Secret of Success: SUSU Held Master Class on Ways to Obtain Foreign Scholarships

On October 23rd, a master class by Nitesh Kumar Upadhyay, Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor at the Law Department of Symbiosis University (India), consultant at the SUSU Institute of Law, was held at South Ural State University. 

Nitesh Kumar Upadhyay has numerous fellowships and grants including from such institutions as GAJE (Turkey), ILEC (New York), and HAGUE Academy (the Netherlands). His presentation was devoted to the topic of developing research competencies and career opportunities. 

"I have already visited more than 20 countries of the world, and I visited most of them thanks to scholarships from various foundations, and I am not just bragging, but saying that if I could do it, then you can do it too. You just need a certain level of self-confidence and knowledge of how to fill out all the necessary documents," shared Nitesh Kumar Upadhyay. 

The speaker told the students about the importance of extracurricular activities and professional development, the coordination of academic interests and career goals, shared the basics of composing a resume and writing convincing cover letters for applications for internships at various universities around the world. According to him, it is important to apply for foreign scholarships to several funds at once, then the probability of getting approval for at least one application increases significantly. 

"Your chances of getting scholarships can be increased by publications, participation in various conferences, seminars, and your social activity. For example, if you volunteer and can show how you are useful to society, this will help you a lot. Also, your application for a scholarship can be improved by participation in online courses. This will also be a big plus in the eyes of scholarship funds." 

The students emphasized that the event was very useful, as they learned about the main methods of obtaining foreign scholarships and what qualities are necessary for scholarship funds to choose them. 


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