Think, Act, Achieve: Matriculation Ceremony Held at SUSU

The 2024 matriculation ceremony for freshmen took place on the main square of South Ural State University on August 31st.

At the beginning of the day, the SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner held a meeting with the university staff, during which he set tasks for the teaching staff for the new academic year and wished everyone professional success. Read more on our website.

The event dedicated to the Knowledge Day has become a good tradition for the university and the first step of freshmen into adult life.

“Dear friends, first of all, I want to thank each of you for making such a life-changing choice and connecting your lives with our wonderful university. I congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year, may your student life be bright, filled with romance, love, new meetings, acquaintances and interesting travels. Student years are truly a very important period in the life of every person, and may yours be eventful, your knowledge extensive, and your exams easy,” SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner addressed the first-year students and congratulated them on the holiday.

First-year students met with the directors of schools and institutes, group mates, and also received precious documents: student ID cards.

“I enrolled in the SUSU Institute of Law because I like this area of study and I would like to study criminal cases in depth. I am really looking forward to student life, I want to meet other students and academic staff. I am sure that my studies at the university will be very interesting and unforgettable,” shared first-year student Viktoriia Shakhomalova.

Then students were taken on a tour around the campus, which includes several academic buildings, dormitories, and a sports complex.

“I really enjoyed the tour around the SUSU buildings. I think it is very useful because the university has many different buildings, and today we were shown most of them. It is impressive that the university has its own swimming pool, its own sports complex, so many classrooms and laboratories. I am really looking forward to the start of studies!” said Ulyana Minaeva.

Following the tradition, in the square in front of the main university building freshmen promised to be worthy of the title of a SUSU student, to study with “excellent” grades, and also to actively participate in the life of the university.

As part of the celebration, colourful photo zones were open, where everyone could capture an important moment of the beginning of student life. Also, members of the structural divisions of the SUSU Extracurricular Activities Office organized interactive platforms for the guests, where they got acquainted with the projects and student associations operating at the university.

“I really liked today’s event, everything is so versatile, we are gradually trying to make friends with our group mates, to join the process. In general, it is very exciting since I will study both Chinese language and programming - quite complex disciplines, but I hope that I will cope with them and that SUSU will help me become who I want to be,” shared her impressions Valeriia Degtyareva, a student of the SUSU Institute of Linguistics and International Communications.

The event continued with a colourful musical concert with the participation of a DJ and the VIA Leto band.

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