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SUSU Medical Centre on How to Reduce the Spread of Infections

Due to the complex epidemiological situation, the Medical Centre of South Ural State University has given a number of recommendations for students and staff members. These recommendations are aimed at reducing and, subsequently, eliminating the spread of the new infection, as well as other seasonal diseases. Olga Veselova, Director of the SUSU Medical Centre, spoke on how to avoid the disease and contribute to stopping the pandemic.

Why was the sanitary-epidemiological regime reinforced?

An International Team of SUSU Scientists Creates a Cure for Cancer

Within the framework of the 5-100 Project, South Ural State University invites young and promising researchers from different countries. The purpose of the program is to exchange experience between scientists, which allows the University to conduct relevant research in various fields. Scientists from India, Croatia, China, Tajikistan, and Tunisia are at present working at South Ural State University.

Laboratory of Experimental Archaeology of the Eurasian Studies Research and Education Centre Adopts Distance Formats of Working

Despite the worldwide isolation and crises around the globe caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, the Laboratory of Experimental Archaeology of the SUSU Eurasian Studies Research and Education Centre headed by Ivan Semyan continues to actively work on the local and international projects of archaeological reconstruction. Modern online formats allow to keep up fruitful activity remotely.

Learning through Immersion: How International Students Studied Russian with the Sociocultural Adaptation Centre

The week of March 30th through April 4th was announced as a holiday week for students. The Institute of Linguistics and International Communications (ILIC) prepared various interesting events for our university’s international students so that they could spend this time fruitfully.

The Sociocultural Adaptation Centre (SAC) continued its active partnership with international students by offering daily meetings of the Conversation Club, Cinema Club, and 2 cooking master classes.

A PhD from China trained artificial neural network to predict welding quality

Industrial production and welding is really important, since the level of technology in metallurgy, engineering and construction depends on the degree of its development. However, the rapid development of technology requires improving the quality of welding, automating its processes and creating new materials. Therefore, the Department of Equipment and Technology for Welding of South Ural State University finds new areas of research. A scientist from China is studying the use of digital technology to predict the quality of welding.

Arab Culture Day: SUSU International Students Celebrate National Holiday for the Fifth Time

Every year, South Ural State University becomes the centre for celebrating the Arab Culture Day. Arab students introduce the architecture and art of their countries, show presentations with the most famous sights and ancient cities. This year, the students will celebrate the national holiday in a new format.

Scientists of the Ural Region to Create a “Tool” for Determining the Degree of Population Mobility in the Past

Early this April, the results of the Russian Science Foundation contest on Basic Scientific Research and Exploratory Scientific Research Conducted by International Research Teams were summarized. One of the applications by South Ural State University was supported by the foundation. This is the result of long systematic work of a large group of historians and archaeologists on the study of migration in our region.

Electronic SUSU at Work: Director of Institute of Open and Distance Education Talked About Online Education at SUSU

SUSU quickly moved to the distance learning mode. Alexander Demin, Director of the SUSU Institute of Open and Distance Education, talked about the implementation of the process and the way the current situation would affect the development of distance education.

SUSU Resumes Studies from April 06, 2020 in a Distance Learning Format

Beginning from April 06, and following the Decree by the Rector of South Ural State University Aleksandr Shestakov, the educational process shall be resumed in a distance learning format with the use of the system of online studying and distance learning technologies.

Classes will be held online according to the schedule. 

Leonid Sokolinsky: “Chelyabinsk Needs Its Own Skolkovo to Develop IT Technology”

“Nash Chelyabinsk” (Our Chelyabinsk) website introduces a new creative project, which will acquaint readers with Chelyabinsk residents responsible for IT development of the South Ural capital. There are officials and representatives of science, entrepreneurs, who have already achieved success in the field of digital economy, and new businessmen with ambitious IT start-ups.

The Latest Findings of Russian Scientists Will Help to Create New Viral Infection Treatment Drugs

Scientists at South Ural State University, in collaboration with colleagues from Germany and Croatia, have developed a new method for computationally aided drug design, which will create more effective new-generation drugs for treating viruses, including HIV. The results were published in the highly rated journal Future Medicinal Chemistry.

Students of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities to Participate in a New International Research Project

Within the frameworks of the project-based learning, students of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities of South Ural State University are to participate in a big international research project on Visual Styles of Self-representation in Social Media.

SUSU Library in the Period of Distance Working

The Scientific Library of South Ural State University has moved to the mode of distance work. Students can get access to its resources via the Internet.

SUSU Students Can Take Part in Digital Dictation Quiz

Citizens of Chelyabinsk will be able to learn their level of digital literacy online. This year the organizers have added a special block on artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies, and will also offer a separate test for children aged 7 to 13.

Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Holds a Series of Events Dedicated to the 200th Anniversary of Birth of Nikolay Nekrasov

The 200th anniversary of birth the great Russian poet Nikolay Nekrasov, whose significance for the Russian literature cannot be measured, is celebrated in 2021.

In compliance with the Decree by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, “On Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Birth of N.A. Nekrasov”, a number of literary events dedicated to this date will be held in our country.

The SUSU Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities is organizing a cycle of the anniversary-related events.

SUSU Academic Staff Won Vladimir Potanin Foundation Grant

The team of the academic staff of South Ural State University won the 2019/2020 Vladimir Potanin Foundation grant for the Master’s programme teachers.

Textbook on the History of South Ural Region Presented at the History Teachers' Regional Meeting

On March 27th a presentation of a textbook for sixth-form school pupils titled "History of Russia. History of South Ural Region from the Ancient Times through the 16th Century" was held. This presentation closed the Regional Meeting of Teachers of History and Social Science of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Student League of the 8th CASE-IN International Engineering Championship to Take Place at SUSU in Distance Format

The selection rounds of Student League of the 8th CASE-IN International Engineering Championship , one of the projects of the Autonomous Non-commercial Organisation “Russia Is a Land of Opportunity” platform, are to be held at South Ural State University in the in-person/distance and distance formats.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-Induced Damage and Dysfunction of Visceral Organs and Brain

After many years of research, the problem of treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remains unsolved. The main issue is that the current pharmacological treatment for PTSD is not adequately effective and may cause serious side effects. In addition, PTSD has harmful effects on visceral organs, in particular the heart, liver, kidneys, and even the brain. Scientists at South Ural State University have figured out how to alleviate some complications of stress disorder without using medications.

Spring at SUSU 2020: Students Showed Their Talents

Spring at SUSU 2020 Student Creativity Festival took place at South Ural State University March 11th through March 19th.

Spring at SUSU Festival is a traditional event, where each year students of our university show their unique talents in various creative genres.

Selection rounds at SUSU were held March 11th through March 13th. Students performed their numbers in four artistic categories: theatre, music, dance and original genre.

International Students Are Welcome to Visit Online Events on Studying the Russian Language

Dear international students! A free-of-studying week is ahead. And you can spend it with great pleasure and benefit. The Sociocultural Adaptation Centre of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications is waiting for you at online events, where you can improve your knowledge of Russian, which will be of use to you subsequently.

SUSU Celebrated 100 Years since Birth of Legendary Head of Department

On March 21, South Ural State University celebrated 100th anniversary since the birth of Vladimir Vydrin, a legendary Head of the Department of Pressure Metal Treatment (Rolling) at Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute, Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) and the Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.

Relevant Information on the Process of Studying during Distance Learning

Beginning from March 23rd, and following the Decree by the Rector of South Ural State University Aleksandr Shestakov, the educational process moves to a distance learning format with the use of the system of online studying and distance learning technologies.

Classes will be held online according to the schedule. 

“An Idea Is a Sincere Desire to Fulfil Something”: Interview with UMNIK Program Prize-winner

Young scientists from South Ural State University annually take part in the UMNIK program, which supports commercially oriented research and engineering projects. One of the prize-winners is Mikhail Ilyushenkov, who presented his project on the CASE Platforms for Corporate Software Development back in 2012.

SUSU Psychologist Gave Advice on How to Work Effectively at Home

Fighting against the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection has required serious measures. Russia cancelled mass events and our universities moved to distance learning. South Ural State University is no exception. At the same time, students and teachers have to get used to new working conditions and cope with the anxiety due to the "Wuhan virus".

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