Teaching Staff of the Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service Participated in “The Big Urals” International Tourism Forum

“The Big Urals” International Tourism Forum opened at the “Domna” Centre for Creative Industries in Yekaterinburg on October 18th. This event brought together experts and practitioners to discuss current issues of tourism development at the regional, national and international levels. Within the frameworks of the forum three panel discussions, strategic and discussion sessions, a master class, a talk show, a case session and a conference were organized.

Teaching staff of the Department of Tourism and Socio-Cultural Service of the SUSU Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service (I. Freinkina, Yu. Syromyatnikova and M. Malyzhenko), who actively share their experience and knowledge about trends in the tourism sector, participated in the event.

At the forum, special attention was paid to the speech by the Head of the Department of Tourism and Socio-Cultural Service Tatiana Tretyakova. She presented a report on the topic of the “Socio-psychological Characteristics of Youth Tourism Organizers” and focused on the role of organizers in forming a positive image of youth tourism and their influence on the general atmosphere of travelling.

The forum has become a major discussion platform for the development of youth tourism, training personnel for the tourism and hospitality industry, developing industrial, medical and health tourism, tourism infrastructure, and excursion activities.

“By continuing to actively participate in such events, we not only strengthen the position of our university in the educational and scientific spheres, but also help promote ideas and initiatives that contribute to the development of tourism in Russia and abroad,” shared her opinion Tatiana Tretyakova.

Teaching staff members and students remain actively involved in the processes that shape the future of the tourism industry, and we feel confident that this forum has opened new horizons for further cooperation and development.


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