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“Job Fair” of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Held at SUSU

On November 1, 2019, the “Job Fair” of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science was held at South Ural State University. Leading companies in the IT sector and electronics of Chelyabinsk and Russia, as well as more than 200 students interested in getting a job attended the job fair.

“Prospects of Information Technologies” IT School Has Opened at SUSU

The "Prospects of Information Technologies" school was founded for students of IT fields at South Ural State University. Elena Bunova, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology in Economics of the SUSU School of Economics and Management spoke about the formation and future plans of the “Prospects of Information Technologies” school.

– How did the “Prospects of Information Technologies” school come to be?

SUSU Projects Won 3 Medals at Agricultural Exhibition “Golden Autumn 2019”

South Ural State University presented its scientific projects at the Russian Agricultural Exhibition “Golden Autumn 2019”. The university’s developments in the field of processing and storage of agricultural products were highly appreciated and awarded a silver and two bronze medals.

The Department of Food Technology and Biotechnology of the SUSU School of Medical Biology presented its developments in the “Innovative Developments in the Field of Processing and Storage of Agricultural Products” nomination.

SUSU Took Part in Russia-Africa Summit

The Russia-Africa Summit, co-chaired by Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Chairman of the African Union, was held in Sochi, October 23rd through October 24th. Valeria Chachina, the South Ural State University specialist of the International Student Support, took part in the forum.

SUSU Students Presented Their Project in the Steel Start Contest

The final of the Steel Start - Accelerator of Projects for the Metallurgical Industry of Chelyabinsk Region contest was held at the site of the regional operator of the Skolkovo Foundation in Chelyabinsk. Students of South Ural State University presented their project, which was highly appreciated by representatives of leading metallurgical enterprises in the region.

Acting Consul General of the Republic of Tajikistan Learned More about the Options of Partnership with SUSU

For the first time, South Ural State University was visited by the Acting Consul General of the Republic of Tajikistan Yusufdzhon Nabiev. During the visit, meetings were held with the leadership of the SUSU departments and with students.

SUSU International Students Took Part in “AIS-party”

“AIS-party”, an event for international students, organized by the South Ural State University Association of International Students, took place on October 27th.

The event was held in order to introduce new international students to other students, and inform them about the Association of International Students activity. The concert program included art performances by students from all around the globe. Also, the students competed in various contests and lotteries, where they had a chance to win thermo mugs, t-shirts and flash drives with SUSU logo on them.

SUSU Will Host the 13th International Youth Cooking Festival

On November 22nd, the 13th International Youth Cooking Festival will be held at South Ural State University. This cooking event, which has already become a tradition, is held for school pupils of (forms 8 to 11) and students of secondary technical schools.

The festival is organized by SUSU, represented by the Department of Production Technology and Catering Organisation of the Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service, and is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science for the Chelyabinsk Region.

The festival program will feature five categories:

SUSU-TV Broadcasting Company Invites Participants for a Creativity Contest

On the occasion of its 15th Anniversary, the first-in-Russia student television and radio broadcasting company gives away presents to SUSU students.

South Ural State University celebrates frightening holiday

Students of South Ural State University always take part in celebrating Halloween. This year students of Institute of Linguistic and International Communication and our international students from different schools and institutes make decorations and prepare bright costumes of witches, ghosts, pirates, monsters, skeletons, vampires, and many other creepy characters. Their makeup is very colorful and convincing.

SUSU Postgraduate Became a Priz-Winner of the Weldex/Rossvarka 2019 Exhibition

The 19th International Exhibition of Welding Materials, Equipment and Technologies Weldex/Rossvarka 2019 was held in Moscow. A postgraduate student of South Ural State University took first place in one of the engineering categories.

At present, the Weldex/Rossvarka 2019 exhibition is the biggest specialized welding exhibition in Russia, in the former Soviet Union (USSR) countries, as well as one of the biggest welding exhibitions in Europe and in the world.

Moscow&Detroit: SUSU Associate Professor Representing Our University at a Symposium in the USA

Associate Professor of the Department of Theology, Culture, and Arts Evgeniya Konysheva represented South Ural State University at a Moscow&Detroit: Transnational Modernity in the Built Environment international scientific symposium in University of Michigan, which holds the 21st place in the world university ranking.

SUSU Holds a Series of Off-site Interactive Presentations for Applicants

South Ural State University actively organizes career guidance work with applicants. In October, the Faculty of Pre-University Education, jointly with the schools and institutes, began a series of off-site interactive presentations for students of Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk Region secondary schools.

SUSU Student Wins Grand Prix in the Internet of Things Project Contest

Samsung Electronics, the Korean company, held the interuniversity finals of the Internet of Things Project Contest in MIREA – Russian Technological University, in Moscow. 12 projects in the “Research” and “Business and Society” categories were presented. According to the results of the contest, two residents of Chelyabinsk became laureates: Sergey Аntonov , who won the 2-nd place in the “Business and Society” category, and а Samsung IoT Academy graduate Sergey Кuznetsov , who won the Grand Prix.

SUSU Presented Its Practices in Staff Training for a Digital Industry to Russian Metallurgical Enterprises

South Ural State University took part in the first industry forum called Information Technologies in Metallurgy and Metalworking. Liudmila Radionova, Head of the Department of Metal Forming of the SUSU Institute of Engineering and Technology, became the only representative of a higher school in Russia to address the leading metallurgical enterprises of our country.

SUSU Rector Awards a Team from Iraq for Winning the Mini Football Championship for International Students

South Ural State University actively supports international students both in their educational-scientific pursuits and in extracurricular activities. Students from 52 countries from around the world are constantly engaged in various fields of activity, and sports holds a special place among them. SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov has awarded students from Iraq for winning a Mini Football Championship.

Russian Scientists Are Investigating the Mechanisms of Antibiotic Action

Gennady Makarov, a young scientist of South Ural State University, is researching a bacterial ribosome. The results will discover applications in creating a new antibiotic that can overcome the maternal systems of bacteria. The project is being implemented under a grant from the Russian Science Foundation.

Institute of Engineering and Technology Begins Collaboration with the Ural Region REC in the Field of Materials Science

The SUSU Institute of Engineering and Technology has started to fulfil a scientific project on High Entropy Alloys under the field of Materials Science. It is in this field that our university is represented within the work of the Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre for Advanced Industrial Technology, New Materials and Power Engineering (REC), which was created in 2019 in compliance with the federal project on Developing Scientific and Research-and-production Cooperation under the Science National Project.

Presentation of the “I Am a Professional” Olympiad Was Held at SUSU

On October 25th, the presentation of the “I Am a Professional” Olympiad for students was held at South Ural State University.

President of the South Ural Association of International Students on the Idea of Holding URAL FEST at SUSU

South Ural State University will be holding URAL FEST, the Ural forum of international students and alumni, November 14th through November 16th. The big-scale event is conducted in association with the South Ural Association of International Students functioning at SUSU. This event will bring together students and alumni from different countries, who have chosen Russian universities to gain prestigious higher education.

“Every Month Is a New Year”: SUSU Held the First International Volunteers Meeting

The South Ural Association of International Students organizes a huge number of events for international students. In this new academic year, it has been decided to create an international volunteers program, where initiative international students were invited to help organize such events.

SUSU Has Successfully Presented a Report on Implementation of the Roadmap at Project 5-100 Council Meeting

On October 24th through 26th, the twelfth meeting of the Russian Academic Excellence Council (the Council of Project 5-100) held among the world’s leading research and education centres took place in Moscow. In the course of the meeting, results of each university’s progress within programme 5-100 have been thoroughly analyzed. The key agenda of the Council meeting was the issues regarding the enhancement of global competitive ability of Russian higher education institutions in 2020 – 2024, and an extension of the validity of measures for government support.

Project-based Learning 2019-2020: New Projects and Global Tasks

Project-based learning, which was successfully launched in autumn of 2018, has become one of the main projects of our university in 2019. The new educational approach is rightfully considered as one of the best practices of the university, the experience which can now be translated to other educational institutions in our country. Project-based learning at the university is supervised by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor Andrey Radionov.

Digital Revolution: SUSU and Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works Implement “Smart Technologies” into Production

South Ural State University, as a participant of Project 5-100, focuses on developing research studies, which integrate computer sciences and engineering, are related to actively implementing the Internet of Things into industry, and aim at meeting the global challenges jointly with leading companies of Big Urals. One of the university’s long-time partners is Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works, who puts a bet on innovations and digitalization and is solving the tasks on switching to Industry 4.0 jointly with our university.

SUSU Students Took Part in Brighter Together Festival

South Ural State University students have been to an electric power substation. An excursion for future power engineers was held within the framework of the All-Russian Brighter Together Festival.

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