SUSU Students Learned about the Projects of Magnezit Group of Companies

South Ural Sate University has organized a meeting of the first-year students majoring in Chemical Engineering from the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics with representatives of Magnezit Group of Companies, where they discussed the prospects of joint projects implementation.

Among the event participants was the university Rector Alexander Wagner, who stressed the importance of the interaction between educational institutions and industries. He also noted that such meetings facilitate the development of networking between students and employers and help young specialists understand the labour market better. 

Magnezit representatives shared with the students about their company’s current project called PROFSTART (a practice-oriented program of targeted training of specialists) and about the support that they offer students within the training under this program. The students had a chance to ask questions and learn more about the specifics of working in this industry.

Wrapping up the event, Magnezit representatives invited the students on an excursion to their company and once again specifically mentioned that they are indeed interested in attracting young talents to their enterprise.


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