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Head of the SUSU Academic Writing Office Completes Internship at Higher School of Economics

The Head of the SUSU Academic Writing Office Evgeniya Khabirova took part in an internship at the Academic Writing Centre at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow. The internship lasted for 2 weeks (February 17th through 29th, 2020) and was aimed at providing new professional skills in the development of academic literacy among university staff within the SUSU Academic Writing Office.

Greetings by SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov on the International Women’s Day

Dear colleagues, postgraduates and students of South Ural State University!

Dear ladies!

On behalf of all men of SUSU, our sincerest congratulations to you on the International Women’s Day!

The 8th of March gives us a great chance to express our appreciation of your contribution to the development and prosperity of our university. I thank you for your achievements in science, pedagogical activity, studies, creativity, and sports!

SUSU Military Training Centre Gathered Council for Extracurricular and Discipline Activities

Visiting session of the Council for Extracurricular and Discipline Activities was held at the Military Training Centre of South Ural State University.

SUSU Invites to Take Distance Course on Soft Skills Development

The SUSU Department of Modern Languages invites students to take elective distance course by Norbert Berger, Professor of the Austrian university in Graz: STUDYING SOFT SKILLS WITH NORBERT BERGER. How to position yourself correctly and present your own point of view, how to skilfully and effectively organise meetings, how to get the best out of preparing and holding negotiations? All answers to these questions you will get by enrolling in this free course.

“Technocup”: SUSU Held Olympiad in Programming

The final round of the Technocup Annual Olympiad in Programming for the 8th- to 11th-form students was held at South Ural State University on March 1.

The Olympiad is being held since the 2015/2016 academic year, and Mail.Ru Group is its permanent organizer. According to Viktor Mamin, Deputy Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Technocup Olympiad is the first joint project of Mail.Ru Group, SUSU and general-education institutions of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Department of Russian as a Foreign Language Celebrated Maslenitsa

February 24th through 28th, the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language of the South Ural State University’s Institute of Linguistics and International Communications celebrated the traditional eastern-Slavic holiday of parting with the winter.

SUSU Student Team “Young’s Modulus” Represented the University at the INST International Tournament

The 10th International Natural Sciences Tournament (INST) was held in Warsaw. This is a team competition between university students from around the world to solve previously published scientific problems in physics, chemistry, and biology. Students from SUSU participated in the tournament.

International Conference on Economic Security Held at SUSU

The 5th International Science-to-practice Conference for Scientists, Postgraduates and Representatives of Business Organizations called Problems of Economic Security and Customs Regulation: Searching for Effective Solutions was held at South Ural State University.

SUSU Scientific Library Held Workshop for Academic and Teaching Staff of the Institute of Law

The development of SUSU within the framework of Project 5-100 on the competitiveness enhancement implies a significant increase in publication activity of the university teaching staff. One of the ways to increase the level of publications in Scopus and Web of Science international scientific databases is the constant improvement of efficient scientific search skills. In an attempt to help teachers, the SUSU Scientific Library regularly organizes workshops and master classes with the aim to teach them efficient use of international archives of scientific knowledge.

A World without Language Barriers: We Are All Different, but We Are Together Festival Held at SUSU

The 6th International Festival “We Are All Different, but We Are Together” was held at South Ural State University, with students from many different nationalities participating. The festival was organized by the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications with support from the Sociocultural Adaptation Centre.

Curling Amateur Team of Chelyabinsk Region Took the 3rd Place in All-Russian Winter Games

Sergey Borodin, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Economics of the SUSU School of Economics and Management, Master’s degree-seeking student of the Computer and Mathematical Modelling Department, took part in the 1st All-Russian Winter Games among amateur teams in the curling discipline as part of the South Ural Team from the Chelyabinsk Region.

SUSU and College of Catering and Service Sign a Collaboration Agreement

The delegation of the SUSU Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service took part in a roundtable discussion on Modernization of Consciousness Is the Basis of Reviving National Values and Preserving Uniqueness.

The event was organised by the College of Catering and Service of the Akimat of Nur-Sultan and by the Rouhani Zhangyru Project Office for the City of Nur-Sultan.

Youth Initiative Centre Launched in Chelyabinsk

In the autumn of 2019, the Trade Union Committee of South Ural State University won a grant from the Presidential Grants Fund for the implementation of the project called From Youth Initiatives to Professional Non-profit Organizations (NPOs). As part of the project, a Youth Initiative Centre has already been created, and the first School of Youth NPOs will be held in March.

Delegation from Tajikistan Pays Visit to SUSU to Discuss the Forthcoming Parliamentary Elections

In March 2020 parliamentary elections are to be held in Tajikistan. Within the frameworks of the election campaign, South Ural State University has been visited by a delegation from Tajikistan, the members of which whished to meet their fellow countrymen studying at SUSU.

Postdoc from India Continues Environmental Research at SUSU

Within the framework of Project 5-100 on the competitiveness enhancement, postdocs are actively involved in research in the university. This year Dr. Sudarsu Venkata Ramanaiah, postdoc from India, has joined the team of Synthesis and Analysis of Food Ingredients Laboratory.

SUSU Students to Write Diplomatic Dictation

The Public Chamber of the Chelyabinsk Region invites to take part in the Diplomatic Dictation, which is to be held March 1st of 2020 at several venues in Chelyabinsk, with the support from the Committee for Education of the city of Chelyabinsk. The project partners are: South Ural Association of Volunteers, Youth Assembly of South Ural Peoples, Universal Scientific Library of the Chelyabinsk Region, “Russia Is My History” park, and schools of Chelyabinsk.

SUSU Students Took a Series of Excursions and Lectures at Museum of Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant

Students of the School of Economics and Management of South Ural State University took part in a series of excursions and lectures at the Museum of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant.

Digital Technologies Paving Way to a Smart Country: SUSU at the Smart City & Region Forum

On February 20, 2020 the SUSU delegation took part in the 7th Business Forum “Smart City & Region: Digital Technologies Paving Way to a Smart Country”.

SUSU Invites to Participate in International Conference on Philosophy

The Research and Education Centre of Practical and Applied Philosophy and the Department of Philosophy of the SUSU Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities announce the opening of registration for the 16th International Conference on Philosophical Practice organized by them. The conference will take place in Saint Petersburg on July 28-31, 2020. The topic of the conference is “Philosophical Practice: Self-Cognition through Intellectual Creativity”.

Institute of Engineering and Technology: “The Best among the First 2020!”

The leadership of the Institute of Engineering and Technology is holding a reception for the best first-year students. Nearly 200 freshmen were invited to this ceremony because they passed the first exams session in their lives only with “good” (B) and “excellent” (A) grades, and 56 of them are straight A students.

The event will be held in the conference hall of the Sigma building (78в Lenina Prospect) on March 2nd of 2020

Chelyabinsk Scientists Claim Food Products to Become Alternative to Medicine

The Granada Press media holding is to open a big information project “South Ural: Modern Age Presentation”, the goal of which is to provide the business community, authorities and general public with the opportunities and perspectives of certain sectors of economy of the Chelyabinsk Region. The first sector, to which journalists and experts drew attention within the framework of the project, was the food industry.

First-year Students of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Are Volunteers of Digital TV Connection Program

At the February meeting of the Council of Deputies of Sovetsky District, the Head of the Sovetsky District Vladislav Makarov presented honorary certificates to first-year students of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Aleksandr Mikhalev and Sergei Kachko for their assistance in implementing the digital television connection program in the Sovetsky District of the city of Chelyabinsk.

Candle-flame Imitating Diodes Will Light up Your Mood

Natural sunlight is the main component required for supporting life in plants, animals and people on Earth. To replace natural light, people are successfully using artificial light sources functioning on burning various fuels, or on electricity. Scientists from South Ural State University, jointly with their colleagues from Moscow, have created innovative and safe light-emitting-diode devices.

“Architects as Artists” Exhibition Opened at SUSU

The opening ceremony of Architects as Artists graphics exhibition took place at the Art Gallery of South Ural State University.

SUSU Rises to New Heights in the UniRank Ratings System

South Ural State University continues to improve its standing in the UniRank World University Rankings 2020, rising 271 positions up within this ratings system as compared to the result from last year. In the new edition of the UniRank world rankings, SUSU has taken the 967th place.

Our university is on the 14th place among the Russian universities which feature in the ranking. SUSU rose by 3 places and is confidently in a leading position for our region.

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