SUSU Institute of Law: Law in Digital Era

For more than 25 years, education in Law has been successfully developing at South Ural State University. The tremendous work performed in the previous years has helped to take it to a new level. Since 2016, the Institute of Law has been a structural unit of the major university in our region. That made it possible to form common standards for scientific and pedagogical activity, to preserve the best scientific, educational and student traditions, to take a leading position in training highly professional lawyers for business and public authorities, attorneys and law enforcement officials.

The consistent development and annual improvement of the educational programmes in Law implemented at the Institute enable students to obtain advanced knowledge in the field of Law, to master unique competencies required for a lawyer in a modern and very dynamic world.

The Institute of Law has powerful facilities and resources, teaching and academic staff to train at all levels of higher education in Law, from Bachelor’s degree programmes to postgraduate studies. Classes for students are held both on the central Campus of the university, and on a separate site, specially equipped for the training of future specialists.

First Steps in the Profession

At present, Bachelor’s degree programme is the most popular and relevant level of education, which is the main and basic stage of training a lawyer, which allows you to enter the professional community and build a successful career.

For the second year now, the Institute has been inviting applicants to full-time and mixed attendance modes of study in the field of Jurisprudence without dividing the groups into profiles. Such an educational model does not limit the employment opportunities of a graduate, but at the same time, the variety of elective courses in the final years of studying helps to consciously choose which field of Law to devote oneself to.

The unique character of mixed attendance modes of study is that students will be able to get a quality higher education with fairly close interaction with teachers within four and a half years. The use of distance educational technologies and a convenient schedule is a great advantage of the Institute from the point of view of vocational-education institutions' graduates, as it gives them the opportunity to combine work and training.

State-Financed Openings for Applicants in 2020

This year, for the applicants to the Institute of Law there are state-financed openings at Bachelor’s degree and Specialist degree programmes:

Full-time mode of study:

  • Jurisprudence (Bachelor’ s degree programme) – 15;
  • Legal Support of National Security – 6;
  • Law Enforcement – 3;
  • Forensics – 3.

Part-time mode of study (Specialist degree programme):

  • Legal Support of National Security – 11;
  • Law Enforcement – 11.

Specifically-designed Courses

In 2020, a new educational programme “Law in Digital Technologies” has been developed at the Institute of Law as part of an elite Bachelor's programme based on the best practices of the leading Russian and foreign law schools, meeting the demand of employers for specialists who are fluent in a foreign language, are well-versed in information technology, aim at working in digital economy, and have the knowledge necessary for legal work with foreign partners.

The cooperation with the key Russian and foreign employers, the high scientific and pedagogical potential of teachers and researchers of the Institute help to include specifically-designed courses in the programme, including “Legal Regulation of Biomedical Technologies”, “Cybercrime”, “Use of Digital Technologies in Crime Investigation”, "Legal Regulation of Aerospace Industry."

The interdisciplinary programme is unique as it helps students to choose the courses and modules that are useful in further professional activities individually, to build their own educational and research path.

From the first year till graduation, the participants of this educational model take advanced foreign language courses, what helps them to expand the horizons of the future professional activity significantly and to be able to work in foreign law companies successfully.

In addition, just having started the classes, they are immediately engaged in the research work and have the opportunity to participate in prestigious research and educational events. Throughout the entire period of training, not only the most experienced leading teachers of the Institute, but also representatives of the professional legal community work with these students.

Project-based Learning

Since 2018, project-based learning has been implemented for Bachelor's degree students at the Institute. This year, the educational project “Protecting the Rights of Lawyers” is being completed; within this project six students write a team final qualification work commissioned by the regional Law Chamber.

In 2019, two more projects were launched. The first one, “Legal Regulation of Digital Assets”, is part of the big legal university research and educational project “LegalTech. Legal Regulation for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence”. The second one, “Environmental Compliance”, is a significant component of the university's Ecology project, which is relevant for our region and our country.

In fact, all students of the Institute participate in project-based learning, attending elective courses, choosing innovative topics for term papers and final qualification works.

Once You Complete the Bachelor’s Degree Studies

Bachelor's degree students will be able to continue their studies in full-time, part-time or mixed attendance mode only on a contractual basis in the updated Master’s degree educational programmes developed on the basis of a thorough system analysis of the labour market needs and with the direct participation of the key employers: “Administrative Law and Administrative Process”, “Legal Support of Economic Activity”, “Criminal Law and Procedure”.

Openings available: Jurisprudence, full-time mode – 15, Jurisprudence (in English), full-time mode – 15; Jurisprudence, mixed attendance mode – 15, Jurisprudence (in English), mixed attendance mode – 15, Jurisprudence, part-time mode – 60.

Both Law Bachelors and Bachelor’s and Specialist degree graduates from other fields of training can study in the Master’s degree programmes.

When enrolling to a Master’s degree programme, as a rule, the applicants choose their Master's degree programmes according to the specific field of jurisprudence in which they plan to work, or to fill the positions for which a Bachelor's degree level of education is not enough.

All Master's programmes are interdisciplinary, the education system is focused on the modern requirements for various types of professional activity: law-making, law enforcement, expert consulting, organizational-and-management, research, and pedagogical ones. The content of the programmes complies with the requirements of the law enforcement practice and meets the modern standards of a lawyer.

In 2020 the Master's programme “Law and Digital Technology”, developed as part of the legal research and educational project LegalTech, will be an absolute novelty, and not only for our region. The education will be conducted in Russian and English, in full-time and part-time modes.

The programme is adapted for teaching Russian and foreign students, focuses on advanced knowledge in the field of jurisprudence related to the digitalization of various spheres of life. Its significant advantage is its multi-aspect and comprehensive nature, which guarantees the acquisition of knowledge in the field of international and comparative law by Master's degree students.

The quality of the educational programme is ensured not only by unique courses, but also by the people who will teach, these are associate professors, professors, researchers of the Institute, Russian and foreign scientists who conduct their own research or participate in team research projects in the field of legal regulation of digitalization processes.

Specialist Degree

It is no secret that the trend of legal education in the last few years is a Specialist degree programme. This year, the Institute will continue admission to the specialty “Legal Support of National Security” in three educational innovative and practice-oriented specialisations:

State legal specialisation is aimed at providing the skills in various fields of state and municipal administration and the implementation of the functions of control and supervision activities. In the Ural Federal District, no university has such educational programmes with a unique set of courses and competencies.

Civil legal specialization focuses on the legal activities of the graduates in the digital economy both in government, the judiciary, and in the real sector of the economy.

Criminal legal specialization provides fundamental professional training for specialists who are in demand in the field of prevention, disclosure and investigation of crimes, protection of the rights of participants in criminal proceedings, and strengthening of the rule of law.

In the field of study "Law Enforcement ", the specialisation "Administrative Activities" is retained, focused on serving in law enforcement bodies after graduation.

This year, admission to the specialisation “Examination of Substances, Materials and Products”, specializing in “Forensics”, exclusive to the Ural Federal District, will be continued. This field of education is actively developing at the Institute, since SUSU has a powerful material base, state-of-the-art equipment in the world-class laboratory complex. For the implementation of this programme and the effective entry of graduates into the professional expert environment, the Institute has established the Expert Technology Research and Education Centre, in which students have the opportunity to take practical training and internships.

Where Are the Institute of Law Graduates in Demand?

For applicants and their parents, the issue of employment is among the most relevant ones when choosing a field of study. At the Institute of Law, it is solved thanks to many years of successful cooperation with the key regional employers, including government and local authorities, law enforcement and judicial authorities, as well as successful dynamically developing enterprises of our region and their associations, such as the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Chelyabinsk Region, South Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry. At present, more than a hundred cooperation agreements have been concluded with these organisations. As a rule, students choose the place of their future work already during their internship.

Employers are actively involved in the development and implementation of educational programmes, so the Institute can very clearly navigate the new segments and trends of the changing labour market. The Association of Lawyers of Russia highly appreciated such close cooperation between the Institute and enterprises and organisations: in 2017, the SUSU Institute of Law successfully passed professional and public accreditation for Bachelor’s and Specialist degree educational programmes; and in 2019, for the Specialist degree programmes.

Graduates of the Institute become judges, court staff, and lawyers, officials in law enforcement, investigative units, law companies, legal services and departments of various organisations. The Institute even sometimes has difficulties when the number of the graduating trained specialists is not enough to fill for all the vacancies offered by employers.

The Institute does not lose touch with the graduates, even with those who have left for other cities. Over the many years of work, so many lawyers have been trained that now graduates have become representatives of employers themselves. That is, the cooperation in this direction is developing quite positively, and the opinion on the overabundance of lawyers in our country does not apply to graduates of the SUSU Institute of Law.

Laws Are Interesting!

For those students who want to connect their further professional life with science, the Institute has all the possibilities for that. There are postgraduate studies and participation in scientific events and forums not only in Russia, but also abroad. The Institute is very actively cooperating with academic foreign partners from Germany, China, Finland and the CIS countries as well.

Over the past year, the Institute’s list of friends included colleagues from Slovenia (University of Maribor), Great Britain (University of Chester), Poland (University of Gdansk), and Italy (University of Bologna and the European Law Students’ Association).

Students of the Institute actively participate in international student competitions and model trials (mootcourt), for example: the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition; Shanghai International Air Law; Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court in Vienna.

Only over the past year, students took part in a number of scientific and educational events of an international level, including: student exchange programs with Xi'an University, China; the Law and Digital Technology conference as part of a cooperation agreement with the European Law Students’ Association; the international online round table “Medical Law of Germany”; the international forum “Criminalistics and Forensics in the Context of Digitalization”; the International Student Online Round Table “Cross-Border Problems of Entrepreneurship”; the online conference “Law in Digital Transformation”, jointly with the Faculty of Law of the University of Gdansk; International Olympiad for students of legal clinics "Professional Skills of a Lawyer."

Closest scientific and educational ties are developing with leading Russian law universities and faculties, such as Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Ural State Law University, Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University; and almost all universities are participants of Project 5-100. It helps the Institute to keep up with the trends in educational innovations, and contributes to improving the quality of education.

To form professional competencies, all educational programmes provide for regular communication with lawyers in force: professionals conduct master classes, trainings, and participate in model court sessions. Students can consolidate their knowledge and skills through practical training and internships.

This way, graduates of the Institute begin to work as successful specialists. Many, while still studying, get employed according to the profile of the educational programme, and combine study and work, reinforcing theory with practice.

For those graduates who plan to devote themselves to scientific activity having received a Specialist or Master’s degree diploma, opportunities are also created: any educational programme provides for research activities throughout the entire period of study. You can continue your studies at the postgraduate programme of the SUSU Institute of Law.


Institute of Law web-site

  • Elena Titova, Director of the Institute of Law

Tel.: 8 (351)-267-90-34, titovaev[at]susu[dot]ru

  • Irina Beliaeva, Deputy Director of the Institute of Law

Tel.: 8(351)-267-92-30, beliaevaim[at]susu[dot]ru

  • Natalia Tkacheva, Deputy Director of the Institute of Law

Tel.: 8(351)-272-31-38, tkachevanv[at]susu[dot]ru

  • Viktoriia Kochetkova, Head of Student and Academic Service of the Institute of Law

Tel.: 8(351)- 267-99-73, kochetkovavm[at]susu[dot]ru


Contact person: 
Viktoriia Kochetkova, Head of Student and Academic Service of the Institute of Law Tel.: 8(351)- 267-99-73,
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