the event. Together with her students of the Oblaka Development Centre, they prepared a cheerful and bright vocal and dance routine. 

Students from Chelyabinsk State University also presented a festive surprise in the form of a dance performance with elements of sign language. 

The stage was graced with the choir of the SUSU Automobile and Tractor Faculty, the folk song ensemble "Folk-ton" and the folk dance ensemble "Uralskoye Razdolye". The hallmark of SUSU is the ballroom dance ensemble, as well as the "Deep Vision" dance theatre, which has represented our university at the gala concert of the All-Russian Festival "Russian Student Spring" this year. 

"I will never tire of repeating that creativity is a source of joy and it is wonderful that our university has such a place where you can come to receive joy and give it to others. Every year our teams become brighter, more modern, we keep up with the times, so our guys are the best at all levels. I congratulate all our creative teams and leaders on their birthday!" noted Director of the SUSU Creativity Centre Svetlana Filipchuk. 

The headliner of the festive concert was the "Rich and Famous" duet, one of whose members is a university alumnus Tigran Khachatryan.  

The concert ended with a fiery performance by the "Ladies Band" group, as well as a surprise from the group of directors of the schools and institutes – the anniversary cake. 



Anastasiia Kosocheva, photos by Sergey Kachko
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