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SUSU Students Took Part in Field Session of the Priorities of Information Technologies School

The main field session of the Priorities of Information Technologies school was held on November 22nd-24th, 2019. The school is organized with the support from the RosMolodezh Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. This grant was received and fulfilled by a group of students in the Business Information Technology, and Mathematics and Computer Science programmes under the guidance of their mentor – Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology in Economics E.V. Bunova. Active support was given by senior lecturer V.V. Kosternin and Associate Professor O.S.

“From GTO Stage to Elite Sport”: SUSU Hosts Family Sport Festival for Academic and Administrative Staff

A number of sport events for the academic and administrative staff and their families is taking place at South Ural State University. On December 15, “From GTO Stage to Elite Sport” Family Sport Festival will be held in the indoor athletic stadium of the SUSU Sport Complex.

The goal of the festival is to promote healthy lifestyle, involve the families of the SUSU academic staff in physical culture and sports, as well as to prepare for completing the All-Russian Sports Complex “Ready for Labour and Defence” standards.

KNAUF in the World’s Construction Complex Conference Held at SUSU

November 27th, the 12th International Science-to-Practice Conference on KNAUF in the World’s Construction Complex was held at South Ural State University. This even has long become a good tradition and a result of joint work of the KNAUF Training Centre of the Ural Marketing Directorate, Branch of OOO KNAUF GIPS, and the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction.

Russian Scientists Developed a Model to Study Properties of New Powdered Nanomaterials

Over the recent years, much interest has been sparked by the synthesis of various nanoparticles and nanomaterials. Among the variety of modern materials, more and more attention is being drawn to powdered objects, which are produced using metal and non-metal powders as the source raw material. Scientists at South Ural State University have developed a mathematical model of aluminium nanopowder compaction, which can be used when producing new fine-grained materials through the method of compaction.

SUSU Students Took Nationwide Dictation Quiz in English

SUSU students took an active part in the all-Russian event, Nationwide Dictation Quiz in English among students of higher education organisations and general educational organisations of the Russian Federation on November 29, 2019.

“Practical Training with Excellent Marks!”: Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Summed Up Students’ Practical Training

“Practice Day” was held at the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities. Teachers and students discussed the results of summer practical training at the event. At the first stage within the framework of Research-to-Practice Conference “Students’ Practical Training in the System of Professional Coordinates”, students of all years of study made scientific reports and shared their personal experience on practical training.

Interuniversity Student Science-to-practice Conference “New Vision-4” Held at SUSU

A New Vision-4 Interuniversity Student Science-to-practice Conference was held at the Department of International Relations, Politology, and Regional Studies of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications on December 3rd.

During the conference, the participants discussed the most critical issues of international relations, political science, international regional studies, and political linguistics. The work of the research forum was organized into three sections, in which places were determined:

Студенты ЮУрГУ приняли участие в фотоконкурсе «Удивительное – рядом»

The School of Economics and Management of South Ural State University has held a Miracles Are All Around Us photo contest, in which 1st-year to 4th-year students took part.

A makeshift photo gallery opened on the fifth floor of the SUSU academic building No.2. The participants submitted 38 photo works for the jury’s evaluation: all they had to do was to choose categories, give titles for their works, and submit their pictures in А4 photographic paper.

SUSU Hosted Competitions on Historical Dances

South Ural State University hosted the 1st round of the 3d All-Russian Historical Dance Competition. “Gattaca” vintage interest club was the organizer of the event.

A great number of participants from different Russian cities are engaged in the event annually. This year the competitions are held in a new format: 2 more preliminary rounds, where the participants should demonstrate their skills, will be held before the finals in May.

“100% of Our Graduates Are Employed”: Institute of Engineering and Technology Job Fair Held at SUSU

An Autumn Job Fair: Employees for a High-tech Russia, organized by the Institute of Engineering and Technology, was held at South Ural State University. Leading companies from the technical and industrial sectors of Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk Region took part in this event alongside students of the institute, school pupils, and vocational schools graduates.

SUSU Held Open Lecture on Media Impact on Voters

“Transformation of Electoral Behaviour in Russia in the Face of Digital Revolution” open lecture was held at South Ural State University on November 29.

The objective of the project was to analyse the impact on the electoral behaviour of the Russian voters at the federal elections in 2003, 2007 and 2011.

Students! Protect Yourselves against Flu and Respiratory Infections This Winter!

Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) are the most widely spread type of infections. ARVI-causing viruses are not endemic to any certain region or country and are spread all over the world. Most often, those provoke diseases in winter; however, outbreaks are registered in spring and autumn as well.

“How to Magnify Movement and Identify Photosensor Imprints”: Lectures by Professor Omar Fahmi Held at SUSU

Professor Omar Fahmi, Associate Professor of Future University, Egypt, senior research fellow of the SUSU Department of Electronic Computing Machines, has been delivering lectures at the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science this week.

“Sporty SUSU”: Winning Student Athletes Awarded by the University

On November 27th, the ceremony of awarding the winners and medallists of the Sporty SUSU project was held as part of the All-Russian Youth Projects Contest of the Rosmolodezh Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

Rosmolodezh is a federal executive body, whose activities are entirely focused on creating equal conditions for the self-fulfilment of the younger generation.

Today, the goal of Rosmolodezh is to create as many opportunities as possible for young people’s self-development and, as a result, the effective fulfilment of the innovative potential of the youth.

Results of the “Chelyabinsk, a Smart City” Session: City’s Digital Twin, Biohacking and Ecomonitor

Александр Шестаков и Наталья Котова

A project and analysis session, which was being held at South Ural State University November 29th through December 1st, closed with the signing by the Head of the City of Chelyabinsk Natalya Kotova and SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov of a Memorandum on creating a system of managing a Smart City project.

Russian Scientists Develop Dyes for Solar Cells

South Ural State University researchers are developing new dyes for solar cells. The improved structure of dyes helps to obtain 10% more energy than it is obtained at present.

FANK: SUSU to Hold the 4th Contemporary Science Film Festival

The fourth Contemporary Science Film Festival (FANK), where films about science will be screened, is to be held at SUSU December 2nd through December 6th. The event is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation  and aims at promoting scientific-research activity among students.

100 Istorii Uspekha Student Union Movement Celebrates Its Centenary

The Student Union Movement in Russia celebrates its centenary. On December 2, at 5:00 p.m. the Festival of 100 Istorii Uspekha (100 Success Stories) Primary Student Union Organisations of the Ural Federal District universities will be held in Chelyabinsk at the Malachite Congress Hotel as part of the celebration of the Year of the Student Union Movement.

“Young’s Modulus” Student Team Participated in the 10th International Natural Sciences Tournament

The Tenth International Natural Sciences Tournament was held in Saint Petersburg. It is a team competition between students from European universities solving scientific problems in physics, chemistry and biology, which are usually published beforehand.

SUSU International Students Win Five Awards in Burevestnik Fight Team Grappling Competitions

International students from South Ural State University won several awards at the Burevestnik Fight Team, Chelyabinsk Open Cup in Grappling, which is a type of martial arts combining the techniques of all wrestling disciplines.

Grappling is a combined wrestling, which includes all advantages of the separate wrestling disciplines to set the most effective and useful combat rules without striking. Grappling has more permissible techniques than other types of wrestling. The competition was organized by Burevestnik Fight Team.

“Everlasting Experience”: SUSU Students Told about Studying Abroad

Students of South Ural State University have an excellent opportunity to gain professional experience abroad, studying under exchange programs. And some of them have decided to share their impressions about it.

Alexey Texler and SUSU Staff Discussed Development of Regional Eco-Standard

The Governor of our region Alexey Texler held an extended session of the Coordination Council for ecological issues on November 22. The representatives of the SUSU Institute of Law took part in this event.

Environmental experts, manufactures and representatives of regional authorities considered the problem of ecological standard development for the region and discussed the project of technical requirements in details.

“Continuing Education”: International Forum Held at SUSU

On November 22nd, the Continuing Education international forum was held at South Ural State University. The event was organized by the SUSU Institute of Open and Distance Education.

This forum, dedicated to continuing education in Russia and around the world, brought together staff and researchers from universities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, and China.

Two events were held within this forum:

SUSU and QS Representatives Discussed Promising Projects and Promotion in Rankings

A seminar and strategic sessions on the discussion of promotion of the university research in the global space and improvement of its position on ranking lists were held at South Ural State University during the visit of Jacques de Champchesnel, QS Company (Quacquarelli Symonds) consultant.

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