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SUSU Students Are Invited to Join the Celebration of Youth Day

Youth Day was first celebrated on June 27, 1958. Today the holiday marks its 62nd anniversary.

“My Goal Is to Become a True Engineer”: a Graduate from Congo Spoke about His Studies at SUSU

Many students from around the world are studying at South Ural State University. Each one of them has their own story: some are just starting their journey and preparing documents for admission, while others have already defended their diplomas and are preparing to fulfil their potential as professionals in their chosen field. Despite their different languages, skin colour, and cultural experiences, students make new friends here, overcome difficulties, obtain interesting opportunities to fulfil their abilities in many fields, and so the university holds a special place in their life. I

Students Abroad Are Interested in Master's Programme of the SUSU Institute of Law

The new Master's degree programme in Law and Digital Technologies, applications to which were opened in June this year, has already aroused interest among foreign applicants. 

In this regard, representatives of the Institute of Law sent out invitations to participate in the International Fair of Master's Programmes, which took place online on June 21. Among the other participants were the Universities of York, Aberdeen, Turin, Paris (Sorbonne), and others.

Student of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering on Her Way to Roscosmos

Our web-site launches a Top List column with the stories about outstanding students of the SUSU institutes and schools who have excelled in studies, science, sports, or extracurricular activities, as well as about the university administrative and academic staff members having interesting projects and hobbies.

SUSU is a Multinational University: How Does It Attract Students from Sudan?

South Ural State University is a multinational university, studying in which are students from 56 countries. In SUSU classrooms one can meet citizens of China, Egypt, Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire, and many other countries.

Especially warm relationships have been established between South Ural State University and Sudan: residents of this country proved to be excellent SUSU students, and the leadership of the Republic frequently visits the university for national holidays’ celebrations.

SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction Teaches to Build, Design and Create

Do you wish to become a real creator? Do you want to learn to design and build beautiful houses, theatres, and stadiums? Do you want your creation to make people happy for tens and hundreds of years to come? Then, the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction headed by the Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor Dmitrii Ulrikh, is the right choice for you.

75th Anniversary of Victory Day: Great Literature on the Great War

Marking the 75th Anniversary of Victory Day, the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities has prepared the Great Literature on the Great War series of information materials about writers who went through the war and devoted their works to this topic.

SUSU Medical Centre: Twenty Years of Healing People

Recently, on the Russian Medical Worker Day we have posted an interview with the Director of the SUSU Medical Centre Olga Veselova, where she admitted that medicine was her calling. So, how did the idea of creating a medical institution at our university arise? Lidia Mikhailova, who has held the post of a chief physician in the Centre for almost all these years, is telling us about it.

Let us Sing, Friends! In Honour of the Great Victory, the SUSU Recreation Centre Performs Songs of the War Years

In this new and difficult period, when the whole world has to stay on self-isolation, the students and team leaders of the SUSU Recreation Centre continue to rehearse and prepare online for our country's greatest holiday, Victory Day! The teams of the Recreation Centre have prepared video performances, where they have demonstrated not only their performing skills, but also put in a piece of their soul.

Come and See. Films about War

It is difficult to watch films about war. Difficult and painful. But there are times when we must go and watch, and re-watch them… because we must remember.

This film, shot at the end of the 50s is a product of the Thaw period in the Russian history; it is The Cranes are Flying by Mikhail Kalatozov based on the Viktor Rozov’s play Life Eternal. This film is about people, simple people, whose lives were invaded by war.

Network Etiquette: Rules of Business Correspondence

Since everyone has switched to distance work and schooling, business correspondence has become the most popular means of communication between the academic staff and students. What is the proper way to write e-mails? Can you use smiley-face emojis? And which phases are better avoided? Alena Tezina, a lecturer of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities of South Ural State University gives some tips.

Victory Waltz on the SUSU University Square: Video Archives

For five years, on the May days leading up to Victory Day, students and university staff danced the Victory Waltz on the university square in front of the main building of SUSU, as a dedication to the acts of bravery of Soviet soldiers in the Great Patriotic War. The Waltz, which symbolizes the acts of bravery and the end of the war. The Waltz of our gratitude to the veterans! This year, life has made its own adjustments, and we, preserving the best university traditions, will see our Victory Waltz on the Internet and remember the events of previous years.

Russian Scientists Have Patented a New Design of the Air Filter

Scientists and students of South Ural State University, together with leading experts of partner enterprises as part of the project team, have developed a new filter design for efficient air purification in a closed production cycle, which in turn will significantly reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. A patent for an air filter has been obtained.

SUSU to Hold Online Meeting for Students with Heads of Major IT Companies of Our Region

An online meeting for students and SUSU graduates of IT specialities with the heads and representatives of the major IT companies of our region will be held on June 25th at 12:00. Everyone is welcome to participate.

Aleksandr Shestakov Congratulates Graduates

This year, more than 5000 students have graduated from South Ural State University. All of them are in demand and are highly-qualified specialists in their fields, they are the tower of strength and the future of our country.

Despite all the difficulties related to self-isolation, the now former students have successfully been engaged in science, developing professionally and creatively.

Applicant Consultation Centre Opens at SUSU

The 2020 Admissions Campaign of South Ural State University will be held completely online. The documents can be submitted through the applicants’ personal accounts. To help the future students choose the programme, upload the documents correctly and enrol at the university successfully, on June 20 the Applicant Consultation Centre began functioning, where senior high-school students and their parents can ask questions on an everyday basis. Ivan Sukhikh, director of the Centre, gave more information on the project.

Head of Department of Financial Technology Igor Baev Celebrates Anniversary

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of Financial Technology of the SUSU School of Economics and Management, and a Chairman of the Dissertation Council, Specialty 08.00.05 “Economics and Management of the National Economy” Igor Baev celebrates his 80th birthday anniversary today.

SUSU Admissions Campaign Began: Interview with the First Applicant

On June 20, the SUSU Admissions Campaign began actively functioning. Anton Bubnov became the first applicant of our university. He submitted his documents for the Master’s degree programme in Tourism to the Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service.

We asked the first applicant a couple of questions:

— Please, tell us a little bit about yourself: what you do, what your hobbies are?

Study Rooms in SUSU Dormitories Equipped with Computers

Now, it is so easy for students, who live in the SUSU dormitories, to study online. Each study room in each dormitory has been equipped with computers with webcams and Internet access. At this point, the students will easily sit their exams and defend their qualification and term papers in accordance with the university regulations.

“Medicine Is My Calling!” Interview with the Director of the SUSU Medical Centre

Each year on the third Sunday of June, the nation celebrates Russian Medical Worker Day. In honour of this, we have interviewed the Director of the South Ural State University's Medical Centre Olga Veselova and learned why she one day decided to dedicate her life to medicine, how she became the head of the Medical Centre, and what it means to her to be a doctor.

– Tell us please, why you one day decided to tie your life to the field of medicine?

Student from Yemen Wants to Build a 9-Storey Building

One of the leaders of Russian higher education – South Ural State University (SUSU) – is located at the border of Europe and Asia, in Chelyabinsk. The university is focused on development of large, interdisciplinary projects in the fields of digital industry and artificial intelligence, and carries out research works in the following spheres: Sensors for Industrial Objects; Digital Twins; Energy Conservation; Methods and Means of Information Security; Materials Science; and Ecology.

SUSU Increasing Its Competitive Advantages

South Ural State University was founded on November 2, 1943 under the regulation of the Council of People's Commissars as a Mechanical Engineering Institute. And on December 15, 1943 the university opened. This day is now celebrated as the university's birthday.

SUSU Rector on Talked about Distance Learning in a Live Broadcast on Channel 31

Aleksandr Shestakov, Rector of South Ural State University, spoke on pros and cons of distance learning at SUSU in the Personal Opinion program airing on the Channel 31.

In conversation with Elena Lebedeva, the program host, the Rector of our university touched upon the most important questions concerning the enrolling and educational processes at SUSU during the pandemic:

Russian Scientists Improve Material for 5G Communication Antennas

Ceramics with improved properties are tested by scientists of South Ural State University. The material can be used in duplexers of MIMO antennas for 5G stations, improving their receiving and transmitting properties. The first testing of the samples was successful, but research however has a number of tests ahead, including experiments with varying chemical composition.

Psychologist or Biotechnologist - Choose the Profession of the Future with the School of Medical Biology

Do you want to comprehend the secrets of the human brain and read people like an open book? Are you interested in natural science? Do you agree with the fact that life is chemistry? 

The School of Medical Biology of South Ural State University trains high-class specialists in the field of psychology, biotechnology and food industry.

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