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Yesterday – students, today – professionals: SUSU hosted graduation-2024

On June 29, South Ural State University hosted a solemn congratulation ceremony for graduate students on the university square in front of the main academic building. About 4000 people graduated this year including about 400 international students. The innovation of this year was the awarding of graduates of the ISTaS Multidisciplinary College.

SUSU students became winners of the international Engineering Championship

From May 28 to May 30, Moscow hosted the final of the International Engineering Championship “CASE-IN”, in which our team “660 C”, consisting of students of the Institute of Engineering and Technology became the winner of the student league in field of metallurgy.

More than 300 students from Donetsk to Komsomolsk-on-Amur, as well as 150 representatives from CIS countries took part in the final defense of the projects of the winners of the qualifying and semi-final stages. The theme of the final was the direction of “Lean production”.

There will be no more puddles and dirt on the roads. SUSU scientists have developed a unique sorption concrete

The new concrete, which improves the quality of the environment, was developed by specialists of the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction. When creating an innovative material, scientists focused om obtaining a product with unique properties and low cost. The new sorption-active concrete is made on the basis of industrial waste – overburden rocks of the magnesite deposit (Satka), containing magnesite and dolomite in its composition. The latter is less used in industry and it is stored in dumps.

On the twelfth of June, the country celebrates Russia’s national day

On the twelfth of June, the country celebrates Russia’s national day – a holiday for all who love their Homeland and are proud of it. Since its foundation, the Military Training Center at South Ural State University has been tirelessly educating patriots and preparing young people to defend the Fatherland. There are many officers with combat experience among the teachers and staff. One of them is the Deputy head of the SUSU Military-political department, Colonel Alexander Shkrebtiy.

“Money lies and waits for good projects”

The Head of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Activities of SUSU wanted to become an engineer as a child. But the craving for research, inherent at the genetic level, won out. He knows the value of ups and downs. He knows hot to explain complex thing in simple words. At his alma mater, Leonid Shipulin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, survived the “meat grinder”, met his love, became a “smart guy” and found his vocation. We talk about criticism and perseverance, about “magic impulses” and praise. And also about the beautiful and terrible in science.

Student-2024: combine study and work

Each year we are having conversations with Institute of Open and Distance Education graduates from all over the world to know why did they choose one or another field of study and online learning. In this interview our main character is Anna, juridical alumnus. She told us about her experience of studying and choosing the specialization.

- Please, Anna, tell us about yourself.

Three master's programs are launched at the Heart of the Urals AES

In September, South Ural State University will begin training highly qualified engineering personnel on the basis of an advanced engineering school of engine building and special equipment “Heart of the Urals”. Three master’s degree programs have been developed for university graduates: ”Engines for sustainable development”, “Digital twins in engine building and transport engineering” and “Robotics and mechatronic systems”.

The Book of SUSU Scientists in Modeling in Technology and Economics Released in Switzerland

In May 2024 magazine «Mathematics» of international publishing house MDPI released collective monograph «Mathematical Modeling of Engineering and Socio-Economic Processes and Systems», devoted to elect achievements of SUSU scientists.

An extensive book in hardcover is published as a special issue of the Mathematics, included in the top 10 by version Web of Science, and therefore the results of Ural scientists will become famous globally. With every day, the number of accesses to the electronic version of the book, which is free to access, is steadily growing.

Chelyabinsk Scientists Are Creating a Semiconductor of the Future

Fundamental research is being conducted at the Crystal Growth Laboratory of the SUSU Institute of Engineering and Technology to create a new material that can replace traditional semiconductors. Scientists have taken the long-known barium hexaferrite as a basis and are trying to replace iron with indium in its composition.

SUSU Entered Top 50 Best Russian Universities According to RAEX

On June 19th, the analytical agency published the 13th annual edition of the "100 Best Universities in Russia" ranking. This ranking is part of the international project "Three University Missions".

Places in the ranking are awarded both according to statistical indicators (quality of education, scientific research, etc.) and according to the assessments of more than 130 thousand experts - from students to professors.

In 2024, South Ural State University took the 49th place, thus climbing from the Top 100 to the Top 50 best universities in our country.

SUSU Scientists Will Have Access to SKIF Synchrotron

A delegation of SUSU scientists headed by the first Vice-Rector of our university Anton Korzhov visited Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute (NETI) and took part in a round table dedicated to the creation of an interuniversity association of users of the SKIF synchrotron. This means that SUSU researchers will have the opportunity to conduct experiments using this equipment.

Sharing Experience and Plans for the Future: SUSU Welcomed a Delegation from Chinese University

On June 18th, a delegation from Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics visited South Ural State University. The purpose of this visit was to communicate with Chinese students and discuss plans for cooperation.

Chelyabinsk Mathematician Built a Growth Forecast for Global Potato Market until 2027 Using Time Series Analysis

A researcher at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Mostafa Abotaleb together with his co-authors from India, Syria, and Egypt, proposed a methodology for forecasting the growth of the world potato market based on time series analysis. The result was published in the famous international journal Potato Research, included in the first quartile of Scopus.

“Trans-Ural Chicago”. SUSU Students Collected Materials about Chelyabinsk of the Early 20th Century

Students of the SUSU Department of Linguistics and Translation conducted a research on the image of the city of Chelyabinsk at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries using a corpus of local historical texts.

The research was conducted within the framework of a state order from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the topic of “Examining the Region in the Context of Global Historical Connections Using Methods of Digital Humanities”.

School of Economics and Management at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2024

On June 8, 2024 representatives of the School of Economics and Management took part in the Youth Day within the frameworks the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) at the Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Centre in St. Petersburg.

Russia Day Celebrated at SUSU

Various educational and entertainment events were held at South Ural State University.

The holiday started with a “Dialogue on Equal Terms”, at which the Chairman of the Student Union Fedor Borodin spoke with students on the youth policy of our country.

“We should hold a series of similar events so that young people know about the opportunities for their self-fulfilment in Russia. After all, there are a huge number of tools to support initiatives and development of competent professionals and personalities with skills in various fields,” said Fedor Borodin.

Press Conference Dedicated to UIREC Work Held at TASS Press Centre in Yekaterinburg

The TASS Press Centre in Yekaterinburg hosted a press conference dedicated to the work of the World-class Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre (UIREC) for Advanced Industrial Technologies and Materials, which was attended by the Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation, Director of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Aleksandr Gollai, acting as the regional coordinator of the UIREC for the Chelyabinsk Region.

SUSU Advanced Developments Presented to the Deputy of the State Duma

Sergery Morozov, deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Head of the United Russia faction, visited South Ural State University on May 31st. During his visit, advanced developments and projects by our university were demonstrated to him.

President of the Russian Federation Awarded the Hero of Russia Medal to SUSU Alumnus

On May 30th, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin conferred honorary awards and titles, as well as badges of merit to more than 30 distinguished citizens of Russia. The Hero of Russia Medal and the Honorary Title Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation were awarded to five people, including to the alumnus of South Ural State University, cosmonaut Dmitry Petelin.

Chelyabinsk Student Teams Gave a Start to Anniversary Labour Season

On May 30th, the opening of the third labour semester of student teams of the Chelyabinsk Region took place on the square in front of the monument to Kurchatov. More than 700 people took part in the ceremony. This opening is a symbolic start to the working life of students of the South Ural region.

Factcheck.RU: Results of Project-based Learning for Master's Students at Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities

Groups of Master's degree students СГ-116 and СГ-216 of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations at the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities have summed up the results of project-based learning this academic year. As part of the Factcheck.RU project, Master's degree students worked on collective and individual fact-checking materials devoted to pressing, socially significant topics.

SUSU Startup Club Summed Up the Results of the First Season

The first season of the SUSU Startup Club wrapped up on May 22nd. From January through May, the Startup Club had organized more than 20 events, such as trainings of entrepreneurial competencies, master classes by experts, consultations on filling out applications for participation in grant contests, participation in conferences and project pitches jointly with the My Business Centre and the Skolkovo IT-Park 74 Regional Operator.

Virtual Reality in Projects by Master’s Degree Students of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities

In the course of the academic year and as part of the project-based learning, Master’s degree students of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities study the specifics of VR journalism and create virtual media projects.

Future Engine Constructors Visited Ural Diesel Motor Plant

Within the frameworks of the Heart of the Urals Advanced Engineering School of Engine Construction and Special-purpose Machinery students of the SUSU Department of Combustion Engines went on an introductory excursion to OOO Ural Diesel Motor Plant (Yekaterinburg) – one of the leading manufacturers of high-technology engines in Russia.

SUSU Included in the Top 20 RAEX Rating in Chemistry, Ecology and Other Categories

RAEX Rating is one of the most well-known university rankings, that takes into consideration scientific developments of a university, quality of education, as well as the level of demand for its alumni.

According to the results of 2023, SUSU took the 53rd position, being among the top 100 in the general RAEX rating.

There are also RAEX rankings by subject that determine the leadership of universities in specific areas. The results were summed up and published on the RAEX website in May. And here SUSU entered the top twenty in a number of categories.

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