On November 17-19, 2020, South Ural State University will host the 2020 Global Smart Industry Conference.
The conference is held jointly with the digital industry leader EMERSON Corporation, USA; the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO); the International Research and Engineering Society of Instrument Engineers and Metrologists; and the Siberia Section and the South Ural Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
"The purpose of the event is to discuss the achievements of leading universities and research centres in the development of innovative models, methods and technologies for the digital industry, and the experience of their implementation in big transnational and national companies," explains Vice-Rector for Informatization, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor Leonid Sokolinsky.
The conference will bring together digital experts from Russia, Kazakhstan, Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Brazil.
Russian and foreign scientists will discuss the main directions in the field of the digital industry:
- Industrial Robotics;
- Sensors and Their Components;
- Wireless Sensor Networks;
- Digital Twin Technologies;
- Additive Technologies;
- Big Data;
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Industry 4.0;
- Security and Protection of Information in Industrial Networks;
- Cloud and High-performance Computing for Smart Manufacturing.
As a result of the conference, the collected papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore electronic library, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.
In 2018, SUSU hosted the 2018 Global Smart Industry Conference, during which scientists from different countries shared their achievements and experience in implementing solutions for Industry 4.0.The leading enterprises in our region presented their developments in the field of instrumentation engineering and automation, telecommunication services, machine learning methods, as well as solutions for smart cities.