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Aleksandr Shestakov: “I Have Always Been Doing More Than Was Required”

Childhood... The time of the first discoveries, achievements and victories. A wonderful time! And a care-free one for many. But the Rector of South Ural State University, deputy of the Chelyabinsk Region Legislative Assembly Aleksandr Shestakov has not had any care-free periods in life, and his childhood was no exception.

Diet during Self-Isolation: How to Cope with Stress Without Harm to Your Health

Due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus, many residents of our country are still in self-isolation. These are mainly schoolchildren, students and teachers, that is, those people who are used to active life style. South Ural State University ensures the successful implementation of the educational process without loss of the effectiveness, using the Electronic SUSU system. However, forced restrictions negatively affect the overall emotional background. Staying in a depression for a long time increases the level of stress. How to cope with it?

SUSU Children’s Online University Organized Vocals Master Class

Students from South Ural State University took part in a series of videos for the Children’s Online University for beginners in various creative spheres.

The SUSU Children's Online University Educational Centre aims to popularize the university’s fields of research, and scientific and engineering creativity among children. The project is totally open to all those who wish to join and offers them access to the content at any time, no matter where they are located.

International Students to Share Experience on Studying at SUSU in Video Format

Now SUSU international students have more opportunities to tell about themselves, they have started a channel on YouTube. In their videos foreign students are ready to share their experience of living in Russia and studying in a Russian university thereby helping students from other educational institutions and even applicants to overcome possible problems.

SUSU Shared on Collaboration with Uzbekistan at Online Conference for University Rectors of Russia

On May 27th, an Interregional Conference for University Rectors of Russia and the Republic of Uzbekistan was held in an online format, and among its participants was the Rector of SUSU, Vice-President of the Russian Rectors’ Union, Chairman of the Council of University Rectors of the Ural Federal District, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor Aleksandr Shestakov.

SUSU to Hold the 7th Exhibition of Scientific, Technical and Creative Works of Students

May 27 through June 3, the annual Exhibition of Scientific, Technical and Creative Works of Students will be held at South Ural State University.

During this week, an expert commission will review the works of exhibitors in an online format to announce the winners and prize winners.

The works are available in the official VKontakte group.

SUSU Recreation Centre Applied for Participation in Russian Student Spring Festival

Every year the creative teams of the Recreation Centre actively participate in a big-scale project that is the Russian Student Spring festival. This year is not an exception. It is clear that under the circumstances the festival is held on-line.

SUSU Institute of Law: Law in Digital Era

For more than 25 years, education in Law has been successfully developing at South Ural State University. The tremendous work performed in the previous years has helped to take it to a new level. Since 2016, the Institute of Law has been a structural unit of the major university in our region.

SUSU Signed Cooperation Agreement with University of Kyrgyzstan

The cooperation of South Ural State University with Osh State University of Kyrgyzstan began in 2015. It was then, on August 18, that the first cooperation agreement was concluded between SUSU and OshSU. On March 27–28, 2019, the universities took part in the Forum of Rectors of Russian and Kyrgyzstan Universities.

International Vector: SUSU Opening Unique Master’s Programmes in Political Science and Management

South Ural State University has launched new Master’s programmes this year which expands the possibilities for development for specialists in the global arena. The unique programmes in political science and management are offered by the Department of International Relations, Politology, and Regional Studies of the SUSU Institute of Linguistics and International Communications.

Efficient Protection for Smart Devices Data Proposed at SUSU

The Internet of Things is a new technology that is being studied at South Ural State University. The concept when several devices are interconnected and can be controlled remotely is popular due to its convenience in modern life. One of the main tasks of specialists dealing with the Internet of Things is to protect data transmitted through a network.

SUSU-TV Won the All-Russian Competition of Student Media Projects

The University's SUSU-TV Television and Radio Company became the winner in the UniverCity all-Russian journalism contest in Moscow. The SUSU-TV's music video took the first place in the Entertainment Video category.

SUSU Library Celebrates its Professional Holiday

The holiday of the staff members of Russian libraries is celebrated every year, on May 27.

Scientific Library of South Ural State University is the biggest university library of the Ural region with a universal hybrid fund in 40 languages and a methodological centre for the libraries of the universities in the Chelyabinsk region, holding more than 2.5 million publications and more than 20 million licensed electronic documents in the web access.

Russian Scientists Improve the Electromagnetic Properties of Materials for 5G Technologies

SUSU scientists continue to study barium hexaferrite. In a new experiment, specialists created material with very high properties of absorption of electromagnetic waves in comparison with those studied before and confirmed its features. An article on the study of the microwave properties of aluminum-substituted barium hexaferrite was published in one of the most prestigious journals of the first quartile, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 

How to Effectively Study and Work Remotely: Recommendations from Specialists

Mandatory self-isolation will continue until May 31st in the Chelyabinsk Region. This means that South Ural State University academic staff and students will continue to work online.

SUSU Held Dota 2 Tournament

Digitalization has been changing our habits, hobbies and activities. Taking the current situation in the world into consideration, tournaments in virtual space have become not only an alternative to ordinary football, but also an independent discipline.

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science: at the Forefront of Advanced Technologies

Would you like to become a high-class professional in instrument engineering, radio electronics, automatic control, information security, computer science and software engineering?

Would you like to design self-driving systems and wireless sensors, to implement smart production technology, which no modern enterprise can do without?

Would you like to analyze terabytes of data, to reveal hidden patterns in complex processes, to work on supercomputers?

Digital Philology: Where to Acquire a Profession in Digital Humanities

Annually, on May 24, our country celebrates the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture, which is a national holiday for our country. On this day, we turn to the origins of our cultural memory, paying tribute to the creators of the Slavic alphabet, to the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Constantine and Methodius. 

South Ural Schoolchildren Earned Trip to the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals from SUSU

Participants in the Odyssey of the Mind international program for the development of creative thinking and team cohesion compete in the online format for the first time. 

SUSU Listed in the TOP 20 Research Productivity Subject Rankings

The Expert Analytical Centre has published the results of subject rankings of the research productivity of Russian universities. SUSU is in the top 20 for several fields of study.

The project “Research Productivity Ranking” was launched by the Expert Analytical Centre in 2016, to provide complex ratings of universities by fields of study (physics, mathematics, economics, chemistry, etc.). The results of this rating show which fields of study are prioritized in universities in the context of the development of their research activity.

An Enrollee from Egypt, Ahmed Hussin: “SUSU is Considered as One of the Largest and Important Universities of Russia”

South Ural State University welcomes foreign university applicants and hopes to register admissions applications submitted by citizens of different countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China, Egypt, Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire, and many other.

Head of the International Student Support at the International Office, Liudmila Lapina, noted that the interest of foreign university applicants to SUSU has significantly increased.

Russian Scientists Study the Geopolitical Ambitions of Countries in the Arctic

Young scientists of the South Ural State University are involved in the development of new research areas. Last year, the Russian Science Fund supported the projects of SUSU scientists within the framework of the competitions “Research by young scientists” and “Research by scientific groups led by young scientists”. Among them, a project to study the role of diplomacy in the Arctic and its contribution to international stability in the world. The study proved the presence of geopolitical ambitions in this region, even among countries that do not have Arctic territories.

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