The SUSU School of Economics and Management invites teachers, researchers, specialists, students, Master’s students and postgraduates to take part in the 2nd All-Russian Science-to-Practice Conference “Smart Technologies in Modern World” on February 18, 2020.
Following the results of personal and online participation in the conference, it is planned to publish the collected papers (Russian Science Citation Index).
The registration of the participants is open until February 1, 2020.
The aim of the conference is to discuss economic, financial, managerial, research and engineering, social, environmental and other issues related to implementing smart technologies in all spheres of human life and activities.
Date and venue: the conference will take place in the Sigma Conference Hall of FSAEI HE “SUSU (NRU)” (78в Lenin prospect, Chelyabinsk) on February 18, 2020.
Form of participation: personal or online.
Priority fields proposed for discussion at the conference:
- Financial technologies: industry, financial markets, state administration.
- Smart technologies in the solution of relevant economical tasks.
- Transformation of management systems in terms of digital technologies development.
Requirements for applications and articles. Applications and articles are to be submitted in electronic format until February 1, 2020 to the following e-mail: Ekaterina Starodubtseva (katestar_51209[at]mail[dot]ru). Please, refer to as “conference”. The application should include an article written according to the requirements.
NOTE: One author can submit no more than 3 articles including in co-authorship; articles form students (Bachelor’s students, Specialists and Master’s students) are accepted in collaboration with supervisor.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select the articles on a competitive basis. The collected papers will be published in the Russian Science Citation Index. Publication is free of charge.
Information on the conference: Elena Vaisman (Organizing Executive), vaismaned[at]susu[dot]ru