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Projects in Advertising and Public Relations by the IMSSH Follow the Communication Trends of 2020

In the current conditions of dynamic development in the communications market, in their turn caused by the strengthening competition in many industries and markets, the main trends in organizing advertising and company promotion technology are the merging of digital and physical environments, building of truly multi-channel communications, optimizing of investments in digital channels using artificial intelligence, and examining of interaction with clients seen as the main process ensuring companies’ competitiveness and survival in the near future and long term.

SUSU to Hold the 5th International Conference on the Issues of Economic Security and Customs Regulation

February 27th through February 28th the 5th International Science-to-Practice Conference on the Issues of Economic Security and Customs Regulation: Search for Efficient Solutions will be held in Sigma Conference Hall of South Ural State University for scientists, postgraduates and representatives of entrepreneurial organisations.

SUSU Hosts On-Line Conference on Digital Law

The SUSU Institute of Law together with the Faculty of Law of the University of Gdansk, Poland, held an on-line round table on Law in the Context of Digital Transformations.

Russian Scientists Developed “Smart” Chair for Correcting Schoolchildren's Posture

Scientists from South Ural State University have developed a “smart” chair, which allows to form correct body posture from childhood and thereby prevent many diseases. At the moment, this development has no analogues in the world.

SUSU Students Can Study in Slovakia

Submission period for applications for studying and taking advanced training courses in the Slovak Republic for Russian students (5 months), postgraduate students and research and academic staff (up to 10 months) starts.

Tuition is free, a scholarship is paid monthly.

The language of instruction is English.

In order to enter the programme, you need to select university/universities in Slovakia, prepare and send a package of documents for the Russian and Slovak side, after which the candidates will be selected on a competitive basis.

SUSU to Celebrate Students’ Day

South Ural State University will be traditionally celebrating Tatiana Day on January 24. As tradition demands, the Rector of the university will grant three wishes of students.

SUSU Master's Student Won Competition for Participation in the GAIDPARK-WINTER 2020 Discussion School

Master's degree student of the Department of Sociology Nikita Volkov won the competition for participation in the GAIDPARK-WINTER 2020 discussion school. Each year, Yegor Gaidar's charity foundation holds the GAIDPARK Winter Discussion School in St. Petersburg with the participation of leading experts from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Asteroid Safety: School Students Showed Mature Results

South Ural State University’s Asteroid Safety Winter School has wrapped up its work, which involved the participation of Chelyabinsk school students of 10th and 11th forms. On January 10th, the best School engineers were chosen.

Over four days, the participants had to design supports of a spacecraft landing module. The employees and experienced students of the Institute of Engineering and Technology of South Ural State University helped in this difficult task.

SUSU Students Took Part in EcoLaw, an Ecology-and-law Practicum

Students of South Ural State University took part in the 1st Youth Ecology-and-law Practicum, EcoLaw, which was held at the Faculty of Law of Kazan Federal University.

SUSU to Host Science-to-Practice Conference “Smart Technologies in Modern World”

The SUSU School of Economics and Management invites teachers, researchers, specialists, students, Master’s students and postgraduates to take part in the 2nd All-Russian Science-to-Practice Conference “Smart Technologies in Modern World” on February 18, 2020.

Following the results of personal and online participation in the conference, it is planned to publish the collected papers (Russian Science Citation Index).

The registration of the participants is open until February 1, 2020.

“Smart Transport”: SUSU Scholars Developed Traffic and Hazardous Emissions Control System

On the results of the project and analysis session, which took place at South Ural State University in December, a Memorandum on creating a system of managing a Smart City project was signed. The “Smart Public Transport” project group proposed the system of monitoring and optimization of city traffic, as well as controlling the level of hazardous emissions from vehicles.

Scientists improve non-contact diagnostics of diseases in the framework of the Ural REC

Scientists of South Ural State University, as part of a world-class Ural Research and Educational Center (REC), are developing a digital model of a person using infrared (IR) thermography.  It makes possible to accurately assess body fat and diagnose diseases in the future. The obtained data will be consumed for remote analysis of body composition in the project of developing a digital model of an athlete by the International Laboratory of Digital Movement SUSU.

SUSU to Celebrate Students’ Day

South Ural State University will be traditionally celebrating Tatiana Day. As tradition demands, the Rector of the university will grant three wishes of students.

Aleksandr Shestakov: “Industry 4.0 Needs “Digital” Graduates”

Digital industry has been moving into top gear in Russia. The metallurgical industries need new digital technologies and the possibility of total control over all automated production process cycles. In this regard, the key task is to train engineering personnel with digital competencies and skills.

Global Game Jam is Back at SUSU: 48 Hours for Video Games Development

Global Game Jam, a major worldwide competition on computer games development, is to be held for the sixth time at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science January 31st through February 2nd.

The GGJ members have 48 hours to make a team and create a game from scratch on a given topic, together with more than 20 thousand programmers, artists, game designers and those, who simply love computer games, from dozens of countries!

SUSU Scientists Proposed a System for Determining the Level of Air Pollution in Any Part of the City

Scientists of South Ural State University announced invention of an information analysis system which allows determining concentration of polluting substances in the atmosphere online in any point of the city.

Food from Electricity. Does Humanity Need Artificial Food?

Plant milk, eggs that are not laid by a hen, or “plastic” rice are new technologies, which continue to amaze consumers. SUSU scientists discussed the topic “Food from Electricity” at a regular meeting of Gryphon Intellectual Club. The experts in various scientific fields expressed their views on the prospects and possible dangers associated with artificial food.

Useful for Us, and Harmless for Environment

Aleksandr Shestakov: “SUSU Can “Move Fast”

South Ural State University continues to successfully advance in international educational and scientific space. Its positions in the list of Russian universities, participating in the 5-100 Competitiveness Enhancement Program and in other authoritative national and international rankings are constantly improving.

How is it possible to stay on the cutting edge of progress? What is behind the confident answers to the challenges of the times? Aleksandr Shestakov, SUSU Rector, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), reveals the secrets of success.

GIS Technologies Will Help Continuously Monitor the Operation of Agricultural Machinery on Fields

As part of a federal project on digitization of agricultural lands, researchers from South Ural State University cooperated with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk region to create a unified digital platform that reflects information about agricultural land plots. In 2019, it became possible to display all the equipment on a digital map of the fields online. For the first time, a systemic approach to monitoring agricultural objects while utilizing new developments in geolocation and interactive information technologies was applied.

Best SUSU International Students Announced

In December, the finals of the 2019 Student of the Year contest was held. This event gathers together students of South Ural State University. Besides students from Russia, international students were participating in the contest.

Student of the Year is a contest, in which the truly best students of South Ural State University compete in eight categories at once. Despite the fact that the contestants are quite young, they already have many university-related achievements, and their academic record mostly features marks from 4.5 to 5.

"Around the World": SUSU Association of International Students Held Classes for Schoolchildren

International students of South Ural State University conducted an interactive program called Around the World for pupils of the 9th, 10th, and 11th forms from schools of the city of Chelyabinsk.

SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov Wishes Happy New Year

Dear teachers, academic and administrative staff, postgraduates and students!

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! I would like to express my appreciation to an amazing team of our university for understanding and support, achievements in work and science, and for striving to make the university life more interesting and brighter!

SUSU Association of International Students Celebrated New Year

The Association of International Students of South Ural State University celebrated New Year 2020. The holiday was organized for the university’s international students, who could not celebrate Christmas and New Year with their families at home.

Food Safety & Quality Expert: How to Celebrate the New Year

The New Year holidays are coming soon. This is the time when we can afford to relax in every way. And meals is not an exception.

Russian Scientists Created Healthy Biscuit Recipe

Scientists of South Ural State University have developed a new recipe of biscuits enriched with nutritious properties, right for the New Year’s table. The main distinctive feature of the new recipe is that a pumpkin, containing a whole set of biologically active substances, is added.

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