Sharing Experience and Plans for the Future: SUSU Welcomed a Delegation from Chinese University

On June 18th, a delegation from Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics visited South Ural State University. The purpose of this visit was to communicate with Chinese students and discuss plans for cooperation.

SUSU and ZUA have a long history of partnership. At the Chinese university, jointly with SUSU, South Ural Institute was created, where more than 600 Chinese students study in engineering and IT specialties of the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science and Institute of Engineering and Technology. Education at the institute is carried out according to the 2+2 program: students study in China for 2 years and at SUSU for 2 years.

"Our university is open to communication with various foreign universities. Partnership with Chinese universities provides a new step towards the development of our education. Today, our colleagues have noted that the knowledge that our teachers give to their students is very valuable and important to them. The People’s Republic of China is a friend and partner of our country, so interaction with Chinese universities is of particular importance for SUSU," said SUSU Vice-Rector for Education Marina Potapova.

During the visit, the delegation of the Chinese university held a meeting with the SUSU administration. Colleagues thanked each other for successful and effective cooperation and discussed plans for further joint activities in the field of educational development. Then representatives of the Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics met with students of South Ural Institute, who are currently studying at SUSU. The guys shared on their academic successes, talked about how they live in Russia and discussed their plans for the future. Many of the students expressed a desire to continue their studies at SUSU.

"Today we have had a meeting with the first group of students from South Ural Institute. SUSU pays great attention to our students, and the students report that they have a good time living and studying here. Both universities have a very long history, and there are opportunities for cooperation between us, thanks to which we can use high-quality resources and train outstanding professionals. Besides, SUSU and ZUA can use their potential to jointly conduct high-quality scientific research," said Zheng Xiaodun, Deputy Director of South Ural Institute.

At the meeting, SUSU teaching staff members presented educational programmes and scientific activities carried out by students of the joint program of ZUA and SUSU.

SUSU also proposed a number of projects for joint implementation. The Institute of Law of our university offers joint scientific publications in international editions, participation in conferences, the creation of educational laboratories and research.

Research and Education Centre of Open Education in the Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin, operating at SUSU, invites students and teachers of the Chinese university to join the new educational programme "Modern Design Methods for Russian as a Foreign Language" in order to improve their knowledge of the Russian language, and also work on scientific projects and take part in the Science-to-Practice Conference "Innovative Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in China".

In May, representatives of South Ural State University had taken part in a working meeting on cooperation with Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics. During the meeting with the Rector of the university, Liu Daijun, the participants had discussed plans to expand cooperation in engineering, information technology, as well as the opening of joint laboratories for the study of Russian and Chinese languages, law, and the creation of joint Master's degree and postgraduate programmes.

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