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Study Language with Best Teachers: Online Summer School for SUSU Students

The CSLM Language Centre of University of Cadiz (Spain) invites SUSU students to take part in online Spanish courses. 


International Students, Who Did a Great Job during the Russia Day Campaign, Were Awarded Prizes

The participants of the “SUSU Russia Day” campaign had to design a white T-shirt with a thematic Russia Day pattern in the “SUSU Colours of Russia” nomination (#КраскиРоссииЮУрГУ), make a photo and send it in as a picture. 

SUSU Philologist Told about Rules of Network Etiquette in Business Correspondence

Continuous communication on the Internet has become a new reality for students and teachers. The Internet has its own rules of conduct, which are called netiquette. A lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities of South Ural State University Alena Tezina spoke about their basic principles.

- Could you please tell us what netiquette is?

SUSU Children’s Online University Offering an Online Fitness Master Class

Students from South Ural State University are helping film videos for the Children’s Online University on various creative topics.

The strength training lesson was held by a certified fitness instructor and specialist on balanced diets, Anastasia Podgornykh.

In the Tretyakovka for Kids course, the coach held a master class on strength training for the audience. This effective 30-minute lesson was dedicated to warming up and working out each muscle. These lessons allow you to put vivacity back into your body and soul!

SUSU Institute of Engineering and Technology Is a Brand

Do you want to learn how to create new materials and alloys, excellent cars, powerful all-terrain vehicles and racing cars, fast planes and rockets, control the energy flows that feed cities and factories? Do you want to become a high-class engineer who is in demand in the labour market? Then your choice is the Institute of Engineering and Technology of South Ural State University, which is headed by Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor Sergei Vaulin.

SUSU in Top 100 of the Best Russian Universities

RAEX ranking agency (RAEX-Analitika) has compiled the ninth annual ranking of the 100 best Russian universities. South Ural State University has taken the 58th place in this ranking.

The universities were assessed based on the analysis of the statistical indicators and results of online surveys among over 61.5 thous. respondents: representatives of academic and scientific communities, students and graduates, and employers. In 2020, 164 universities have taken part in the survey.

Russian Scientists Introduce Digital Technologies into Agriculture

Scientists from South Ural State University studied the use of Enterprise Recourse Planning systems (special software packages for implementing the organizational strategy of production management) in order to identify possible problems and prospects in improving the efficiency of agricultural enterprises using IT. The experience of digital technologies use in Russian and foreign agricultural enterprises was studied and analyzed.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin Congratulated the SUSU Rector on Russia Day

A letter with greetings from the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin came to the address of the Rector of South Ural State University Aleksandr Shestakov. In this letter, the Prime Minister noted that June 12th holds a special place in the history of our country. In addition, Mikhail Mishustin wished Aleksandr Shestakov success in his activity. 

Applicant Consultation Centre Opening at SUSU

Консультационный центр ЮУрГУ

On June 20th, South Ural State University will open an Applicant Consultation Centre. The Centre will answer questions from upperclassmen and their parents online every day.

The Consultation Centre will offer online chats and answer letters from students and their parents. This will allow applicants to more accurately choose their major and submit their documents properly.

Self-education in Self-isolation: Read Bestsellers of French Literature

The French literature is the oldest in Europe. Throughout its development, it has been characterized by a close relationship with the historical process and social development, as well as deep interpenetration with other arts.

Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service: Reach Professional Heights Together with Us!

You cannot imagine your life without achievements in sports? Wish to become a high-class specialist in the field of tourism and restaurant service? Or maybe you dream to become an interior designer and create your own style? If so, you are welcome to the Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service of South Ural State University.

SUSU Has Held a Flashmob to Celebrate the Russia Day

On June 12th our country celebrates the Russia Day. Shortly before the festivities a patriotic flashmob was held at South Ural State University.

The SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov shared on why it had been decided to celebrate this holiday in this manner this year.

Online Challenge on the Russia Day Has Wrapped up at SUSU

The most active participants of the “SUSU Russia Day” campaign have been marked in the “SUSU Colours of Russia” nomination #КраскиРоссииЮУрГУ, which was launched on June 6th.

SUSU Students and Academics Sang the Anthem of Russia

To participate in the online event, it was necessary to sing the full version of the anthem of Russia to the backing track, record it and send the video to the organizers’ e-mail.

Among the participants were also the SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov, directors of the institutes and schools, as well as students and academics of the university. 

On the Russia Day, the SUSU-TV Television and Radio Company is ready to present the final video.

SUSU International Students Celebrated Russia Day

The Russia Day is a great holiday. It is important for everyone in its own way. SUSU international students believe that Russia has become their second home, that is why June 12th is a special day for them.

Previously on this topic: 

Student from China: Studying at South Ural State University is My Greatest Advantage

One of the leaders of Russian higher education – South Ural State University (SUSU) – is located at the border of Europe and Asia, in Chelyabinsk.
Nowadays 420 Chinese students are successfully studying at SUSU. The most popular programs chosen by Chinese students are International Relations, Philology, Linguistics, Economics, Mechatronics and Robotics, Power Engineering.

An International Team of Scientists Works to Reduce Energy Consumption on Face Milling of Steel

Политехнический институт ЮУрГУ

Scientists at South Ural State University conducted several cutting experiments and determined the optimal modes of milling steel to reduce cost and power consumption, and increase the efficiency of the process. Scientists in collaboration with foreign colleagues for the first time established the relationship of three factors of face milling of carbon steel workpieces to create resource-saving technologies.

Postgraduate Student from Tajikistan Told Why He Chose SUSU for His Research Activity

Шахбоз Кодиров

The potential of South Ural State University is so high that citizens of not only Russia, but also of the neighbouring CIS countries and far abroad, including the Republics of the former USSR, want to get an education and perform research activities here. One of such enquiring minds is a postgraduate student Shahboz Kodirov, a native resident of Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.

SUSU Children’s Online University Organized an Online Painting Master Class


Students from South Ural State University are helping record videos on various art topics for the Children’s Online University.

The lesson on painting was held by student of the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction, winner of the “Walls in SUSU” contest Irina Pavliuk.

Complicated PTSD in Chronic Stress Experimentally Proven in Russia


The study of chronic stress is the main goal of the International Laboratory of Neurohepatology at South Ural State University. Scientists pay great attention to post-traumatic stress disorder, as one of the consequences of stress. Recently, foreign researchers named a new type of PTSD complex PTSD, and SUSU scientists first introduced its experimental model.

SUSU Strengthens Its Standing in the QS International Ranking


On June 10th, the British ratings agency Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) published its World University Rankings 2021, which included the best universities around the world. South Ural State University maintained its position in this ranking (801–1000) and improved its results in significant indicators, what speaks about the steady development and improvement of the university’s competitiveness.

“The Rector” Film. SUSU-TV Presents a New Major Project

The SUSU-TV Television and Radio Company has completed its work on a big-scale project. A documentary about the Rector of South Ural State University Aleksandr Shestakov has been created. The authors of the project share on how the work on “The Rector” film was being done.

Director of the SUSU-TV Television and Radio Company, the author of the idea and producer Sergei Gordienko:

How to Work and Study Online Productively: What Difficulties Arise from Online Communications

Remote work, study, and communication are still realities of modern life. As long as restrictive measures continue to be upheld, students and teachers will interact only through the Internet. The Head of the Department of General Psychology, Psychodiagnostics, and Counselling of the SUSU School of Medical Biology, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Svetlana Morozova told us about what difficulties this can lead to, and why some students and teachers find it easier to get used to a new form of communication.

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